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Ex-Republican Officials Call on Biden to Reverse Trump's Morocco Deal

Ex-Republican Officials Call on Biden to Reverse Trump's Morocco Deal

Former U.S. Secretary of State James Baker and former National Security Adviser John Bolton have slammed the Trump administration’s decision to recognize Moroccan sovereignty over the Western Sahara in return for a normalization deal with Israel.They have called on President-elect Joe Biden to reverse the move.Morocco became the fourth Arab state to announce its intentions to normalize relations with Israel as part of the Abraham Accords, following in the footsteps of the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Sudan.“Morocco’s autonomy plan is the only realistic option to achieve a just,...

December 21, 2020
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Pompeo in Jerusalem: ‘Trump Administration Will Continue to Be a Force for Good’

Pompeo in Jerusalem: ‘Trump Administration Will Continue to Be a Force for Good’

The Trump administration will continue to be a force for good all over the world, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told the  wire in an interview published Friday.“America will exert its moral force to be a force for good around the world. And I am very confident that the Trump administration has been, and will continue to be, a force for good not only in this region but in every place where American influence can be,” Pompeo said.During his three-day visit to the country, Pompeo made stops in the Golan Heights and an Israeli settlement in the West Bank, a . He announced the “Made in...

November 22, 2020
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Potential Joe Biden White House Staffer Justified Palestinian Suicide Bombers

Potential Joe Biden White House Staffer Justified Palestinian Suicide Bombers

Joe Biden on Monday tapped longtime Capitol Hill aide Reema Dodin as deputy director of the White House Office of Legislative Affairs. Dodin once justified Palestinian suicide bombers during the bloody Second Intifada.Dodin, the daughter of Palestinian immigrants, said in 2002 that “suicide bombers were the last resort of a desperate people,” according to the .According to the newspaper, Dodin, then a student at the University of California, Berkeley, “described a place where Palestinians are not given fair rights.”“A place where water is so scarce that the Israeli government will...

November 24, 2020
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Danan: From Biden to CNN's Amanpour - Why Liberals Think It's OK to Compare Trump to Nazis

Danan: From Biden to CNN's Amanpour - Why Liberals Think It's OK to Compare Trump to Nazis

Call him a blowhard and a bully, declare him vulgar and vain, just stop the comparisons with Hitler. And Goebbels. And Nazism in general. Stop invoking the Holocaust and Nazi Germany when describing Trump’s America in 2020. Stop it. Failing to do so means you are guilty of the very crimes you accuse Trump of: immorality, spreading lies, false equivalence, and sowing division.From CNN anchor Christiane Amanpour’s claim last week that the Nazi genocide, which kicked off with the Kristallnacht pogrom, was “,” to Joe Biden’s propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels, the net effect of these...

November 17, 2020
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WATCH: Israelis Rally for Trump on Election Eve in Jerusalem Hills, Blast 'YMCA'

WATCH: Israelis Rally for Trump on Election Eve in Jerusalem Hills, Blast 'YMCA'

A caravan of dozens of vehicles supporting U.S. President Donald Trump rolled down the Jerusalem hills in Israel on Tuesday evening, ending with a pro-Trump rally and marking the fifth Jewish “Trump train” worldwide within a week.The caravan, which numbered around 60 cars, left Latrun, home to the strategic fortress that played a huge part in Israel’s 1948 War of Independence, and headed towards the Jerusalem satellite town of Beit Shemesh for a pro-Trump rally attended by around 300 people, including Deputy Mayor Israel Silverstein and head of Republicans in Israel  The...

November 2, 2020
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Pro-Palestinian BLM Rallies in U.S. Call for 'Death to Israel, Death to America'

Pro-Palestinian BLM Rallies in U.S. Call for 'Death to Israel, Death to America'

At pro-Palestinian Black Lives Matter rallies in New York and Washington, chants were heard calling for “Death to Israel,” “Death to America” and “From Gaza to Minnesota, globalize the Intifada!”Several hundred protesters attended the July 1 demonstration in Brooklyn dubbed as a “Day of Rage” event, set to coincide with the earliest date Israel could begin its plans to apply Israeli law over parts of the West Bank and the Jordan Valley.Speakers issued inflammatory rallying cries that ran the gamut from anti-Semitic and anti-American to just plain absurd. One pro-North Korea activist...

July 7, 2020
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NYT: Secret Recording of Iranian FM Reveals John Kerry Told Him About Israeli Strikes in Syria

NYT: Secret Recording of Iranian FM Reveals John Kerry Told Him About Israeli Strikes in Syria

Former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry allegedly informed Iran that Israel had carried out at least 200 covert strikes against Iranian targets, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif revealed in a obtained by the New York Times.According to the Times, Zarif revealed he was often kept in the dark regarding security matters “sometimes to his embarrassment,” and that “to his astonishment,” Kerry, who with Zarif even after leaving office, told him that Israel had attacked Iranian interests in Syria at least 200 times.John Kerry was ratting out Israeli covert operations in Syria...

April 26, 2021
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Report: Biden Admin Demands Israel Stop 'Bragging' About Disabling Iran's Nuclear Facility

Report: Biden Admin Demands Israel Stop 'Bragging' About Disabling Iran's Nuclear Facility

The Biden administration has delivered a “sharp rebuke” to Israel for undermining its position in talks with Iran by its “embarrassing chatter and bragging” about the bomb at the Natanz nuclear enrichment plant, Israel’s Channel 12 reported Friday.Biden officials “sent a message to Israel that chatting and bragging about actions Israel is doing is dangerous, embarrassing and endangers the Americans in negotiations with Iran,” the Hebrew-language said.The U.N. nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency, said that Iran had  — dangerously close to weapons-grade — at an...

April 18, 2021
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WATCH: AOC Incoherent on Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

WATCH: AOC Incoherent on Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Left-wing star Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) delivered a rambling and incoherent explanation last week of how she views the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, drawing comparisons with the treatment of detained children in the U.S. border with Mexico.Asked what steps could be taken to advance peace in the Middle East, Ocasio-Cortez responded by launching into a babbling and indecipherable speech about the “what versus the how.”“I think that when we talk about establishing peace, and centering people’s humanities, protecting people’s rights, it’s not just about the ‘what’ and the end...

April 8, 2021
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Netanyahu: We Will Dearly Miss Great Friend of Israel Rush Limbaugh

Netanyahu: We Will Dearly Miss Great Friend of Israel Rush Limbaugh

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu extended his condolences over the death of conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh in a tweet on Thursday, calling him  “a great friend of Israel.”“I send my heartfelt condolences to the family of Rush Limbaugh,” Netanyahu wrote. “He was a great friend of Israel and he stood by us through thick and thin, always firm, never wavering. We shall miss him dearly,” Netanyahu said.I send my heartfelt condolences to the family of Rush Limbaugh. He was a great friend of Israel and he stood by us through thick and thin, always firm, never wavering. We...

February 18, 2021
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