David Marcus
David Marcus
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It sure looks like the FBI was gunning for Mike Flynn

It sure looks like the FBI was gunning for Mike Flynn

Perhaps no figure in the Trump universe better exemplifies the struggle between his administration and those who’ve .Flynn was an early takedown by Robert Mueller’s investigation into alleged Russian collusion in the 2016 election. In 2017, the ex-general pleaded guilty to lying to investigators looking into the matter. He has since sought to revoke that plea, and a bombshell that dropped Wednesday shows why.Documents released by the Department of Justice include handwritten notes in which FBI operatives suggest their goal in interviewing Flynn might well be “to get him to lie so we can .”...

April 30, 2020
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Why Cancel Culture May Only Make Racism Worse

Why Cancel Culture May Only Make Racism Worse

ShareIn the Washington Post, Philip Bump that we should all calm down about Dr. Seuss. He supports the decision by the children’s author’s estate to stop publication of a handful of his books with allegedly racist imagery.I say allegedly because, as I have about before, our society has at least two competing definitions of what racism is. The more traditional one requires intent. The newer one does not. There is no way to know if Seuss intended to cause harm with the images, so it is a matter of opinion, not objective fact.The thrust of Bump’s broader argument is that if you oppose stopping...

March 3, 2021
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Liz Cheney Must Explain Why She Thinks The GOP Is A White Supremacist Party

Liz Cheney Must Explain Why She Thinks The GOP Is A White Supremacist Party

Liz Cheney has defamed tens of millions of Republicans as white supremacists. I want to see her evidence.ShareRep. Liz Cheney seems to think the Republican Party is the party of white supremacy. She is so convinced of this that she feels the GOP needs to make clear this is not the case. CNN and other progressive outlets could barely contain their joy. Here is how the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party down in Atlanta covered Cheney’s remarks: “In a speech on Tuesday in Washington, Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney said something remarkable.”“It’s very important, especially for us as Republicans,...

February 24, 2021
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Senate Hearing On The Capitol Riot Exonerated Trump

Senate Hearing On The Capitol Riot Exonerated Trump

Tuesday’s testimony made perfectly clear that Donald Trump did not incite the Capitol riot.ShareThe Senate held its first hearing on Tuesday that looked into the January Capitol riot. The biggest takeaway from the testimony was a miscommunication among Capitol Hill police that left an intelligence report suggesting violence was being planned against the seat of government ignored. But we learned something else as well. We learned it is absurd to claim, as Democrats and some Republicans have, that Donald Trump incited the riot.The key testimony came from former House Sergeant at Arms Paul...

February 24, 2021
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There Is No GOP Civil War

There Is No GOP Civil War

ShareIn the film “Wag The Dog,” Robert De Niro plays a political fixer who produces a fake war to save a president from a scandal. In one seminal scene, William H. Macy plays a CIA operative who tells De Niro’s character that there is no war. But the fixer has an answer; he says of course there is a war, because he is watching it on TV. We find ourselves in a similar place on  the supposed Republican civil war in the wake of the non-leftist Capitol riot.Let’s be perfectly clear: there is no civil war in the GOP, no major schism, no two sides battling for control of the party of...

February 20, 2021
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The Reform Party Roots Of The New GOP Are Its Future

The Reform Party Roots Of The New GOP Are Its Future

ShareThere is supposedly a schism in the Republican Party. You see it on TV, you read about it in the legacy conservative journals, and you see it discussed at length on social media. It isn’t real, but that doesn’t much matter; it appears to be real, and so it must be dealt with. We are to believe that a power struggle has been engaged between the establishment wing of the GOP led by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Rep. Liz Cheney against the Trump wing of the party, which is nearly everyone else including, importantly, the voters.It is entirely clear that the establishment...

February 18, 2021
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An American 'Truth Commission' Is A Truly Stupid Idea

An American 'Truth Commission' Is A Truly Stupid Idea

ShareThis weekend California Rep. Sara Jacobs told CNN’s censorious scold Brian Stelter that in the wake of the non-leftist Capitol riot the United States needs a “Truth Commission.”Jacobs said Americans have not come to terms with the white supremacist nature of our country’s past, or, as she puts it “the gory and the glory.” All of that, she claimed, culminated with the Qanon Shaman raiding the seat of government with his legion of fringe weirdos. You can hear her full explanation below.Rep. tells that America now needs a “Truth Commission”Stelter: "Do you think the House and Senate...

February 15, 2021
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'Whataboutism' Is A Nonsense Word That Defends Hypocrisy

'Whataboutism' Is A Nonsense Word That Defends Hypocrisy

When someone accuses you of whataboutism, you can be pretty certain you are right and they can’t refute it.ShareWhataboutism is all the rage. It reminds us to be very careful with words one suddenly sees all over the place, ones that were scarcely uttered just a few years ago. The reason for the surge in use is that opponents of Donald Trump, especially those on the right who use whataboutism most, need to defend the ridiculous double standards applied to Trump’s actions and those of the left.The term has reached a fever pitch during the second impeachment of Trump. There is obvious...

February 13, 2021
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Why is Joe Biden Such A Coward On Impeachment?

Why is Joe Biden Such A Coward On Impeachment?

Joe Biden’s feckless refusal to comment on impeachment is exactly who he is.ShareTo hear congressional Democrats and their corporate media allies tell the tale, the impeachment and conviction of former president Donald John Trump (they always use the “John” when they talk about impeachment) is vital to the health and survival of the republic. They argue that these measures are needed to send a message to future would-be despots in the Oval Office that there is accountability. Whatever you make of that, I happen to think it’s a ludicrous pile of hogwash. There is one person with no opinion,...

February 8, 2021
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End New York City’s lockdown now!

End New York City’s lockdown now!

Sometimes, a good rant is all a writer can offer. Bear with me.Last Friday morning, some 3,500 New Yorkers lined up at a Catholic church in Queens to receive free food hours before it even opened, ­according to the New York Police Department. Catholic Charities has reported a 200 percent increase in demand over the past month and a half.By prolonging the coronavirus shutdown long after its core mission was accomplished, Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio have plunged tens of thousands of New Yorkers into poverty.It needs to end. Now.In mid-March, we were told we have to endure a...

May 20, 2020



