Daniel Oberhaus
Daniel Oberhaus
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How to refuel a nuclear power plant during a pandemic

How to refuel a nuclear power plant during a pandemic

Each spring, nearly 1,000 highly specialized technicians from around the US descend on the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station near Phoenix, Arizona, to refuel one of the plant’s three . As America’s largest power plant—nuclear or otherwise—Palo Verde provides around-the-clock power to 4 million people in the Southwest. Even under normal circumstances, refueling one of its reactors is a laborious, month-long process. But now that the US is in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic, the plant operators have had to adapt their refueling plans.Palo Verde is expected to begin refueling one of...

April 5, 2020
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Carmakers want to ditch battery packs, use auto bodies for energy storage

Carmakers want to ditch battery packs, use auto bodies for energy storage

Elon Musk made a lot of promises during last September. Soon, he said, the company would have a car that runs on batteries with to boost their performance and  to lower their price. Its battery pack will be integrated into the chassis so that it provides mechanical support in addition to energy, a design that Musk claimed will reduce the car’s weight by 10 percent and improve its mileage by even more. He hailed Tesla’s structural battery as a “revolution” in engineering—but for some battery researchers, Musk’s future looked a lot like the past.“He’s essentially doing something that we...

November 8, 2020
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Welcome to the era of supercharged lithium-ion batteries

Welcome to the era of supercharged lithium-ion batteries

Gene Berdichevsky believes in batteries. As employee number seven at Tesla, he helmed the team that designed the lithium-ion battery pack for the company’s , the Roadster, which convinced the world to take electric vehicles seriously. A decade later, against your average gas guzzler, but there’s still a large trade-off between the shelf life of their batteries and the amount of energy packed into them. If we want to totally electrify our roads, Berdichevsky realized, it would require a fundamentally different approach.In 2011, Berdichevsky founded Sila Nanotechnologies to . His secret...

February 11, 2020
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February’s Gonna Be a Big Month for Mars

February’s Gonna Be a Big Month for Mars

the United Arab Emirates’ Hope spacecraft is expected to enter orbit around Mars after a six-month, 300-million-mile journey from Earth. It will mark the beginning of a historic month for the Red Planet, which will see three separate national missions enter orbit or touch down on the surface. Two of the countries behind these missions, the UAE and China, will be visiting Mars for the first time; they will become the fifth and sixth countries to pull off that feat, respectively. The third mission, , is expected to become the United States’ 15th mission to successfully orbit or land on...

February 1, 2021
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NASA Is Training an AI to Detect Fresh Craters on Mars

NASA Is Training an AI to Detect Fresh Craters on Mars

End UserSectorSource DataTechnology 15 years, NASA’s has been doing laps around the Red Planet studying its climate and geology. Each day, the orbiter sends back a treasure trove of images and other sensor data that NASA scientists have used to scout for safe and to understand the on the planet. Of particular interest to scientists are the orbiter’s crater photos, which can provide a window into the planet’s deep history. NASA engineers are still working on a ; without the rocks that will help them calibrate remote satellite data with conditions on the surface, they must do a lot of...

January 19, 2021
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The Plan to Build a Global Network of Floating Power Stations

The Plan to Build a Global Network of Floating Power Stations

just a few weeks before the pandemic brought life in the United States to a standstill, Yi Chao and a small team of researchers dropped a slender metal tube into the Pacific Ocean off the Hawaiian coast. After nearly two decades as an oceanographer at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Chao had left the space agency to commercialize a seafaring generator that can harness the limitless thermal energy trapped in the world’s oceans. His company, Seatrec, is based just down the road from his old NASA stomping grounds in Pasadena, but Chao regularly travels to Hawaii to test hardware in the...

January 11, 2021
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The Oldest Crewed Deep Sea Submarine Just Got a Big Makeover

The Oldest Crewed Deep Sea Submarine Just Got a Big Makeover

a gleaming white submarine called Alvin surfaced off the Atlantic coast of North Carolina after spending the afternoon thousands of feet below the surface. The submarine’s pilot and two marine scientists had just returned from , an oasis for carbon-munching microbes and the larger species of bottom dwellers that feed on them. It was the final dive of a month-long expedition that had taken the crew from the Gulf of Mexico up the East Coast, with stops along the way to explore a massive deep sea coral reef that had .For Bruce Strickrott, Alvin’s chief pilot and the leader of the expedition,...

December 21, 2020
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The Next Generation of Batteries Could Be Built by Viruses

The Next Generation of Batteries Could Be Built by Viruses

bioengineering professor Angela Belcher traveled to the White House to demo a small battery for President Barack Obama, who was just two months into his first term in office. There aren’t many batteries that can get an audience with the leader of the free world, but this wasn’t your everyday power pouch. Belcher had used viruses to assemble a lithium-ion battery’s positive and negative electrodes, an engineering breakthrough that promised to reduce the toxicity of the battery manufacturing process and boost their performance. Obama was preparing to announce $2 billion in funding for...

February 26, 2020
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Did QuantumScape Just Solve a 40-Year-Old Battery Problem?

Did QuantumScape Just Solve a 40-Year-Old Battery Problem?

are ever going to fully supplant gas guzzlers on the world’s roads, they’re going to need an entirely new type of battery. Despite in the energy density and lifetimes of lithium-ion batteries, the cells in new EVs still lag behind internal combustion engines on pretty much every performance metric. Most EVs have a range of less than 300 miles, it takes more than an hour to recharge their battery packs, the cells lose nearly a third of their capacity within a decade, and they pose a serious safety risk because of their .The solution to these problems has been known for decades: It’s called a...

December 8, 2020
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The rocket motor of the future “breathes” air like a jet engine

The rocket motor of the future “breathes” air like a jet engine

There's a small airfield about a two-hour drive north of Los Angeles that sits on the edge of a vast expanse of desert and attracts aerospace mavericks like moths to a flame. The Mojave Air & Space Port is home to companies like Scaled Composites, the first to send a private astronaut to space, and Masten Space Systems, which is in the business of building lunar landers. It’s the proving ground for America’s most audacious space projects, and when Aaron Davis and Scott Stegman arrived at the hallowed tarmac last July, they knew they were in the right place.The two men arrived at the...

June 27, 2020



