Daniel Horowitz
Daniel Horowitz
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Horowitz: The media’s coronavirus con: Would you rather be Florida/Texas or NY/NJ?

Horowitz: The media’s coronavirus con: Would you rather be Florida/Texas or NY/NJ?

Please verifyResetSubmitLike Blaze News? Get the news that matters most delivered directly to your inbox., 65 percent of U.S. adults believe the coronavirus situation is getting worse. On the bright side, given the unanimity of opinion embedded in the incessant media coverage playing on panic and fear – the worst human emotions – it's surprising that number is not closer to 100 percent. On the downside, the media is driving politicians to destroy this country based on a demonstrable lie.From listening to the mindless tropes from fact-free media headlines, one would think that all the...

July 7, 2020
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Horowitz: We can no longer celebrate our independence. We must fight for it again.

Horowitz: We can no longer celebrate our independence. We must fight for it again.

Please verifyResetSubmitThe Fourth of Julyurbazon/Getty ImagesLike Blaze News? Get the news that matters most delivered directly to your inbox.The day was July 4, 1826. As John Adams lay on his deathbed in the afternoon, he uttered his final words: "Thomas Jefferson survives." While in the literal sense, Adams was mistaken because Jefferson had died several hours earlier, in one way he was correct. The work that Jefferson completed on that very day exactly 50 years before – the work Adams helped him craft before the two became archenemies and then friends again – survived another two...

July 3, 2020
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Horowitz: 120 doctors ask JAMA to retract misleading Colombian study downplaying efficacy of ivermectin

Horowitz: 120 doctors ask JAMA to retract misleading Colombian study downplaying efficacy of ivermectin

Please verifyResetSubmitWhy is there such an agenda to discredit cheap, repurposed drugs?RapidEye/Getty ImagesLike Blaze News? Get the news that matters most delivered directly to your inbox.We knew this would happen. The health establishment didn't use fabricated data from a study authored by (later retracted), as they did with hydroxychloroquine, but it was almost as bad. No, they didn't find any harm from ivermectin, but after every study the amazing efficacy of ivermectin against SARS-CoV-2 at every stage of the disease, the media breathlessly promoted a Colombian study supposedly...

April 16, 2021
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Horowitz: WHO data: Ivermectin reduces COVID mortality by 81%. Also WHO: We still don’t recommend it.

Horowitz: WHO data: Ivermectin reduces COVID mortality by 81%. Also WHO: We still don’t recommend it.

Please verifyResetSubmitImagine thatSoulmemoria/Getty ImagesLike Blaze News? Get the news that matters most delivered directly to your inbox.Imagine if we could have saved 81% of those who ultimately died from the virus by treating them early with a cheap, safe drug, along with other cheap therapeutic cocktails. Well, for one, more people might be alive today. But more important to the powers at be, there would have been no excuse to fear the virus and sow panic and tyranny. Also, there would have been no market for expensive therapeutics and vaccines that are much more experimental and...

April 1, 2021
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Horowitz: The big lie behind the panic over COVID ‘variants’ exposed

Horowitz: The big lie behind the panic over COVID ‘variants’ exposed

Please verifyResetSubmit'Variants' are the new '15 days to flatten the curve'Black Jack 3D/Getty ImagesLike Blaze News? Get the news that matters most delivered directly to your inbox.It was the most unprecedentedly destructive decision in the history of human civilization. Officials decided to lock down a society and treat every human being like a leper until a vaccine was introduced, regardless of whether those interventions helped one iota in slowing the virus. Well, the vaccine is here, so it's game over, right? Wrong. "Variants" are the new 15 days years to flatten the curve. Except...

March 3, 2021
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Horowitz: Hoosier hubris: Republican legislators keep crowning governors kings over humanity

Horowitz: Hoosier hubris: Republican legislators keep crowning governors kings over humanity

Please verifyResetSubmitThese governors have set up dictatorships over our livesLady-Photo/Getty ImagesLike Blaze News? Get the news that matters most delivered directly to your inbox.Nearly every governor has set up a dictatorship crushing every aspect of our lives, including regulating our breathing. After eight to 10 months of silence, state legislatures are finally convening and dealing with the scope of executive emergency powers. But rather than holding hearings exposing all the lies about the efficacy of lockdowns and masks and publicizing the harms of those policies, most...

February 19, 2021
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Horowitz: With no mask mandate and schools open, Florida ranks 11th lowest in COVID deaths per capita among seniors

Horowitz: With no mask mandate and schools open, Florida ranks 11th lowest in COVID deaths per capita among seniors

Please verifyResetSubmitFlorida is completely exposing the lie of lockdownRaul Rodriguez/Getty ImagesLike Blaze News? Get the news that matters most delivered directly to your inbox.There's a reason why the Biden regime is and create an illusion of a disproportionate viral crisis in the state. With no declared emergency restrictions in place at the state level since last September, the fact that Florida is doing better than the national average completely exposes the lie of lockdown and masks having any effect whatsoever on the fixed natural progression of the virus.Dr. Fauci is a novel...

February 16, 2021
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Horowitz: Ruling class openly saying fascism and masks will NEVER end. Will we FINALLY wake up?

Horowitz: Ruling class openly saying fascism and masks will NEVER end. Will we FINALLY wake up?

Please verifyResetSubmitFifteen days to flatten ... somethingAl Drago/Bloomberg/Getty ImagesLike Blaze News? Get the news that matters most delivered directly to your inbox.You can't blame people for not believing last March that "15 days to flatten the curve" would transmogrify into "restrict your breathing with a mask and lock you down until there is a vaccine." Nobody could have imagined such an absurd conspiracy theory, especially after months of those measures failing to achieve the goal.Yet now that the vaccine is being administered swiftly and the fascists are doubling down on the...

February 4, 2021
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Horowitz: The Robinhood-GameStop scandal, lockdowns, and a two-tiered justice system

Horowitz: The Robinhood-GameStop scandal, lockdowns, and a two-tiered justice system

Please verifyResetSubmitThe ruling oligarchy keeps revealing itselfseb_ra/Getty ImagesLike Blaze News? Get the news that matters most delivered directly to your inbox.The internal effects of a mutable policy are still more calamitous. It poisons the blessing of liberty itself. It will be of little avail to the people, that the laws are made by men of their own choice, if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood; if they be repealed or revised before they are promulgated, or undergo such incessant changes that no man, who knows what...

January 29, 2021
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Horowitz: Man accused of murdering 11-year-old at July 4 BBQ in DC was released under coronavirus jailbreak

Horowitz: Man accused of murdering 11-year-old at July 4 BBQ in DC was released under coronavirus jailbreak

Please verifyResetSubmitLike Blaze News? Get the news that matters most delivered directly to your inbox.The same flat-earth "science" being used as a pretext to criminalize Americans for not wearing masks has been used to release violent criminals. Now, another one of those released from jail under has been charged with murder in the nation's capital.July 4 weekend was a horrible bloodbath for black children across many of our nation's prominent cities. As I each of the cases last week, I predicted that most of the suspects would be repeat violent offenders, gun felons, parole violators,...

July 13, 2020
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