Dan Wright
Dan Wright
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JPMorgan Had Hiring Program For Chinese Elite

JPMorgan Had Hiring Program For Chinese Elite

JPMorgan’s crime spree continues. While the Too Big To Fail/Jail bank was already being investigated for violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) for hiring children of the the Chinese Communist Party elite , The Wall Street Journal claims a new report will show further crimes.According to the Journal, JPMorgan is preparing to submit a report to US investigators in April that shows the firm So, not a few bad apples or isolated incidences, but a broadly practiced policy.The program detailed in the report reveals that JPMorgan’s corrupt hiring practices were widespread and...

September 6, 2019
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1996 Welfare Reform Law Caused Extreme Poverty In America

1996 Welfare Reform Law Caused Extreme Poverty In America

New Republic Magazine endorsing 1996 welfare reform.The 1996 welfare reform law championed by the Clinton Administration known as the was supposed to bring in a new era and “end welfare as we know it.”In some sense it did, as the consequence of the law has been a considerable increase in extreme poverty in America by Kathryn Edin and H. Luke Shaefer.The book, “,” traces the rise of extreme poverty in America after the 1996 law using the World Bank poverty metric of living on $2 a day. One of the central contentions of the book is that the 1996 program Temporary Assistance to Needy Families...

September 6, 2019
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Congress Quietly Kills Ban On Funding Neo-Nazis In Ukraine

Congress Quietly Kills Ban On Funding Neo-Nazis In Ukraine

U.S. policymakers have been in a precarious position since backing the coup that overthrew Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych in 2014.Though many within President Barack Obama’s administration support a policy of tension with Russia and believe a new Cold War can secure budgets and promote their relevance, the Ukrainians actually fighting on behalf of the post-coup government in Kiev are a less-than reputable sort. In fact, many are outright neo-Nazis or neo-Nazi sympathizers who see their fight as part of aThough many of those neo-fascist fighters in Ukraine hearken back to in Ukrainian...

September 6, 2019
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Stuxnet Goes To North Korea

Stuxnet Goes To North Korea

In 2010, the world first learned about a malicious computer worm that had been wrecking Iran’s nuclear facilities by making centrifuges malfunction and thereby preventing uranium from being refined. Private security researchers named the worm after keywords found in the software.It was later revealed that what was being called the Stuxnet worm was part of a joint covert operation between the United States and Israel, titled  The worm discovered by the private security researchers had “escaped” after Israel’s NSA counterpart, Unit 8200, altered an earlier version of the worm to...

September 6, 2019
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Around The Empire: Inside The CIA's War With Trump Feat. John Kiriakou

Around The Empire: Inside The CIA's War With Trump Feat. John Kiriakou

If you want to support the show and receive access to bonus content, subscribe on our for as little as $5 a month.On this episode of Around The Empire, Dan and Joanne interview former CIA officer and whistleblower John Kiriakou about the ongoing tensions between the CIA and President Donald Trump as well as his recent article aboutKiriakou explains how the CIA works in both theory and practice, and that the agency’s duties could be better accomplished by the State Department and the Pentagon. The State Department can do the analytical functions of the CIA, while the Defense Department’s...

September 6, 2019
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No Charges For Deadly GM Execs Despite DOJ's Promises

No Charges For Deadly GM Execs Despite DOJ's Promises

On Wednesday of last week, the Justice Department announced with great fanfare that they were changing their policy on letting corporate executives On Wednesday of this week, the Justice Department announced it will let for defrauding consumers and misleading regulators on a faulty ignition switch that killed over 120 people.Was the promise of reform at DOJ a lie or did the criminals at GM just beat the buzzer?Due to some legal absurdities and corporate maneuvering related to the , GM is not civilly liable for the lives its fraudulent conduct ruined and ended. But the company...

September 6, 2019
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Hillary Clinton Tells Wall Street She Believes Anti-Wall Street Rhetoric ‘Foolish’ - Shadowproof

Hillary Clinton Tells Wall Street She Believes Anti-Wall Street Rhetoric ‘Foolish’ - Shadowproof

Here we go again. According to a piece in former Secretary of State and likely 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton had some harsh words related to progressives in her for Goldman Sachs and friends. Clinton decided to use her speaking opportunity before the super rich to attack those criticizing Wall Street and its numerous criminal practices.Ordinarily these masters of the universe might have groaned at the idea of a politician taking the microphone…But Clinton offered a message that the collected plutocrats found reassuring, according to accounts offered by several attendees,...

September 6, 2019
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New US Base In Iraq Drawing Fire From All Sides

New US Base In Iraq Drawing Fire From All Sides

March 19th marked thewhich led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people and trillions in wasted US tax dollars. Today, the Iraq War receives near-universal condemnation from elected officials and presidential candidates as a blunder or worse. Yet, in truth, the war is far from over.Though the US never secured a status of forces agreement and pulled out most of its occupation forces in 2011, America maintained a murky military presence up until 2014, when troops and equipment were in earnest to combat the rise of the Islamic State (ISIS).Now, the US has built its first new base in...

September 6, 2019
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Introducing The Next Cold War

Introducing The Next Cold War

Welcome to The Next Cold War: a place focused on US imperial ambition and the forces getting in its way.While for many Americans the end of the Cold War in 1991 represented a happy and glorious event that was both affirming and relieving, not everyone was imbued with new hopes.  For them, the end of the Cold War went beyond the economic hardships caused by lost urgency for defense and intelligence spending; it was an existential crisis.Through the 90s there was a considerable effort to reclaim the old clarity and opportunities of the Cold War with nominally-Communist China...

September 7, 2019
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Hillary Clinton Goes On Wall Street Fundraising Spree

Hillary Clinton Goes On Wall Street Fundraising Spree

Though she was , it now appears that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is confident enough in her mathematical advantage over Senator Bernie Sanders that she has resumed taking money from Wall Street, with a vengeance.The Wall Street Journal reports that Clinton has WSJ also reports that an analysis of donor records reveals that donors for former Governor Jeb Bush and Senator Marco Rubio have shifted to Clinton as their preferred candidates left the presidential race.Former Secretary Clinton’s campaign staff has reportedly been in the aftermath of Donald Trump securing the...

September 5, 2019

