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Humans Have a Third Set of Teeth, New Medicine May Help Them Grow

Humans Have a Third Set of Teeth, New Medicine May Help Them Grow

Skip to ContentWhy Trust Us?A sliver of what makes sharks so intriguing comes with their ability to regrow teeth. And while a group of Japanese researchers aren’t claiming that we should be trying to be the most shark-like possible, they’d like for us to maybe, someday, share that same ability. Following up on a 2021 study (published in Scientific Reports) that showed how medicine targeting the protein synthesized by the USAG-1 gene could impact the number of teeth grown in animals, the team has turned its attention to humans. They’ve announced a 2024 clinical trial of the medicine, which...

September 4, 2023
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Are Russia and North Korea About to Make a Weapons Deal?

Are Russia and North Korea About to Make a Weapons Deal?

Skip to ContentOne of the strangest outcomes of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine came last month when North Korean leader Kim Jong-un decided to visit Russia. Kim’s six-day tour stoked fears that he and Russian President Vladimir Putin have agreed to munitions and technology transfers that would affect not only Ukraine, but the regional balance in East Asia at large. What exactly does each leader stand to gain from the other? Popular Mechanics breaks it down. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un walks out of his armored train after arriving at the North Korea-Russia border in Khasan, Russia,...

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How Do Colorblind Glasses Work, Anyway?

How Do Colorblind Glasses Work, Anyway?

Skip to ContentWhy Trust Us?Ethan Mower, a conservation specialist with Nevada State Parks, is surrounded by nature on a daily basis. During a mountain bike ride with a friend a few years ago, the two raced past colorful fall foliage, but Mower couldn’t quite experience the beauty around him when he gazed up at the brilliant red leaves. That’s because he has a form of red-green color deficiency that makes reds and greens fade into brown or gray. “To me, it almost looks like a blank,” Mower tells Popular Mechanics. “Say you’ve got a bunch of yellow, with one red tree in the middle of it—that...

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These Global Powers Are Expanding Their Nuclear Weapon Test Sites

These Global Powers Are Expanding Their Nuclear Weapon Test Sites

Skip to ContentRecent satellite photos of nuclear test sites in the United States, Russia, and China indicate that all three countries are taking steps to refurbish their nuclear weapons testing sites. None have conducted tests since the 1990s, but all three have viable reasons for resuming testing. One major obstacle to the resumption is the diplomatic and political fallout that would accompany such a test, as the rest of the world would condemn it.CNN asked experts to review images of U.S., Russian, and Chinese nuclear test sites taken from commercial Planet satellites. The experts...

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