Common Dreams
Common Dreams
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500+ Scientists Demand Stop to Tree Burning as Climate Solution - EcoWatch

500+ Scientists Demand Stop to Tree Burning as Climate Solution - EcoWatch

MOST RECENTPOPULAR The best of EcoWatch, right in your inbox. Sign up for our email newsletter! EON's biofuel power station in Lockerbie Scotland with timber supplies. Ashley Cooper / Construction Photography / Avalon / Getty Images By Andrea Germanos A group of more than 500 international scientists on Thursday urged world leaders to end policies that prop up the burning of trees for energy because it poses “a double climate problem” that threatens forests’ biodiversity and efforts to stem the planet’s ecological emergency. The demand came in a letter addressed to European Commission...

February 14, 2021
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'How about a counter-argument based on fact?': Elizabeth Warren destroys CNBC host over two-cent wealth tax criticism

'How about a counter-argument based on fact?': Elizabeth Warren destroys CNBC host over two-cent wealth tax criticism

--Sen. Elizabeth Warren, photo by Gage Skidmore."There is no evidence that anyone is going to leave this country because of a."That's the two cents Sen. Elizabeth Warren shared on Thursday in response toCNBC host Sara Eisen's fear-mongering about the alleged consequences of requiring the super-rich to pay their fair share in taxes.After Eisenthat a wealth tax "might... chase wealthy people out of this country as we've seen has happened with...other wealth taxes," the Democratic senator from Massachusetts asked: "Can we just keep in mind, right now, in America, who's paying taxes?""You know...

January 29, 2021
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'We have the receipts': Analysis reveals $170 million in corporate gifts to GOP lawmakers who voted to overturn Biden win

'We have the receipts': Analysis reveals $170 million in corporate gifts to GOP lawmakers who voted to overturn Biden win

--Screengrabs.A new analysis entitled "Bankrolling the Disenfranchisers" calls out the corporate and trade association political action committees that—despite any condemnation of last week's attack on the U.S. Capitol—poured millions in campaign contributions to who voted to object to President-elect Joe Biden's win over President Donald Trump. Wednesday by Public Citizen, the analysis finds that these groups have given roughly $170 million to the slate of anti-democratic lawmakers since the 2016 election cycle. Nineteen of the 100 PACs gave more than a million dollars over the past four...

January 14, 2021
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Congress has 'grave concerns' Trump team is trashing White House records

Congress has 'grave concerns' Trump team is trashing White House records

--Report typos and corrections to: .On Monday, WSB-TV that a high school principal in Forsyth County just north of Atlanta was caught on video saying the N-word during a discussion with a student about race."The student recorded the conversation with East Forsyth High School Principal Jeff Cheney on Sept. 9. The video does not show Cheney, but the school acknowledged that the recording does feature Cheney’s voice," said the report. "In the video, Cheney appears to be trying to explain racially offensive words to the student.""In a statement released to Channel 2 Action News, officials said...

December 21, 2020
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Just 1% of Farms Control 70% of Global Farmland: Study Finds 'Shocking State of Land Inequality' - EcoWatch

Just 1% of Farms Control 70% of Global Farmland: Study Finds 'Shocking State of Land Inequality' - EcoWatch

MOST RECENTPOPULAR The best of EcoWatch, right in your inbox. Sign up for our email newsletter! Sprinklers irrigate a field of onions near a Castilian village in Spain. According to a new study, the average farm size in the EU has almost doubled since the 1960s. / Moment / Getty Images By Andrea Germanos A new report released Tuesday details the “shocking” state of global land equality, saying the problem is worse than thought, rising, and “cannot be ignored.” Among the key findings is that the largest 1% of the world’s farms operate 70% of farmland and “form the core of production for the...

November 25, 2020
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Biden Urged to 'Honor Indigenous Sovereignty and Immediately Halt' Fossil Fuel Pipelines - EcoWatch

Biden Urged to 'Honor Indigenous Sovereignty and Immediately Halt' Fossil Fuel Pipelines - EcoWatch

MOST RECENTPOPULAR The best of EcoWatch, right in your inbox. Sign up for our email newsletter! Protestors walk past an image of a Native American woman during a march to "Count Every Vote, Protect Every Person" after the U.S. presidential Election in Seattle, Washington on November 4. Jason Redmond / AFP / Getty Images By “As we embark on a just recovery from the compound crises of climate disasters, racist police brutality, economic injustice, and Covid-19, we are in a pivotal moment of reckoning that requires us to ground in the history of the United States as a country built on stolen...

November 26, 2020
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'Trump is trying to steal the election and Wall Street is silent': Corporate executives urged to condemn president's attacks on democracy

'Trump is trying to steal the election and Wall Street is silent': Corporate executives urged to condemn president's attacks on democracy

--Report typos and corrections to: .A New York woman has been sentenced to four months in prison for interfering with the crew on a flight from Dallas to Los Angeles that had to be diverted to Phoenix because of her actions, reports. Kelly Pichardo and another female passenger, who were both flying first class, engaged in "intimidating behavior" on the flight and had to be removed from the plane when it landed in Phoenix. According to police, both women each assaulted a passenger and used racial slurs when another passenger asked them to stop. When the passenger tried to record their...

November 7, 2020
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Saudi Arabia joins Trump-led coalition claiming women have ‘no international right to abortion’

Saudi Arabia joins Trump-led coalition claiming women have ‘no international right to abortion’

--Report typos and corrections to: .A New York woman has been sentenced to four months in prison for interfering with the crew on a flight from Dallas to Los Angeles that had to be diverted to Phoenix because of her actions, reports. Kelly Pichardo and another female passenger, who were both flying first class, engaged in "intimidating behavior" on the flight and had to be removed from the plane when it landed in Phoenix. According to police, both women each assaulted a passenger and used racial slurs when another passenger asked them to stop. When the passenger tried to record their...

October 23, 2020
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Mayors of 12 Major Global Cities Pledge Fossil Fuel Divestment - EcoWatch

Mayors of 12 Major Global Cities Pledge Fossil Fuel Divestment - EcoWatch

MOST RECENTPOPULAR The best of EcoWatch, right in your inbox. Sign up for our email newsletter! An Extinction Rebellion protester outside the Bank of England on Oct. 14, 2019 in London, England. John Keeble / Getty Images By Jessica Corbett In another win for climate campaigners, leaders of 12 major cities around the world — collectively home to about 36 million people — committed Tuesday to divesting from companies and investing in a green, just recovery from the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. The announcement from C40 Cities — a global network of communities dedicated to tackling the —...

September 23, 2020
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Here's why federal cops in Portland are just Trump's warmup for election day

Here's why federal cops in Portland are just Trump's warmup for election day

RED BARBLUE BARA couple of days before the Fourth of July, I was walking home after a proper, socially distanced outdoor breakfast with a good friend, and noticed on my lower Manhattan block two white sedans marked in red and blue, “US Department of Homeland Security.”I thought it was odd. I’d never seen them in my neighborhood before, and what especially struck me was that the cars each had those heavily reinforced partitions separating the driver’s seat from the back—like in a police car for holding someone arrested or being taken in for questioning.ADVERTISEMENTWhat gives? I never could...

July 21, 2020


