Claire Trageser
Claire Trageser
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Here's Where COVID-19 Outbreaks Have Happened In San Diego County

Here's Where COVID-19 Outbreaks Have Happened In San Diego County

Play Live Radio0:000:00Available On Air StationsThis is part one in a three-part series. Click here to read and .Here's Where COVID-19 Outbreaks Have Happened In San Diego CountyListen to this story by Claire Trageser.Community outbreaks of COVID-19 have touched every corner of San Diego County and all types of establishments over the past nine months, but they are most prevalent in big box stores, restaurants and group living situations like nursing homes and jails, according to county outbreak records obtained exclusively by KPBS.If you’ve gone out at all since the pandemic first struck,...

December 21, 2020
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Here's Where COVID-19 Outbreaks Have Happened In San Diego County

Here's Where COVID-19 Outbreaks Have Happened In San Diego County

Play Live Radio0:000:00Available On Air StationsThis is part one in a three-part series. Click here to read and .Here's Where COVID-19 Outbreaks Have Happened In San Diego CountyListen to this story by Claire Trageser.Community outbreaks of COVID-19 have touched every corner of San Diego County and all types of establishments over the past nine months, but they are most prevalent in big box stores, restaurants and group living situations like nursing homes and jails, according to county outbreak records obtained exclusively by KPBS.If you’ve gone out at all since the pandemic first struck,...

December 21, 2020
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Different Backgrounds, Different Politics Separate San Diego City Council District 7 Candidates

Different Backgrounds, Different Politics Separate San Diego City Council District 7 Candidates

Your browser does not support inline framesBreaking News:LATEST UPDATES: | |ByCredit: Campaign photosAbove: City Council candidates Noli Zosa (left) and Raul Campillo in undated campaign photos.Aired 10/14/20onListen to this story by Claire Trageser.The race for San Diego City Council District 7 is one of just two council races with a Democrat and Republican facing off. And the candidates have very different stances on key local issues, from the COVID response and relief for businesses to public transportation and changes to zoning laws.This gives voters in the district a clear choice. The...

October 14, 2020
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San Diego's Contact Tracing Program Not Keeping Up With Virus Surge

San Diego's Contact Tracing Program Not Keeping Up With Virus Surge

Play Live Radio0:000:00Available On Air StationsContact tracing is meant to be one of the big strategies that will allow San Diego County to finally slow the spread of the coronavirus. But it has some big limitations.Every day, Asma Al Sabag goes to work and gives people bad news."I'll say, 'Hi, I'm calling because you were recently exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19,"' she said during a recent call.San Diego’s Contact Tracing Program Not Keeping Up With Virus SurgeListen to this story by Claire Trageser.Al Sabag is one of nearly 500 contact tracers working for San Diego...

July 7, 2020
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Pacific Beach Emerging As Coronavirus Hot Spot

Pacific Beach Emerging As Coronavirus Hot Spot

Play Live Radio0:000:00Available On Air StationsWhile the South Bay remains the epicenter of San Diego County's coronavirus outbreak, cases increased most rapidly during the last half of June in other areas, most notably Pacific Beach, according to a KPBS analysis of case data.As with many places throughout California, cases have surged across San Diego County since businesses began opening up in late May. The total number of cases in the county nearly doubled from about 7,500 at the end of May to 14,600 by the start of July.Pacific Beach Emerging As Coronavirus Hot SpotListen to this story...

July 7, 2020
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How A California Police Department Changed Its Mindset On Use Of Force

How A California Police Department Changed Its Mindset On Use Of Force

Play Live Radio0:000:00Available On Air StationsThis is the final story in a . Read parts and . The scanner beeped in Berkeley Police Lt. Spencer Fomby's SUV and a scratchy voice came over the radio."We have a patient wearing a ski mask and clutching a beer, says he may be robbing a bank," the dispatcher said. Fomby turned his SUV around and sped through the narrow, twisty streets toward a small hospital near the UC Berkeley campus."There are two hospitals that we take people to if they’re in mental health crisis," he said as he drove. "This is one of them calling us. Their security is...

June 12, 2020
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San Diego Gearing Up To Deploy Hundreds Of Coronavirus Trackers

San Diego Gearing Up To Deploy Hundreds Of Coronavirus Trackers

Play Live Radio0:000:00Available On Air StationsPart one of a two-part series.Part one of a two-part series. Read part .In the movie "," a character played by Kate Winslet demonstrates an over-the-top version of how contact tracing works. Winslet is a CDC epidemiologist quizzing co-workers about who their virus-ridden colleague might have had contact with."Barnes picked her up from the airport," says one co-worker. Cut to Barnes on a bus looking really sick. Winslet calls his cell phone as she rushes out of the building and into a car."I really need you to get off that bus," she says as the...

May 5, 2020
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