Claire Goforth
Claire Goforth
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While others shut QAnon down, Facebook lets it thrive

While others shut QAnon down, Facebook lets it thrive

Twitter’s QAnon announced this week isn’t likely to significantly hinder the conspiracy theory’s spread. That’s because there are dozens of incredibly prolific Facebook groups dedicated to QAnon, some that have more than 100,000 followers.QAnon followers believe that the world is run by a shadow government made up of an international who include liberals, entertainers and the so-called “deep state.” They are convinced that is trying to take down the cabal.They believe this because an anonymous online person—or persons; no one is sure—called “Q” tells them so. They also tend to read a lot...

July 24, 2020
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Tech reporter charged with soliciting child sex online

Tech reporter charged with soliciting child sex online

Warning: This article contains graphic sexual language.Tech reporter Peter Bright has been arrested for soliciting sex with children online. He was employed by Ars Technica until recently.A federal complaint alleges that Bright sought to molest a 7- and 9-year-old and met with an undercover agent for this purpose, at which point he was arrested. It also states that Bright claimed to be in a sexual relationship with an 11-year-old. He is currently being held without bail.According to the in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, an undercover FBI...

June 7, 2019
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Marco Rubio, silent on Matt Gaetz, is furious Coca-Cola spoke up about voting rights

Marco Rubio, silent on Matt Gaetz, is furious Coca-Cola spoke up about voting rights

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) thinks corporations should either keep their mouths shut or make a statement about every injustice in the world.On April Fools Day, Rubio posted a video on Twitter blasting Delta Airlines for making a public statement decrying Georgia’s restrictive voting law when it remains silent on against Uyghur Muslims.Rubio complained that Delta is “business partners with the Chinese Communist Party, the same … party that is committing genocide against inside of China.”He then called Delta, as well as Coca-Cola and other companies “who are out there proving to the world how...

April 2, 2021
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'There's no age that you can't be sexy': A look at Matt Gaetz old behavior in light of trafficking report

'There's no age that you can't be sexy': A look at Matt Gaetz old behavior in light of trafficking report

On Tuesday, the that Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) is the subject of an investigation into whether he trafficked a 17-year-old girl with whom he was having a sexual relationship two years ago.Gaetz denies the accusation and claims that he’s the victim of a criminal extortion attempt masterminded by a former Justice Department official.That official has said that Gaetz is trying to distract from his impending indictment, the .The scandal has cast new light on Gaetz’s track record related to sex.He’s been with points for sleeping with staff when he was in the Florida legislature, which he denies....

March 31, 2021
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Is a branch of the pro-insurrection Oath Keepers run by this Air Force master sergeant?

Is a branch of the pro-insurrection Oath Keepers run by this Air Force master sergeant?

An Air Force veteran with decades of service may lead the Utah branch of the Oath Keepers. He may also belong to American Patriots Three Percent, one of the most III Percenter (or III%ers) groups. Both are notorious whose members have been arrested for their roles in the Capitol riots.Atlanta Justice Alliance, a social justice organization that opposes fascism, provided the Daily Dot with an archived list of members of American Patriots Three Percent (AP III). A woman with Atlanta Justice Alliance who asked to be referred to as Ravin due to , purportedly by a Georgia branch of the III...

February 16, 2021
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Air strike has Twitter wondering about all that love, justice, and stimulus money they were promised

Air strike has Twitter wondering about all that love, justice, and stimulus money they were promised

On Thursday, President ordered an airstrike in Syria on what it said were Iran-backed militias who were behind recent attacks on Americans and allies in Iraq.The attack targeted facilities near the Iraq-Syria border, the reports. According to , a United Kingdom-based group that monitors the war in Syria reported that 22 fighters were killed.The Biden administration is framing the airstrike as carefully calibrated and intended to send the message that it will defend Americans and its allies stationed in the region.Many on Twitter, however, viewed the attack as contradicting the messages of...

February 26, 2021
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Speakers at CPAC are responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths

Speakers at CPAC are responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths

Every year, the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) assembles a cornucopia of Republicans for several days of speeches, preachers, andPandemic be damned, this year is no different. The conference in Orlando, Florida will feature , , , irrelevant if their daddies weren’t politicians, and, of course, .In what attendees will certainly consider a treat, this year, there are even a couple of killers on the agenda.That’s right, killers. And, no, this isn’t referring to the two speakers formerly of the New York Police Department.Some, though not all, of the killer CPAC presenters...

February 26, 2021
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Paralympians call Madison Cawthorn's claims he was going to compete in Tokyo nonsense

Paralympians call Madison Cawthorn's claims he was going to compete in Tokyo nonsense

Freshman Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.) has only been in office for a few weeks, but already he’s attracted a slew of controversy.Cawthorn has come under fire for giving a speech to the crowd responsible for the Capitol riot. he should be expelled from Congress for helping incite . He’s also been criticized for claiming that he was .Today, allegations emerged that Cawthorn may have misled people about training for the 2020 Paralympic Games. According to , Cawthorn, who was paralyzed in a 2014 car accident, spent years claiming that he was training for the elite athletic competition. There...

January 22, 2021
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The Proud Boys are using YouTube to organize violence at Joe Biden's inauguration

The Proud Boys are using YouTube to organize violence at Joe Biden's inauguration

In the last few years, the Proud Boys have been involved in one violent after . The extremist far-right group with doesn’t just relish violence, it encourages it. And lately, Proud Boys leadership has been using a show on InfoWars alum Joe Biggs’ YouTube channel for recruiting, fundraising, promoting events, and urging violence up to and including revolution.“Revolt motherfuckers,” Proud boys leader Enrique Tarrio says on an episode of the show.Biggs, a Proud Boys organizer, has been on YouTube for years; his channel, , has nearly 14,000 subscribers. In July, Biggs posted the first of a new...

December 17, 2020
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Over 300,000 have pledged to attend a virtual 2nd inauguration for Trump on Facebook

Over 300,000 have pledged to attend a virtual 2nd inauguration for Trump on Facebook

Losing an election is tough on everyone—the candidate, the campaign, and their supporters. As President Donald Trump copes by denying he lost and the results, his supporters are working through their feelings by planning to attend an online-only “second inauguration.”The Facebook event for is to be held simultaneously with the actual inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden. This “inauguration” for Trump is purely theater, obviously, likely either the product of delusion or denial, perhaps both.That hasn’t stopped nearly 325,000 from indicating they may attend; 60,000 of whom say they are...

December 18, 2020
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