Christopher Bedford
Christopher Bedford
Senior editor @FDRLST, @Y_A_Freedom vice chair, @NJC_YAF board, The Art Of The Donald author, once & future bartender.Source
Washington, DC
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How Small Businesses Are Being Coerced To Help Build The Oligarchy

How Small Businesses Are Being Coerced To Help Build The Oligarchy

ShareWASHINGTON, D.C. — In big cities across America, we have seen some laugh-out-loud-ridiculous “COVID-prevention” measures in bars and restaurants. No menus allowed. Masks on when you go to the bathroom. Masks off when you’re at a table. Disposable cups only. “Hold a minute while we wipe down the chairs.” Leave your name and your phone number (even though no mythical “contract tracer” would call were you to turn into a literal COVID cyclone). To say so gently, the experience has been frustrating for both guests and staff alike.Then, just this week in Washington, D.C., a new chapter: A...

April 22, 2021
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It's High Time We Make Woke Corporate America Feel Pain: Here's How

It's High Time We Make Woke Corporate America Feel Pain: Here's How

ShareCompanies must be held accountable. When they carelessly and callously wield their power to strike out at the American people, they must be made to feel pain. Not simply nagging second thoughts or embarrassment, but real pain: pain in their wallets, in their boardrooms, and in the offices of their general counsels.It’s a tactic the American left long ago mastered. Boycotts and sponsorship threats have been a hallmark of their activism, but with , conservatives have failed to catch on. If a company bucks them, the left won’t hesitate to use the power of government, from regulation to...

April 7, 2021
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Deepest Shipwreck Ever Discovered Highlights Our Greatest Generation

Deepest Shipwreck Ever Discovered Highlights Our Greatest Generation

ShareThe USS Johnston was commissioned into full service in the fall of 1943, having launched from the Seattle shipyards earlier that winter. Affectionately nicknamed “Big Chief,” her commanding officer, a Cherokee and Creek American Indian named Ernest Evans, was clear with his crew, quoting the American Revolutionary War hero John Paul Jones when he told his men, “This is going to be a fighting ship. I intend to go in harm’s way, and anyone who doesn’t want to go along had better get off right now.” The following winter, the destroyer steamed for the Marshall Islands, and from there, into...

April 6, 2021
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This Holy Saturday, Remember The Disciples, Whose Fear Is Our Own

This Holy Saturday, Remember The Disciples, Whose Fear Is Our Own

ShareWe revere the saints of the Gospels. Matthew and Mark, Luke and John, Peter, Philip and Simon, James, Andrew, Bartholomew, and Thaddaeus.Their courage in spreading the Word from Ukraine to Egypt and from India to Spain, and their bravery when put to death, serve as examples most of us can only hope to approach. But it comes more naturally to follow their path on Holy Saturday when Jesus lay in the tomb and his handpicked followers cowered in fear. In these times, we might prefer to look at them as if apart from us — it’s easy, as we prepare for the vigil or for Easter morning. But in...

April 3, 2021
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Instead Of A 'COVID Passport,' Hold Elites Accountable For Lockdowns

Instead Of A 'COVID Passport,' Hold Elites Accountable For Lockdowns

ShareOver the past year, America’s ruling class has done everything it can to grind our economy, our communities, and our lives to a halt — all without any actual consequences to them.Under their guidance and leadership, two hard weeks turned into a nightmarish, unending stream of mask mandates, double-mask mandates, shop closures, church closures, school closures, park closures, capacity limits, service limits, funeral bans, travel bans, medical delays, DMV delays, and omnipresent scolding. “Normalcy is just around the corner,” politicians and television experts in lab coats promise every...

March 31, 2021
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When The Powerful Say Lies Are The Truth, No One Will Stop It But You

When The Powerful Say Lies Are The Truth, No One Will Stop It But You

ShareOpen The New York Times’ politics page Thursday morning and the top headline reads, “Democrats Begin Push For Biggest Expansion In Voting Since 1960s.” It’s about the most important election power-grab in modern legislative history, with a slim, partisan majority of senators seeking to wrest control of elections away from state governments to ensure Democrat control for decades to come.For starters, H.R. 1 will ban voter ID requirements, mandate early voting windows, allow outside activist groups to deliver votes for counting, do away with notarized absentee ballots, force states...

March 26, 2021
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One Year Of Rebellion Against Dr. Fauci And The Government's Tyranny

One Year Of Rebellion Against Dr. Fauci And The Government's Tyranny

Share“It’s eerie outside,” a friend said over the phone in March 2020, a few days after national lockdowns began. “It feels like an occupied city; like World War II movies about Paris.”Just a little over a week before, I’d been with him and two neighbors in Baltimore. Our friends had been comparing notes on what to do with stocks, how to buy ammunition, and where to acquire deep freezers for weeks now, but while the world was closing in, a small group of us toasted a final afternoon in a nearby city.We visited the Sagamore Spirits Distillery, where over delicious pours, staff and customers...

March 17, 2021
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COVID Isn't A Threat To American Kids -- Democrats Are

COVID Isn't A Threat To American Kids -- Democrats Are

By 10, 2021It’s time we realize we are not “in this together.” Yes, we’ve heard that from Hollywood videos and Super Bowl ads, and from politicians and commercials, but unfortunately it just ain’t so.When President Joe Biden made a rare public appearance for a CNN town hall in February, for example, Justin Belot, a teacher in his mid-30s, , “Why is it OK” to make him and his colleague go back to their classrooms and do their jobs?Why should teachers have to work, the young man asked, when subjected to “large class sizes and outdated ventilation systems”? Should “all staff,” he wondered, be...

March 10, 2021
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Capitol Police Chief And Democrats Are Lying To Hold Our Capital Hostage

Capitol Police Chief And Democrats Are Lying To Hold Our Capital Hostage

Panic porn and agitprop are useful tools when you’re working as hard as you can to spread fear and distrust against the half of the country that disagrees with your policies.ShareWASHINGTON — My city has been occupied for more than eight weeks. Major thoroughfares blocked, thousands of armed soldiers, armored vehicles, seven-foot fencing, concertina wire.What’s it all for? An invading army across the Potomac? Rising far-right militias, ready to strike at any moment?Nope. It’s because when angry rioters and protesters attacked the Capitol on Jan. 6, a Capitol Police force hobbled by its...

March 5, 2021
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Far From Immune To The COVID Regime, Red States Are A Ripe Target

Far From Immune To The COVID Regime, Red States Are A Ripe Target

ShareA guide at a hiking camp in Alaska. A waitress at a restaurant in Houston, Texas. A student at a college in Atlanta, Georgia.What do these have in common, besides in recent news reports? Two things, both of which should worry anyone skeptical of injecting a novel vaccine with little-to-no long-term testing of its possibly serious negative side effects.For one, all of these people might be required to submit to the novel vaccinations, although a lot of companies and schools are doing that these days. On Monday, for example, the Democrat attorney general of Virginia gave private schools...

April 27, 2021
