Christina Wilkie
Christina Wilkie
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Trump says US will be able to run 5 million coronavirus tests per day 'very soon,' despite shortages across states

Trump says US will be able to run 5 million coronavirus tests per day 'very soon,' despite shortages across states

Key PointsTrump: U.S. coronavirus testing will go up 'exponentially'President Donald Trump said Tuesday the U.S. will "very soon" run 5 million coronavirus tests per day, even as the lack of testing remains an obstacle for many states anxious to reopen for business."We'll increase it, and it'll increase it by much more than that in the very near future," Trump said when a reporter asked if he's confident the U.S. will reach 5 million tests per day, as some health experts say would be required to "reopen" the country.Speaking to the press the following day, Trump denied ever having said...

April 28, 2020
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Coronavirus testing chief says 'no way on Earth' US can test 5 million a day, despite what Trump says

Coronavirus testing chief says 'no way on Earth' US can test 5 million a day, despite what Trump says

Key PointsThere's "no way on Earth" the U.S. can test 5 million people a day for , the government's top testing official said in an interview, just hours before President Donald Trump vowed that the country would be able to test that many people daily "very soon.""There is absolutely no way on Earth, on this planet or any other planet, that we can do 20 million tests a day, or even five million tests a day," Adm. Brett Giroir, assistant secretary of health who is in charge of the government's testing response, in an interview he gave Tuesday morning that was published later in the...

April 29, 2020
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Trump's tendency to deny his past statements has become more glaring during coronavirus

Trump's tendency to deny his past statements has become more glaring during coronavirus

Key PointsIt's a move: President  says one thing, and then later on — sometimes after a few hours, sometimes after years — he denies he ever said it or suggests that his original quote is not what it appears to be.But as he has seized more and more of the spotlight during the country's response to the coronavirus, Trump's malleable approach to his own record could carry more serious consequences.Two recent examples came within the past week.At a White House press briefing on the virus April 23, for Covid-19."I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute. One minute," Trump...

May 1, 2020
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Vice President Mike Pence tours Mayo Clinic without coronavirus mask even though he was told to wear one

Vice President Mike Pence tours Mayo Clinic without coronavirus mask even though he was told to wear one

Key PointsVP Mike Pence visits Mayo Clinic, but does not wear face maskVice President on Tuesday toured the Mayo Clinic without wearing a mask, despite that renowned medical facility telling him that masks are required for visitors and everyone else there to slow At one point during his visit to the Mayo Clinic, video of Pence showed him surrounded by 10 people, including a patient, who unlike him all were wearing masks.Pence, who leads President 's coronavirus task force, later suggested to reporters that he did not need to wear a mask because he is tested regularly for the virus, and does...

April 28, 2020
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Trump declares national emergency over coronavirus

Trump declares national emergency over coronavirus

Key PointsPresident Trump declares national emergency due to coronavirus pandemicPresident on Friday declared a national emergency over , and announced a set of specific measures aimed at stemming the effects of the outbreak. , posting their largest single-day gain since October 2008. The  closed 1,985 points higher, or 9.4%, at 23,185.62., the index's biggest-ever point gain on a single day.The emergency declaration will free up as much as $50 billion in financial resources to efforts by states and U.S. territories to assist Americans affected by the outbreak.But Dr....

March 13, 2020
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Ivanka Trump says she was deposed for 5 hours in inaugural spend probe. Here's what she failed to mention

Ivanka Trump says she was deposed for 5 hours in inaugural spend probe. Here's what she failed to mention

Key PointsPresident 's daughter Ivanka Trump on Thursday blasted the Washington, D.C., attorney general's office for deposing her in a lawsuit related to 2017 inauguration spending.But in doing so she conspicuously omitted the $3.6 million question posed by a Republican felon that underscored fears the Trump family was profiting from a nonprofit set up to celebrate the White House victory.Ivanka Trump's tweet condemning the suit as "politically motivated" included an email that indicates she told managers of her father's hotel in Washington to charge "fair market rate" for its services...

December 3, 2020
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Biden to begin receiving classified presidential daily briefings

Biden to begin receiving classified presidential daily briefings

Key PointsPresident-elect Joe Biden: The peaceful transfer of power has begunWASHINGTON — President-elect Joe Biden will begin receiving the classified presidential daily briefing, a spokesman for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence confirmed to NBC News on Tuesday."Following the statutory direction of the Presidential Transition Act, ODNI will provide requested support to the transition team," said the spokesman. "This afternoon the White House approved ODNI to move forward with providing the PDB as part of the support to the transition."The PDB, as the briefing is known,...

November 24, 2020
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Biden's foreign policy team lays out a national security vision that differs sharply from Trump's

Biden's foreign policy team lays out a national security vision that differs sharply from Trump's

Business News and FinanceVIEW IN APPKEY POINTS WASHINGTON — "Diplomacy is back," and America will be "a country of welcome."These were just two of the policy shifts that members of President-elect Joe Biden's national security team pledged to enact Tuesday at an event introducing Biden's choices for top Cabinet posts.Biden said his nominees will "restore America globally, its global leadership and its moral leadership, and will ensure that our service members, diplomats and intelligence professionals can do their jobs free of politics." Joining Biden and Vice President-elect...

November 24, 2020
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Biden says 'it's an embarrassment' that Trump won't concede with transition under way

Biden says 'it's an embarrassment' that Trump won't concede with transition under way

Key PointsPresident-elect Biden: Nothing is going to stop transfer of power after election victoryWASHINGTON — President-elect said Tuesday that the Trump administration's refusal to authorize the start of the official transition process "does not in any way change the dynamic of what we're able to do.""We have already started the transition; we are well under way," Biden said at a press conference in Wilmington, Delaware.Asked what he thought of President Donald Trump's refusal so far to concede, Biden said: "I just think it's an embarrassment, quite frankly."Biden was declared the winner...

November 10, 2020
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Twitter refuses to delete Trump's baseless claims about Joe Scarborough

Twitter refuses to delete Trump's baseless claims about Joe Scarborough

Key PointsIn this articleKara Swisher says Twitter should hold President Trump to its own rules's policy is facing another test with President Donald Trump's latest tweets resurrecting baseless claims that MSNBC host Joe Scarborough should be investigated for the death of his former staffer.Earlier this month, Trump tweeted questions about when an investigation would be opened into the "Cold Case" of "Psycho Joe Scarborough." The unfounded accusation refers to the death in 2001 of Lori Klausutis, who was working for Scarborough when he was a Republican congressman for Florida. At the time,...

May 26, 2020
