Christian Rigg
Christian Rigg
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Nonreactivity and acting with awareness help explain the positive effects of mindfulness on relationship functioning

Nonreactivity and acting with awareness help explain the positive effects of mindfulness on relationship functioning

No Result View All Result No Result View All Result [] Meditation and mindfulness have been well-studied in individual contexts, but significantly less so as they impact relationships. The few studies that have looked at the effects of mindfulness on relationships and sexual satisfaction have suffered from homogenous population samples, which greatly limits their generalizability.This was one of the main goals of a team of researchers from Alabama, USA, whose examined an ethnically and economically diverse group of 847 married and unmarried heterosexual couples. Their findings broaden our...

April 18, 2021
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Physically fit individuals benefit more from exercise-related improvements in working memory

Physically fit individuals benefit more from exercise-related improvements in working memory

No Result View All Result No Result View All Result [] It is well known that physical fitness is closely related to cognitive functions, both in adults and children. Mediators of this relationship, however, are neither well researched nor well understood. Additionally, studies have traditionally focused on individual exercise rather than team sports, which are decidedly easier to implement in school settings.A published in BMC Public Health has sought to contribute to the scientific literature in both regards. A group of 36 adolescents (16 female, 20 male) participated in trials of 60...

April 25, 2021
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Depression predicts single relationship status in later adulthood, study finds

Depression predicts single relationship status in later adulthood, study finds

No Result View All Result No Result View All Result [] Among the most frustrating and keenly felt consequences for individuals who suffer from depression and anxiety are those that affect present and future relationships. At times when individuals need the most support, the interpersonal repercussions of mental health issues can severely negatively impact relationships and even lead to their end.A recent study on depression and anxiety in early adulthood, published in , examines just this aspect of these prevalent and widespread mental health problems. The study takes advantage of...

April 14, 2021
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Long-term bed rest may lead to deficits in memory encoding and retrieval

Long-term bed rest may lead to deficits in memory encoding and retrieval

No Result View All Result No Result View All Result [] It is a well-researched and empirically proven fact that physical activity and fitness are integrally linked to neurological health and cognitive functionality. Every year, however, thousands of individuals are placed in a position of sedentariness beyond their control, in the form of long-term bed rest.To better understand the deleterious effects of long-term bed rest and, inversely, the benefits of exercise, a team of researchers exposed 22 informed and consenting males participants to 60 days of bed rest, with half the participants...

March 14, 2021
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Even short periods of childhood deprivation can cause lasting neurological changes

Even short periods of childhood deprivation can cause lasting neurological changes

No Result View All Result No Result View All Result [] In the 1980s, a large number of Romanian children were exposed to long-term, institutional deprivation under the communist dictator Ceaușescu. Many of them were subsequently adopted into affluent British families. Their neurological and psychological wellbeing has been followed in the context of the English and Romanian Adoptees study.A recent paper by a team of English and Danish researchers published in made use of the data in this study to examine the effects of childhood deprivation on a variety of neurological functions, including...

March 11, 2021
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The memes we read might influence how we love, study finds

The memes we read might influence how we love, study finds

No Result View All Result No Result View All Result [] The way we love depends on a wide array of factors, not all of them internal. Indeed, the expectations we have of our partners are subject to outside influences, including the information we digest, in all its forms. One of the most basic of these forms is the meme. These individual units of cultural transmission pass from person to person and from one generation to the next.The prevalence and importance of social media has made the sharing of internet memes a primary method of communicating ideas today. Short and punchy, memes are...

March 8, 2021
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Yoga shows some promise for treating anxiety, according to new research

Yoga shows some promise for treating anxiety, according to new research

No Result View All Result No Result View All Result [] Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) affects millions of people worldwide. Unfortunately, for a multitude of reasons including stigma, exclusion of mental health treatments from healthcare plans, misdiagnosis and misinformation, only about half of individuals actively seek care, and only one third in a clinical setting.For these reasons, many individuals don’t have access to well-researched, fact-based treatments like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), which remains one of the most effective methods of treating patients with anxiety....

March 6, 2021
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Study suggests conspiracy theory beliefs are not used to compensate for perceived lack of control

Study suggests conspiracy theory beliefs are not used to compensate for perceived lack of control

No Result View All Result No Result View All Result [] Conspiracy theories are recognized in most scientific domains as particularly dangerous. Climate change deniers, anti-vaxxers and, most recently, COVID-19 “shamdemic” conspiracy theorists all slow progress and, in some and extreme cases, put lives at risk, even beyond those who subscribe to such beliefs.There is a longstanding popular belief, even among scientists and psychologists, that conspiracy theories stem from a perceived lack of control. Empirical evidence for this claim, however, is scattered and somewhat...

March 2, 2021
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Researchers link physical strength and wealth to militancy and conservatism

Researchers link physical strength and wealth to militancy and conservatism

No Result View All Result No Result View All Result [] Social psychology is often concerned with how real-world traits, even those as diverse as physical size and socioeconomic status, influence political perspectives and attitudes. In a appearing in the journal of Personality and Individual Differences, a team of American researchers looked at the relationship between formidability (strength) and socioeconomic status on the one hand and militancy and political moral foundations on the other.The researchers begin with the premise that individuals and groups whose physical or social...

February 21, 2021
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Male victims of workplace sexual harassment are viewed less favorably and elicit less sympathy

Male victims of workplace sexual harassment are viewed less favorably and elicit less sympathy

No Result View All Result No Result View All Result [] Sexual harassment in the workplace, unfortunately, is still a common occurrence, despite a large and ever-growing body of evidence that thoroughly demonstrates the many different negative consequences for victims of harassment, including anxiety, depression, loss of professional confidence, and disordered eating.While popular opinion and even many traditional psychological and professional models and practices assume a male-harasser female-victim paradigm, between 16% and 17% of all reported complaints are filed by male victims. Thus,...

February 17, 2021
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