Chris Megerian
Chris Megerian
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Trump calls for 'law and order,' threatens to deploy troops to major cities

Trump calls for 'law and order,' threatens to deploy troops to major cities

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement President Trump, declaring himself a “president of law and order,” threatened Monday to deploy “thousands and thousands of heavily armed soldiers, military personnel and law enforcement officers” to American cities, claiming governors and local officials had “failed to take necessary action” to end civil unrest.“These are not acts of peaceful protest,” Trump declared during a brief speech in the White House Rose Garden, referring to the demonstrations and sometimes violent acts that have broken out in dozens of major cities. “These...

June 1, 2020
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Trump uses coronavirus crisis to push other policy priorities

Trump uses coronavirus crisis to push other policy priorities

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement Even as the coronavirus crisis has brought most of the country to a screeching halt, President Trump has begun to turbocharge his administration’s efforts to slash business and other regulations, and to pursue other long-held policy goals, with consequences that are likely to outlive the pandemic.Labor groups, environmentalists, immigration activists and other critics say the White House is cynically using the nation’s medical emergency and economic devastation as political cover to undermine or overturn rules put in place long ago...

April 23, 2020
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Trump's new 2020 message — it's not my fault

Trump's new 2020 message — it's not my fault

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement With unemployment at its worst rate since the Great Depression, and deaths from COVID-19 still rising in most of the country, President Trump argued Friday that Americans should not hold him responsible for the calamity on his watch.Less than six months before election day, Trump’s new campaign message — don’t blame him — is a risky bet that voters will credit his efforts to fight the pandemic and revive the moribund economy, and not hold him accountable for the administration’s much-criticized response and the 75,000 U.S. deaths so...

May 8, 2020
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Senate committee sought investigation of Bannon, raised concerns about Trump family testimony

Senate committee sought investigation of Bannon, raised concerns about Trump family testimony

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement The Senate Intelligence Committee has sent a bipartisan letter to the Justice Department asking federal prosecutors to investigate Stephen K. Bannon, a former Trump confidant, for potentially lying to lawmakers during its investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.The letter, a copy of which was reviewed by The Times, was signed by the panel’s then-chairman, Republican Sen. Richard M. Burr, and its ranking Democrat, Sen. Mark Warner.For the record:It also raised concerns about testimony provided by family...

August 15, 2020
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Trump careened through a critical week in the coronavirus crisis

Trump careened through a critical week in the coronavirus crisis

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement When AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka was shown a draft last week of President Trump’s plan to reopen the economy, he worried it didn’t offer enough testing for the coronavirus to ensure that millions of Americans could safely return to work. “I’ve heard people say we have all the tests we need,” Trumka said. “That’s just not the case right now on the ground.”So after he was named to a presidential advisory group, Trumka planned to raise his concerns in a conference call. But with dozens dialed in, the head of the country’s largest...

April 19, 2020
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Biden announces actions to address violence against Asian Americans

Biden announces actions to address violence against Asian Americans

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement President Biden announced steps Tuesday to protect Asian Americans from discrimination and violent attacks, including establishing a Justice Department initiative to address a rising number of hate crimes since the pandemic originated in China.The announcement comes two weeks after shootings at Atlanta-area spas , including six women of Asian descent, and as Biden has faced pressure from Asian American members of Congress to take stronger action. Many Asian Americans are bristling with pain and fury, seeing the Atlanta killings as a...

March 30, 2021
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L.A. County teachers, some essential workers eligible for vaccine starting Monday

L.A. County teachers, some essential workers eligible for vaccine starting Monday

Copyright © 2021, Los Angeles Times | | | |AdvertisementTeachers and workers in child care, emergency services and food and agriculture will be eligible to receive COVID-19 vaccinations in Los Angeles County starting Monday, though officials warn that the pace will be slowed by limited supply.Nearly 1.2 million people fall into these newly approved categories, according to . They will join about 2.2 million L.A. County residents who are already eligible to be vaccinated — those who work in healthcare, live in long-term care facilities or are 65 or older. “Opening eligibility to more groups...

February 28, 2021
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Conservative media provide soft landing for Trump’s election lies

Conservative media provide soft landing for Trump’s election lies

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement Emerging from his post-White House seclusion Wednesday, former President Trump enjoyed the warm embrace of conservative media as he called in to television shows and continued spreading lies about his election defeat.The interviews were Trump’s first extended comments since the Senate impeachment trial on the charge of inciting an insurrection. They showed he had no intention of backing down from the falsehoods that led to the deadly riot at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.“It was a stolen, fixed, rigged election,” he told Newsmax in one...

February 18, 2021
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Washington gets whiplash in shift from Trump to Biden

Washington gets whiplash in shift from Trump to Biden

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Breaking News Advertisement The days don’t begin and end with tweets. The press secretary hasn’t lied about crowd sizes or insulted reporters. White House events have carefully calibrated themes. And the president sticks to the script.Washington is suffering whiplash — or enjoying it, depending on whom you ask — as President Biden takes over from former President Trump, a transition that stands as one of the starkest contrasts in U.S. political history.After four years of chaos and controversy stoked by a media-obsessed president, the country is...

January 23, 2021
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Electoral college picks Biden, yet Trump's bid to keep power could have lasting effect

Electoral college picks Biden, yet Trump's bid to keep power could have lasting effect

Copyright © 2020, Los Angeles Times | | | |AdvertisementThe electoral college made official on Monday the victory that voters gave to Joe Biden weeks ago — with the California delegation’s 55 votes clinching it — after the typically little-noted event became a flashpoint for yet more anxiety and drama because of President Trump’s desperate efforts to cling to power.The president failed to hijack the in all 50 states’ capitals, which for more than a century stood out only for how little attention or controversy it drew. He could’t stop Hillary and Bill Clinton, designated electors in New...

December 14, 2020
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