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Shaun King Condemned For Calling on Protesters to Tear Down 'Racist' Statues of Jesus

Shaun King Condemned For Calling on Protesters to Tear Down 'Racist' Statues of Jesus

Karen Ducey/Getty ImagesActivist Shaun King faced condemnation on Monday after calling for statues of Jesus Christ to be torn down next amid nationwide protests.“Yes, I think the statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down.They are a form of white supremacy. Always have been,” King tweeted. “In the Bible, when the family of Jesus wanted to hide, and blend in, guess where they went? EGYPT! Not Denmark. Tear them down.”Yes, I think the statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down.They are a form of white supremacy.Always have been.In the...

June 23, 2020
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Drudge Compares Trump to Jimmy Carter in Devastating Banner Headline on President's Lagging Polls

Drudge Compares Trump to Jimmy Carter in Devastating Banner Headline on President's Lagging Polls

drudgereport.comThe Drudge Report, on Monday, compared President Donald Trump’s lagging poll numbers to those of former President Jimmy Carter’s ahead of his 1980 reelection bid.The highly-trafficked aggregation site led with the headline, “POLL SHOCK: TRUMP APPROVAL 38%… JIMMY CARTER LEVELS,” and linked to a CNN which noted President Trump’s polling similarities to the 39th president.“Overall 38% approve of the way Trump is handling the presidency, while 57% disapprove,” CNN reported, explaining, “That’s his worst approval rating since January 2019, and roughly on par with approval ratings...

June 8, 2020
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Missouri Gov. Mike Parson Claims Kids Who Catch Coronavirus at School Will 'Get Over It'

Missouri Gov. Mike Parson Claims Kids Who Catch Coronavirus at School Will 'Get Over It'

Jacob Moscovitch/Getty ImagesMissouri Gov. Mike Parson (R) faced immense backlash on Monday after he argued children who catch the coronavirus when schools reopen will “get over it.”In a Friday on KFTK with host Marc Cox, Parson said, “There’s data out there, there’s scientific evidence now of who this affects and who it doesn’t, and kids are the least likely to have a problem with this.”“These kids have got to get back to school. They’re at the lowest risk possible, and if they do get COVID-19, which they will — and they will when they go to school — they’re not going to the hospitals....

July 20, 2020
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Rep. Bobby Rush Says Trump 'Wants to Instigate a Race War,' Be 'Grand Wizard' of KKK

Rep. Bobby Rush Says Trump 'Wants to Instigate a Race War,' Be 'Grand Wizard' of KKK

Rep. Bobby Rush (D-IL) claimed on SiriusXM’s The Joe Madison Show, Wednesday that President Donald Trump “wants to instigate a race war” and say that he’s the “real Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.”“Anytime you send a group of armed bandits, outlaws, no uniform, no name, no identification, and you just snatch up innocent people and you take them off to some unrecognized, unknown place, you know you are really terrorizing a nation,” declared Rush in response to the news that federal agents will be to combat violence. “And for Trump to talk about sending federal agents in Chicago, we won’t...

July 22, 2020
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Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman Battles Anderson Cooper

Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman Battles Anderson Cooper

Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman appeared on CNN, Wednesday, for a trainwreck of an interview during which she called for casinos and hotels to be reopened, argued there have been viruses in Vegas “for years,” and engaged in a constant battle with Cooper who described her positions as “ignorant.”As the interview started, host Anderson Cooper asked Goodman, “You assume everyone has the virus is just asymptomatic. You want casinos open, Vegas back in business. Is that a responsible call to make?”“That wasn’t the call that I was really making,” Goodman shot back. “It was to get people back to...

April 22, 2020
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Mike Bloomberg Campaign: Bernie Sanders is Trump's 'New Bro'

Mike Bloomberg Campaign: Bernie Sanders is Trump's 'New Bro'

Brendan Smialowski/Getty ImagesMike Bloomberg’s 2020 presidential campaign accused fellow Democratic candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) of being President Donald Trump’s “new bro” on Monday, amidst a feud between the two.In an email with the subject header, “Bernie’s New Bro… Donald Trump,” Bloomberg’s campaign manager Kevin Sheekey wrote, “It’s a shameful turn of events to see Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump deploy the very same attacks and tactics against Mike, but the reason is clear.”“At this point, the primary is Bernie’s to lose, and ours to win. Bernie knows this. Trump knows...

February 18, 2020
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Trump Floats Invalidating Election Over Mail-In Voting: 'They'll Have to Do it Again'

Trump Floats Invalidating Election Over Mail-In Voting: 'They'll Have to Do it Again'

President Donald Trump claimed on Tuesday that the 2020 presidential election may have to be done again if universal mail-in voting is introduced.During his announcement of a posthumous for pioneering women’s rights activist Susan B. Anthony — who died in 1906 — Trump was asked about his feud with the Democratic Party over mail-in voting.“The Democrats want to make it a political issue. It’s not a political issue, it’s really about a correct vote. You have to get voting right,” he declared. “You can’t have millions and millions of ballots sent all over the place, sent to people that are...

August 18, 2020
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CNN's Christiane Amanpour Apologizes For Comparing Trump Admin to Nazi Kristallnacht

CNN's Christiane Amanpour Apologizes For Comparing Trump Admin to Nazi Kristallnacht

CNN’s chief international anchor Christiane Amanpour apologized on Monday for comparing President Donald Trump’s four years in office to the Nazi Kristallnacht which led to the murder of Jews.“A comment on my program at the end of last week. I observed the 82nd anniversary of Kristallnacht, as I often do,” Amanpour declared at the end of her show. “It is the event that began the horrors of the Holocaust.”“I also noted President Trump’s attacks on history, facts, knowledge, and truth. I shouldn’t have juxtaposed the two thoughts,” she continued, adding, “Hitler and his evil stand alone, of...

November 17, 2020
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