Cassidy Morrison
Cassidy Morrison
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Fear of coronavirus resurgence reaches Wall Street

Fear of coronavirus resurgence reaches Wall Street

he threat of a second wave of the coronavirus has spooked investors, causing the stock market to skid Thursday.The Dow Jones Industrial Average slipped nearly 7% Thursday, putting it on track for its first three-day losing streak in a month. The S&P 500 dropped 4.7%.The stock market plunge is in response to a recent resurgence in coronavirus cases in reopened states, such as Arizona and California.Thursday’s rout marked the worst day since March when markets crashed as investors reacted to the exponential growth of coronavirus cases, a development that prompted President Trump to move...

June 12, 2020
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‘A great deal of confusion and uncertainty’: Trump coronavirus adviser infighting breaks into open

‘A great deal of confusion and uncertainty’: Trump coronavirus adviser infighting breaks into open

hite House Coronavirus Task Force advisers are openly disagreeing with each other, sending mixed messages about the pandemic.Both Dr. Anthony Fauci, the government’s top infectious disease expert, and Dr. Robert Redfield, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in recent days have criticized Dr. Scott Atlas, a conservative neuroradiologist from Stanford who has become the top adviser to President Trump on the coronavirus."Everything he says is false," Redfield about Atlas during a phone call made in public on a commercial flight and by NBC News.Redfield’s comment...

September 28, 2020
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Pandemic restrictions reintroduced across Europe under threat of a second wave

Pandemic restrictions reintroduced across Europe under threat of a second wave

ormer hot spots in Europe have recorded dramatic spikes in new coronavirus cases, forcing some countries to reinstate restrictions.“We have a very serious situation unfolding before us,” Hans Kluge, the World Health Organization’s regional director for Europe, told reporters Thursday. “Weekly cases have now exceeded those reported when the pandemic first peaked in Europe in March.”More than half of European countries have reported a greater-than-10% increase in cases in the past two weeks, Kluge said. Last week, the region’s weekly tally exceeded 300,000 patients.To ward off a second wave,...

September 17, 2020
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Tobacco industry faces new crackdown under Biden

Tobacco industry faces new crackdown under Biden

he Food and Drug Administration is poised to crack down on tobacco products, starting with a potential ban on menthol cigarettes next week.The FDA’s policy decision on menthol cigarettes is a to a June 2020 lawsuit brought by the African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council, which argued that the FDA has neglected to regulate menthol cigarettes in the same way it does nonflavored cigarettes . The public health organization compelled the agency to respond to a citizens’ petition calling for the product’s removal from the market. It remains unclear whether it will result in a total ban...

April 25, 2021
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Majority now optimistic pandemic on the way out

Majority now optimistic pandemic on the way out

ost people are optimistic that the pandemic is on its way out as the pace of vaccinations surpasses 2.4 million shots per day with the promise of speeding up further as production continues.A record 60% of adults see the COVID-19 crisis in the United States as getting better, while 26% say it is staying the same, and 14% believe it is getting worse, to results of a February Gallup poll published earlier this month.The boost in optimism comes as new daily case rates continue to fall from of about 300,000 new daily infections. Cases have plateaued at around 55,000 new cases confirmed each day...

March 20, 2021
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CDC extends eviction moratorium through June

CDC extends eviction moratorium through June

Closehe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has the ban on evictions through June 30, a measure that ensures people who cannot afford rent due to COVID-19 restrictions can remain in their homes.“The COVID-19 pandemic has presented a historic threat to the nation’s public health,” CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said Monday. “Keeping people in their homes and out of crowded or congregate settings — like homeless shelters — by preventing evictions is a key step in helping to stop the spread of COVID-19.”The eviction , first implemented by the Trump administration last September, was set...

March 29, 2021
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Becerra’s dark track record on First Amendment and religious liberty

Becerra’s dark track record on First Amendment and religious liberty

Closeavier Becerra, California’s attorney general and President Biden’s controversial nominee to head the Department of Health and Human Services, narrowly managed to move through a procedural Senate vote on Thursday to advance his confirmation. Democrats have touted Becerra’s experience as a staunch defender of affordable healthcare and access to abortion, while GOP senators have argued that he is an unqualified culture warrior based on his record on First Amendment- and religious liberty-related cases. Here's a look at some of those cases.National Institute of Family and Life Advocates v....

March 13, 2021
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Becerra confirmation would mean left-wing ‘culture wars,' GOP senators say

Becerra confirmation would mean left-wing ‘culture wars,' GOP senators say

Closehe confirmation of Xavier Becerra as head of the most sweeping federal health agency will mean “culture wars” driven by divisive liberal policies, Senate Republicans say.“Xavier Becerra isn’t an experienced consensus leader, he’s a culture war super-soldier with a long history of attacking First Amendment freedoms,” Nebraska Republican Ben Sasse said.“Culture wars are poison to self-government, especially during a real public health crisis. The Senate should reject his divisive nomination,” he said.Sasse, who sits on the Senate Finance Committee, had a heated exchange with Biden’s...

March 2, 2021
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Five governors besides Cuomo who sent COVID-19-positive patients into nursing homes

Five governors besides Cuomo who sent COVID-19-positive patients into nursing homes

ov. of New York was not the only state leader to have directed nursing homes to admit patients who had been hospitalized for . Governors from Michigan, California, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, all Democrats, enacted similar policies last year as fears grew that hospitals would be overwhelmed with new patients and too few healthcare providers.New York: Gov. Cuomo issued a on March 25 to nursing homes and long-term care facilities that prohibited them from discriminating against residents who had tested positive for the coronavirus. Though it was not an order, nursing homes in New York...

March 1, 2021
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Five governors besides Cuomo who sent COVID-19-positive patients into nursing homes

Five governors besides Cuomo who sent COVID-19-positive patients into nursing homes

ov. of New York was not the only state leader to have directed nursing homes to admit patients who had been hospitalized for . Governors from Michigan, California, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, all Democrats, enacted similar policies last year as fears grew that hospitals would be overwhelmed with new patients and too few healthcare providers.New York: Gov. Cuomo issued a on March 25 to nursing homes and long-term care facilities that prohibited them from discriminating against residents who had tested positive for the coronavirus. Though it was not an order, nursing homes in New York...

March 1, 2021
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