Casey Ross
Casey Ross
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'Covid is all about privilege': Trump's treatment underscores vast inequalities in access to care

'Covid is all about privilege': Trump's treatment underscores vast inequalities in access to care

s the symptoms of Covid-19 took hold, President Trump got an infusion of an experimental antibody cocktail and was whisked by helicopter to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. When his oxygen levels dipped, he was quickly put on a steroid normally given to patients with severe cases of the disease. At every step of the way, the president has had a team of expert physicians carefully monitoring his care.That experience is a world away from the stressful waiting game most patients wade through after a positive test.They are told to stay home and monitor their symptoms. If they do...

October 6, 2020
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As Covid-19 surges, researchers amass lung scans to build AI systems for patient care

As Covid-19 surges, researchers amass lung scans to build AI systems for patient care

t first, the images of lungs infected by the novel coronavirus were hard to come by. It was early in the pandemic, and Joseph Paul Cohen, a researcher at the University of Montreal, was trying to stockpile radiology scans to train an artificial intelligence model to recognize warning signs of severe illness.With so few images available, the work was next to impossible. But in recent weeks, the resurgence of Covid-19 in the U.S. and other hotspots has solved that problem, allowing him to amass hundreds of lung scans from clinical reports published around the world. “We’re at a good number...

July 27, 2020
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Aided by machine learning, scientists find a novel antibiotic able to kill superbugs in mice

Aided by machine learning, scientists find a novel antibiotic able to kill superbugs in mice

In-depth analysis of biotech, pharma, and the life sciencesIn-depth analysis of biotech, pharma, and the life sciencesor decades, discovering novel antibiotics meant digging through the same patch of dirt. Biologists spent countless hours screening soil-dwelling microbes for properties known to kill harmful bacteria. But as superbugs resistant to existing antibiotics have spread widely, breakthroughs were becoming as rare as new places to dig.Now, artificial intelligence is giving scientists a reason to dramatically expand their search into databases of molecules that look nothing like...

February 22, 2020
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Study finds racial bias in the government's formula for distributing Covid-19 aid to hospitals

Study finds racial bias in the government's formula for distributing Covid-19 aid to hospitals

he federal government has systematically shortchanged communities with large Black populations in the distribution of billions of dollars in Covid-19 relief aid meant to help hospitals struggling to manage the effects of the pandemic, according to a study published Friday.The in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that the funding inequities resulted from a that allocated large chunks of a $175 billion relief package based on hospital revenue, instead of numbers of Covid-19 cases or other health data.The effect was to distribute more money through the federal CARES Act to...

August 7, 2020
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Telehealth grew wildly popular amid Covid-19. Now visits are plunging, forcing providers to recalibrate

Telehealth grew wildly popular amid Covid-19. Now visits are plunging, forcing providers to recalibrate

nationwide dropoff in telemedicine visits is forcing providers who raced to ramp up virtual care in the face of the pandemic to quickly recalibrate their offerings as more patients turn back to in-person appointments.Telemedicine visits accounted for just 21% of total encounters by the middle of July, down from 69% at the early peak of the public health crisis in April, according to , the electronic health record company.While telemedicine use largely remains well above pre-pandemic levels — and many still say telemedicine’s popularity is here to stay — the recent downturn in visits has...

September 1, 2020
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The Trump administration haphazardly gave away millions of Covid-19 masks — to schools, broadcasters, and large corporations

The Trump administration haphazardly gave away millions of Covid-19 masks — to schools, broadcasters, and large corporations

undreds of millions of cloth face masks shipped to U.S. agencies, nonprofit organizations, and private companies by the Trump administration appear to have been allocated in a haphazard fashion, raising questions about inequitable distribution in the effort to beat back the Covid-19 pandemic.advertisementadvertisementCorrection: An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated the number of masks that the Artes de la Rosa Cultural Center for the Arts received. It received 150,000, though the HHS document listed 300,000 masks.Comments are closed.advertisementYou've been selected!...

August 13, 2020
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After 9/11, we gave up privacy for security. Will we make the same trade-off after Covid-19?

After 9/11, we gave up privacy for security. Will we make the same trade-off after Covid-19?

n a span of weeks, the novel coronavirus has turned the nation’s roiling health privacy debate on its head. Concerns about what Google and Facebook might be doing with patients’ sensitive health information have receded, and instead, Americans are being asked to allow surveillance of their daily movements and contacts, and even their temperature and other physiological changes.By tapping into people’s phones and medical records, researchers and public health authorities are hoping to more swiftly identify and isolate potentially infected patients and corral a pandemic that is outrunning...

April 8, 2020
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