Carrie Sheffield
Carrie Sheffield
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Trump police reform plan to target bad cops, easing tensions and mental health help

Trump police reform plan to target bad cops, easing tensions and mental health help

The reforms are not intended to punish or defund police, as some protesters have called forUpdated: June 16, 2020 - 11:14amPresident Trump will sign an executive order on Tuesday to track bad police, de-escalate conflicts with suspects, and improve mental health care for suspects by pairing social workers with police officers responding to calls, senior administration officials said Monday.The Trump administration is working to finalize the executive order intended to establish best practices for law enforcement to improve guidance on hiring, training, and strategies for...

June 16, 2020
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Trump campaign launches its own competitor to the popular women's show 'The View'

Trump campaign launches its own competitor to the popular women's show 'The View'

'For too long, women on ABC’s ‘The View’ have believed they represent all women’s views,' one of the hosts of the new 'The Right View' declares.Updated: May 20, 2020 - 10:30pmTweet URLABC's long-running daytime women's talk show "The View," has long been perceived by conservatives as a bastion of the left. On Wednesday night, President Trump's campaign decided to give it some competition, launching its own women's talk show called "The Right View."The campaign touted the new weekly program online Tuesday afternoon with a sizzle reel for the show, including a logo, theme song and...

May 21, 2020
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Tax, legal experts say leaker of Trump tax returns could face prison time

Tax, legal experts say leaker of Trump tax returns could face prison time

"This is every bit as bad as what Nixon did," said tax attorney Jay Mann, noting the privacy section of the Internal Revenue Code, Section 6103, was enacted after the Nixon administration abused tax return information of individuals on the White House "enemies list."Updated: October 2, 2020 - 11:20pmTax and legal experts say the leaker or leakers who took President Trump's personal tax returns and gave them to The New York Times, committed a felony punishable by prison.Joseph diGenova, a former U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia who has advised Trump on some legal...

October 3, 2020
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Trump's battle with COVID could humanize him among swing voters, suburban women

Trump's battle with COVID could humanize him among swing voters, suburban women

"I most of all appreciate what's been said by the American people — by almost a bipartisan consensus of American people," President Trump said Saturday in a video from the hospital. "It's a beautiful thing to see. And I very much appreciate it, and I won't forget it, promise you that."Updated: October 5, 2020 - 11:30amTweet URLTweet URLTrump's battle with COVID could humanize him among swing voters, suburban womenAs President Trump continues his recovery from the coronavirus, his illness is fraught with political implications that could in the end serve as a humanizing, softening force for...

October 6, 2020
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Trump bans U.S agencies from firing citizens to replace them with foreigners, fires TVA chief

Trump bans U.S agencies from firing citizens to replace them with foreigners, fires TVA chief

The order challenges federal contractors’ use of H-1B visas to bring in temporary foreign labor for high-skilled jobs rather than relying on American workers.Updated: August 3, 2020 - 6:55pmPresident Trump on Monday signed an executive order banning federal agencies — with particular attention on the technology sector — from firing U.S. citizens or green card holders only to replace them with foreigners.The order, which the White House is calling the Executive Order on Hiring American, challenges federal contractors' use of H-1B visas to bring in temporary foreign labor for...

August 6, 2020
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Kodak a first step: Trump White House plans new ways to break Chinese supply chain dominance

Kodak a first step: Trump White House plans new ways to break Chinese supply chain dominance

'It doesn't mean we can't buy from certain sources. But you've got to think about it like a backup generator. You've got to have those sources in the United States, too.' - White House officialUpdated: July 31, 2020 - 11:20pmAs the Trump White House this week announced a major deal to pivot photo giant Kodak toward pharmaceutical manufacturing, it made clear this was just the first step in a broader plan to break Chinese dominance of supply chain in manufacturing.With a focus first on healthcare manufacturing, the White House brokered a $765 million...

August 1, 2020
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Nearly 2/3 of voters say progressive activists will respond with violence if Trump wins reelection

Nearly 2/3 of voters say progressive activists will respond with violence if Trump wins reelection

However, just 38% of U.S. voters think conservative activists will respond with violence if Democratic candidate Joe Biden wins.Updated: July 30, 2020 - 5:06pmFileFileJust the News Daily PollWith Scott RasmussenJust the News Daily PollWith Scott Rasmussen  Nearly two-thirds of U.S. voters say progressive activists will respond with violence if Trump wins reelection,  according to a new .However, just 38% of U.S. voters think conservative activists will respond with violence if Democratic candidate Joe Biden wins.Fifty-three percent (53%) of Democrats expect violence...

July 31, 2020
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ICE director on historic MS-13 takedown: 'I don't think the gangs are very concerned about COVID'

ICE director on historic MS-13 takedown: 'I don't think the gangs are very concerned about COVID'

'Their goal is to take control of the streets and control their people and get their money' – acting ICE Director Matthew AlbenceUpdated: July 16, 2020 - 4:28pmIn the wake of a Trump administration's crackdown of senior leaders of the violent MS-13 gang, Matthew Albence, acting director for Immigration and Customs Enforcement, said Wednesday that gangs have shown no signs of slowing during the COVID-19 pandemic. "I don't think the gangs are very concerned about COVID," Albence told Just the News during an interview at the White House, where...

July 26, 2020
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Five major witnesses rebut Bolton book, undercutting claims about Trump presidency

Five major witnesses rebut Bolton book, undercutting claims about Trump presidency

'I haven’t read the book in its entirety, but the excerpts I’ve seen, there’s lots of falsehoods, there’s lot of lies contained there,' Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said.Updated: June 24, 2020 - 10:51amAt least five major witnesses reject substantive claims in John Bolton's forthcoming, 592-page memoir titled "The Room Where It Happened." In the book, Bolton reportedly claimed that Trump offered “personal favors to dictators he liked," and asked Chinese President Xi Jinping to help him in the 2020 election.1. Secretary of State Mike...

June 26, 2020
