Carla Simmons
Carla Simmons
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Trench Fever in Colorado: New Disease From Lice Grips Western U.S. State | Science Times

Trench Fever in Colorado: New Disease From Lice Grips Western U.S. State | Science Times

Sign up to get the latest science news delivered weekly right to your inbox!Although Colorado only had four cases this year, Dr. , the medical director of infection prevention and control at the UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital believes that two already calls for an outbreak.Trench fever is characterized by relapsing fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, bone pain, particularly in the shins, and malaise. Some infected individuals can also develop skin lesions or potentially fatal infection of their heart valves.Read Also:Nonetheless, trench fever is rarely fatal. However, its...

July 22, 2020
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Japanese Theme Parks: Screaming Spreads Coronavirus So Screech in Your Hearts Instead | Science Times

Japanese Theme Parks: Screaming Spreads Coronavirus So Screech in Your Hearts Instead | Science Times

>Jul 08, 2020 09:58 PM EDT reports that park officials are hoping to minimize the transmission of COVID-19 by asking customers not to scream on rides. The order is based on clinical studies suggesting that coughing and screaming could spread the coronavirus.The guidelines were released by Japan's theme-park associations, including Disneyland and Universal Studios Japan in Osaka.Park-goers are pretty dissatisfied with the rule as they say it takes out the fun from the experience. Rika Matsuura, a college student who recently visited Tokyo Disneyland, said that it's just difficult not...

July 9, 2020
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NASA Hubble Space Telescope Detects Galaxy Moving Away From Earth at 3 Million Miles Per Hour | Science Times

NASA Hubble Space Telescope Detects Galaxy Moving Away From Earth at 3 Million Miles Per Hour | Science Times

>Jul 06, 2020 09:23 PM EDTSomewhat similar to our own galaxy, the Milky Way, the galaxy possesses aand barrel-shaped structure featuring a central arrangement of stars. The bar-like structure can affect the movement of the gas and stars within the galaxy.According to the Hubble site, the galaxy seemed to be fleeing from the Milky Way at almost 3.5 million miles per hour. Meanwhile, the Earth orbits the sun at 67,108 mph.Experts say that this behavior observed, such as the galaxy moving away from our galaxy, isn't surprising at all. They have observed this with many galaxies in the past...

July 7, 2020
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Study Shows How Hair Samples Give Hints on Measuring Fertility Hormone Levels | Science Times

Study Shows How Hair Samples Give Hints on Measuring Fertility Hormone Levels | Science Times

>Jul 06, 2020 03:40 AM EDTThe trials, still ongoing, now reports results from 152 women whose hair and blood samples were consistently collected during hospital visits. A fertility hormone called the Anti-Mullerian hormone was measured in the subjects' serum to provide a control, together with an ultrasound of the developing follicles in their ovaries."Biologically relevant" AMH levels were successfully discovered in the hair samples. Furthermore, they found that the levels were declining with the patient's age, just as the researchers expected.Additionally, as ovarian reserves lessen...

July 6, 2020
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Oxford Expert Claims Their COVID-19 Vaccine Gives Off Long Term Immunity With Antibodies 3X Higher Than Recovered Patients | Science Times

Oxford Expert Claims Their COVID-19 Vaccine Gives Off Long Term Immunity With Antibodies 3X Higher Than Recovered Patients | Science Times

Sign up to get the latest science news delivered weekly right to your inbox!Additionally, she says their experimental vaccine has been found to generate antibody levels of up to three times more than those patients who recovered from COVID-19.Concerns had been raised lately after patients with other types of coronavirus were able to be reinfected within a year. Such coronaviruses were found to be less dangerous and would usually cause the common cold.However, Professor Gilbert told the  that there might be a better result from a vaccine than the natural immunity obtained when...

July 2, 2020
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Pediatric Cases of Mysterious Inflammation Linked to Coronavirus Surge in Arizona: Here Are Warning Signs | Science Times

Pediatric Cases of Mysterious Inflammation Linked to Coronavirus Surge in Arizona: Here Are Warning Signs | Science Times

>Jun 21, 2020 09:15 PM EDTThe disease is called Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children () and is said to be rare and potentially fatal. The illness involves inflammation of major organs such as the heart, lungs, kidney, brain, eyes, and other gastrointestinal organs.According to Dr. David Moromisato, the chief medical officer at Banner Desert and Cardon Children's medical centers in Mesa, all pediatric clinics around the state are currently on the lookout for warning signs of MIS-C.He adds that children, parents, and caregivers must know signs that point to the disease because it...

June 22, 2020
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Discovery of New Novel Molecule Sparks Hope for Pain and Depression Treatment | Science Times

Discovery of New Novel Molecule Sparks Hope for Pain and Depression Treatment | Science Times

>Jun 20, 2020 01:22 AM EDTAs a result, the analgesic and anti-anxiety activities brought about by these peptides are then diminished, their study finds. Opioid peptides are tiny proteins that function as neuromodulators by interacting with four 'classical' opioid receptors on the surface of CNS cells. According to the researchers, they play a crucial role in arbitrating pain relief. Additionally, it also controls emotions such as stress, anxiety, euphoria, and depression.The head of Immuno-Pharmacology and Interactomics at LIH, Dr. Andy Chevigné, and his crew looked at findings from...

June 20, 2020
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Tether Assisted System Could Protect Earth From Asteroids, a Study That Used Computer Simulation Suggests | Science Times

Tether Assisted System Could Protect Earth From Asteroids, a Study That Used Computer Simulation Suggests | Science Times

>Jun 19, 2020 04:42 AM EDTPHAs carry the risk of causing tremendous and widespread damage to our planet, which may result in loss of many lives and demolition of infrastructure. A new study has determined a way to diminish the occurrence of such incidents.With asteroid Bennu as their test subject, researchers from the Arecibo Observatory at the University of Central Florida used  to estimate the dynamics of such a  system for an array of different primary conditions. This led to their conclusion that it would be achievable for use as a planetary defense system.Furthermore, the...

June 19, 2020
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Researchers Develop a Urine Test That Could Rapidly Identify Pregnant Women with Higher Risk of Miscarriage | Science Times

Researchers Develop a Urine Test That Could Rapidly Identify Pregnant Women with Higher Risk of Miscarriage | Science Times

>Jun 19, 2020 03:39 AM EDTAccording to a separate  conducted by Duke-NUS, KKH, and NTU, one in five pregnancies in Singapore displays signs of threatened miscarriage during the first trimester. One in four women with symptoms ends up losing their baby within the first two weeks. is one of the most frequent gynecological emergencies around the world. Women who experience this are usually presented with abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding.According to another , miscarriage is 2.6 times as likely to occur in pregnant women. Moreover, 17% of cases are expected to develop...

June 19, 2020
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110 Humans Sufficient for Mars Colony, French Expert Says: Who’s Up for It? | Science Times

110 Humans Sufficient for Mars Colony, French Expert Says: Who’s Up for It? | Science Times

>Jun 18, 2020 11:22 PM EDTHis paper discusses how the small community would have to reside in an oxygen-filled dome. Inside the dome, they would build their own agricultural industry necessary to sustain life on the red planet. The full findings of this paper were published in the journal  on June 16, 2020.The research paper came after the US billionaire Elon Musk announced that he would be investing into his  program, hoping that one day he could colonize Mars. Just recently, he sent the  boarding astronauts to the international space station.Also Read:Using a...

June 19, 2020
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