Carla Astudillo
Carla Astudillo
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After blowback, Texas admits 6% of its reported tests were for antibodies, not active infections

After blowback, Texas admits 6% of its reported tests were for antibodies, not active infections

Texas health officials made a key change Thursday to how they report data about the coronavirus, distinguishing antibody tests from standard viral tests and prompting slight increases in the state’s oft-cited daily statistic known as the positivity rate.The positivity rate is the ratio of the confirmed cases to total tests, presented by the state as a seven-day rolling average. The Texas Department State of Health Services disclosed for the first time Thursday that as of a day earlier, it had counted 49,313 antibody tests as as part of its "total tests" tally. That represents 6.4% of the...

May 22, 2020
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For the first time in years, Texas Democrats running for the U.S. House have more campaign cash than Republicans

For the first time in years, Texas Democrats running for the U.S. House have more campaign cash than Republicans

, our daily newsletter that keeps readers up to speed on the most essential Texas news.Early this election cycle, U.S. Sen. publicly worried about complacency within the Texas Republican political class — even after Democratic gains made in 2018.So in early 2019, the state’s senior senator encouraged Texas Republicans in the U.S. House to bolster their fundraising and think twice about sending money out of the state.“There’s an attempt by the leadership to extract as much money as possible out of the state as they can and use that wherever they need it, and I understand that," he told The...

July 27, 2020
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Facing a crush of COVID-19 patients, ICUs are completely full in at least 50 Texas hospitals

Facing a crush of COVID-19 patients, ICUs are completely full in at least 50 Texas hospitals

Hidalgo County Health Authority Ivan Melendez says coming into COVID-19 units nowadays feels like going through a nonlinear version of the five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.“You cry,” he told the Tribune. “There’s a lady that I’m taking care of that I’ve known since I was a child. … We grew up together, and I know she’s going to die. … It’s the same thing: ‘We got together for Christmas.’ Now we’re seeing the ramification of it.”Across Texas, hospital intensive care units are being battered as COVID-19 cases continue to rise in a post-holiday surge....

January 22, 2021
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Most Texan Republicans in the U.S. House voted in favor of objections to certifying Joe Biden's win

Most Texan Republicans in the U.S. House voted in favor of objections to certifying Joe Biden's win

Most Texas Republicans in the U.S. House voted in favor of in two swing states, hours after the Capitol had been stormed by supporters of President Donald Trump who were angry over Congress' plan to affirm President-elect Joe Biden's victory.But overall, Congress overwhelmingly voted against the objection by U.S. Sen. , R-Texas, to the certification of Arizona's results. The vote for Arizona was 93-6 in the Senate and 303-121 in the House. Later, the Senate voted 92-7 against an objection to certifying Pennsylvania's results; House members rejected it 282-138. For either objection to...

January 7, 2021
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Election Day was Nov. 3. Here's what you need to know.

Election Day was Nov. 3. Here's what you need to know.

to register to votefor counties to receive mail-in until early voting startsEarly voting ends until Election DayTexas voters . Early voting in the state ran from Oct. 13 to Oct. 30, and Election Day nationwide was Nov. 3. —most results in Texas are complete, except for overseas and provisional ballots. Counties have until Nov. 17 to complete a final canvass of votes.If you enter your address below, we’ll customize this page for you. (Don’t worry, we won’t store your information.) You’ll be able to view the and if you have more questions.Choose a section to scroll to:The Texas Tribune thanks...

September 18, 2020
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Texas November election: Who’s on the ballot

Texas November election: Who’s on the ballot

The U.S. will hold its 2020 general election Nov. 3, with an early voting period in Texas of Oct. 13-30. Some registered voters . Here are all of the Democrats, Republicans, third-party and independent candidates who will be on the ballot for statewide, congressional and legislative offices.For more information on voting during the election, check out .You’ll also see county and local elections on your ballot. Sample ballots for specific counties can be found on the maintained by the Texas secretary of state’s office. The Texas Tribune thanks its sponsors. .Races to watch Show all racesThe...

September 15, 2020
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In Texas, COVID-19 case totals and hospitalizations are rising. The state says prisons and meatpacking plants are key factors.

In Texas, COVID-19 case totals and hospitalizations are rising. The state says prisons and meatpacking plants are key factors.

As Texas moves forward with of Gov. ’s plan for reopening businesses, the daily number of confirmed coronavirus cases and hospitalizations is on a steady, upward trend.Throughout the state, the number of new cases reported each day has grown from an average of about 1,081 during the week ending May 24 to about 1,527 in the past week. (Public health data varies day to day, so officials use a seven-day rolling average to better capture trends over time.)The 14-day trend line shows new infections in Texas have risen about 71% in the past two weeks. Although confirmed infections have increased...

June 8, 2020
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