Caren Chesler
Caren Chesler
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Covid-19 put me and my family in lockdown. I’m feeling weirdly nostalgic now that it’s lifted.

Covid-19 put me and my family in lockdown. I’m feeling weirdly nostalgic now that it’s lifted.

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareI sent a text to an old college friend in April, inquiring how she was faring under the covid-19 stay-at-home order then in place, and I confided in her that I’d be sad to see it end. I liked that everything had slowed down, that for a brief time, I’d stepped off the conveyor belt I’d been on that made my life feel less meaningful.My friend, a 57-year-old writer in New York, wrote back immediately: “Wow. Will not be sad when it’s over. It’s a dark cloud hanging over life, and I feel panicked and dread for people in the...

July 26, 2020
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Perspective | Oh, no! Do I have a fever? When coronavirus fears rev up my hypochondria, my 9-year-old keeps me grounded.

Perspective | Oh, no! Do I have a fever? When coronavirus fears rev up my hypochondria, my 9-year-old keeps me grounded.

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareA thermometer sits on the window sill of my bathroom, right next to the toilet, so every time I go to the bathroom, I can take my temperature. I’ve been feeling like I have a low grade fever for weeks, and these days, a fever isn’t just a fever. It’s a signal you may have the corona­virus. And so I take my temperature about eight times a day to see if my fever has risen.This virus has come at an inconvenient time, revving up my usual hypochondria. I always think I’m dying: Mosquito bites are tumors. Pimples are lesions....

May 15, 2020
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As more states legalize marijuana, more children accidentally ingest THC-laced edibles

As more states legalize marijuana, more children accidentally ingest THC-laced edibles

In January, a in New Jersey was taken to a hospital after eating a large quantity of what appeared to be Skittles candies but turned out to contain THC, the active ingredient in marijuana that produces the high sensation. In December, a was rushed to the hospital after eating candy that looked like Nerds Rope but was laced with THC. And in September, a young boy in Massachusetts that emergency room doctors found about three grams of THC in his body, a huge amount even for an adult.Poison control centers across the country say they have seen a spike in the number of children who have...

April 16, 2021
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Signs of life amid signs of concern in the second year of the coronavirus pandemic

Signs of life amid signs of concern in the second year of the coronavirus pandemic

ADThe coronavirus pandemic isn’t over, but its psychological grip on the United States has weakened. Pandemic fatigue, warmer weather and a surge in vaccinations have led to a spring fever palpable across much of the country.Last weekend, more than 1.5 million Americans on Sunday alone, a new high for the pandemic and triple the figure from the same period in 2020 during the , figures from the Transportation Security Administration show.Cellphone mobility data analyzed by The Washington Post show movement steadily increasing everywhere except in large cities, where office buildings...

March 25, 2021
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