Caitlyn Kim
Caitlyn Kim
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What We Know About Lauren Boebert’s Campaign Payments To Herself For Driving 38,000 Miles

What We Know About Lauren Boebert’s Campaign Payments To Herself For Driving 38,000 Miles

You need to enable JavaScript to view this site.On Feb. 22, 2021, the campaign of GOP Congresswoman Lauren Boebert  for a mileage reimbursement. Our original story continues below. Updated on Feb. 8 at 2:45 p.m. Congresswoman Lauren Boebert’s campaign paid her $22,259 in mileage reimbursements, effectively claiming that Boebert had driven 38,712 miles during the course of her campaign in 2020. It’s a figure that raised eyebrows when it was first reported , with two groups requesting investigations of the freshman Republican representative’s apparently ambitious itinerary. “$22,000...

February 7, 2021
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Is The Future Of The BLM Near Public Lands In Grand Junction Or Near The Nation’s Leaders In DC?

Is The Future Of The BLM Near Public Lands In Grand Junction Or Near The Nation’s Leaders In DC?

You need to enable JavaScript to view this site.“When you're located in a place that has no public lands at all, you just don't understand it,” said Robin Brown, executive director of the Grand Junction Economic Partnership. It’s just one of the reasons she’s glad that, after years of talking about moving, the Bureau of Land Management headquarters relocated its headquarters from Washington, D.C. to the Western Slope of Colorado, a place with lots of public lands.  On top of that, Brown celebrates the fact that it’s been a boon to the local economy, bringing jobs — “and they’re high...

February 8, 2021
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Boebert Clashes With Capitol Police After Setting Off Metal Detectors

Boebert Clashes With Capitol Police After Setting Off Metal Detectors

You need to enable JavaScript to view this site.Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert continued to make news at the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday — this time for refusing to let Capitol Police look through her purse after she set off metal detectors placed at entrances to the House floor. The metal detectors were set up after multiple Democrats about freshmen members insistent on carrying weapons. Boebert, and co-chair of the Second Amendment caucus who has pledged to carry a gun in Congress, tweeted “Metal detectors outside of the House would not have stopped the violence we saw last week — it’s...

January 13, 2021
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Bernie Sanders And Other Proxies Are Visiting Colorado For Biden And Trump As Campaigns Keep Their Focus Elsewhere

Bernie Sanders And Other Proxies Are Visiting Colorado For Biden And Trump As Campaigns Keep Their Focus Elsewhere

You need to enable JavaScript to view this site.With less than a week to go before Election Day, the candidates and their surrogates are fanning out across the country to get out the vote.  Republicans tout the accomplishments of President Donald Trump and argue he’s earned another four years. On the other side, Democrats hammer the president’s record and talk up former Vice President Joe Biden as the responsible choice. But a lot of that is pretty invisible if you live in Colorado — at least compared to past presidential election years. One of the biggest names to “visit” the state in...

October 30, 2020
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After Trump Indicated He Opposes USPS Funding, Colorado Secretary Of State Touts Secure Mail Voting System

After Trump Indicated He Opposes USPS Funding, Colorado Secretary Of State Touts Secure Mail Voting System

You need to enable JavaScript to view this site.Colorado’s Democratic Secretary of State, Jena Griswold, is raising concerns that President Donald Trump’s reluctance to fund the U.S. Postal Service will suppress votes in Colorado and other states that rely on vote-by-mail. “He’s trying to affect turnout in November by undermining a system that we know works, and works well for Democrats and Republicans and, of course, independents,” Griswold said. Trump indicated in an interview with Fox Business Network Thursday that one reason he hasn’t reached a deal with Democrats on more coronavirus...

August 14, 2020
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Cory Gardner’s Major Public Lands Bill Is Poised To Pass The Senate

Cory Gardner’s Major Public Lands Bill Is Poised To Pass The Senate

You need to enable JavaScript to view this site.A landmark public lands package is on the precipice of clearing the Senate. The bill would help fix ailing National Parks and help states and local communities acquire land for new parks. Colorado Sen. Cory Gardner has gotten a lot of credit for getting the bill to the finish line. The started out as two different bills, both alike in nature, and both of which were stymied in the legislative process. Republican Cory Gardner was a co-sponsor on both. “I made a determination in talking to Sen. McConnell that if we put the two bills together, if...

June 15, 2020
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