Brooks O'Brian
Brooks O'Brian
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Must We Explain? Top 10 Most Misunderstood Things About Minnesota

Must We Explain? Top 10 Most Misunderstood Things About Minnesota

Getty ImagesHaving just moved back to my home state of Minnesota after many years on the West Coast, I'm quickly being reminded of all the misunderstood things having to do with Minnesota.Do you feel like you're always having to explain how things really are to out-of-towners?  I've only been back for 4 months and I already feel it.  So let's just clear it up now.Get our free mobile app Source: Must We Explain? Top 10 Most Misunderstood Things About MinnesotaCommentsLeave A CommentSCSU Graduate Brings Northern Lights To Life In New 2024 CalendarMinnesota’s Favorite Halloween...

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Extreme Halloween!  This Duluth Boy Has Amazing Halloween Costume

Extreme Halloween! This Duluth Boy Has Amazing Halloween Costume

Photo by Szabó János on UnsplashEvery year when Halloween would roll around I would get a little anxiety.  I'm simply no good at the whole dressing up thing.  I would always ask my Mom and friends for ideas.  My Mom probably loved it because I'd wear anything she'd come up with.  Who are we kidding anyway? I just wanted to hang out with friends and get free candy.But this boy from Duluth clearly embraces every part about Halloween. This might be the best Halloween costume I've ever seen and it's not necessarily the costume itself.  It's really about the boys ability...

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October in Central Minnesota, Are These the 5 Best Things To Do?

October in Central Minnesota, Are These the 5 Best Things To Do?

Photo by Brooks O'BrianThis month is the one I was looking forward to most when I moved back here to my home state of Minnesota four months ago.  I love everything about it.  The chill in the air, the perfect hoodie weather, the fall colors and the fact you can do things outside without sweating to death.Get our free mobile appIn my opinion, these are the Top 5 things to do in Central Minnesota in October.  But you be the judge.  Did I miss something?  I'll list them in no particular order.Fall Colors: The colors are just starting to turn.  The...

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