Brock Simmons
Brock Simmons
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Pro-Antifa Communist Candidate Is Leading Ted Wheeler In Portland Mayoral Race

Pro-Antifa Communist Candidate Is Leading Ted Wheeler In Portland Mayoral Race

AdvertisementYou know you’re in Portland when the current mayor who has chased out countless businesses and allowed Antifa and BLM terrorists to destroy the city on a nightly basis for over four months straight is somehow not far enough to the left to appease the voter base.National laughingstock Ted Wheeler is now trailing in the polls for his re-election. But not against a candidate that promises to crack down on the rioters, promote businesses, and actually fix the roads. No, of course not. He’s losing to a candidate that’s even further to the left than he is. Plucky upstart Sarah...

October 6, 2020
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VIDEO: Democrat Party Official Pulls Knife On "Women for Trump" Supporters In Portland

VIDEO: Democrat Party Official Pulls Knife On "Women for Trump" Supporters In Portland

ManageLoginAdvertisementThe Oregon Women For Trump organization attempted to hold a pro-Trump event on Sunday, October 4th, only to be interrupted by a knife wielding maniac who was threatening them.The perp was identified as Clayton John Callahan.Advertisement - story continues belowCallahan, as it turns out, is the communications director for the Democratic Party Of Washington County, which a suburban county just west of Portland.OWFT had a Trump Convoy today in Portland. We were approached and threatened by a knife weilding democrat leader from Washington Co. Democrat party!— Oregon...

October 5, 2020
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DHS Memo Names "Right Wing Extremists" as Biggest Terror Threat In Portland, Despite Four Months of Violent Leftist Riots

DHS Memo Names "Right Wing Extremists" as Biggest Terror Threat In Portland, Despite Four Months of Violent Leftist Riots

ManageLoginAdvertisementAfter four months of nearly non-stop nightly riots and destruction in Portland, which have included , , , people , , , and other nefarious acts, all at the hands of violent leftists associated with Antifa and Black Lives Matter, Department of Homeland Security agents officially reveal what they consider to be the number one terror threat in the area; “Right wing extremists” and strawmen “white supremacists.”That’s right, the federal agency seemingly ignores the 100+ nights of violence and mayhem caused by crazed leftists, and instead makes mountains out of molehills...

September 26, 2020
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BREAKING: Pro-Antifa DA Drops Attempted Murder and Arson Charges For Terrorist Who Hurled Massive Molotov Cocktail At Police

BREAKING: Pro-Antifa DA Drops Attempted Murder and Arson Charges For Terrorist Who Hurled Massive Molotov Cocktail At Police

ManageLoginAdvertisementMultnomah County district attorney Mike Schmidt has dropped the most serious charges against Joseph Robert Sipe, in Portland last night. Charges of First Degree Attempted Murder, First Degree Arson, First Degree Attempted Assault, and Attempt To Commit A Class A Felony, which all fall under Class A and B felonies, were all dropped. Only the Class C Felony charges of Riot and Unlawful Possession Of A Destructive Device remain.Advertisement - story continues belowthrown as police charge at the . Then they drive us half a mile west, assisted by , popping off pepper...

September 24, 2020
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SATURDAY: Antifa Cells Announce Day Of Retribution Across US After Feds Quell Riots In Portland

SATURDAY: Antifa Cells Announce Day Of Retribution Across US After Feds Quell Riots In Portland

ManageLoginAdvertisementAntifa splinter cells are planning a day of terrorism across the country in retaliation for the feds doing the job that Portland police won’t do after they took control of the rioting mobs. Tomorrow, Saturday, July 25th, is being dubbed J25, and actions are planned in several cities.Stand in solidarity with on .-Form an affinity group.-Coordinate am action.-Challenge the police state.-Don’t back down. .— PNW Youth Liberation Front (@PNWYLF)The central group appears to be Pacific Northwest Youth Liberation Front, which is organizing the main event in Portland....

July 24, 2020
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Portland Mayor Gassed By Feds As Large Fires Burn At Courthouse; STILL BLAMES TRUMP

Portland Mayor Gassed By Feds As Large Fires Burn At Courthouse; STILL BLAMES TRUMP

ManageLoginAdvertisementVichy Portland mayor Ted Wheeler decided to attend the protests on Wednesday evening. , he walked over to the big fence that lines the federal courthouse, to join the protesters there.As usual, the rioters broke through the fence, set several fires, and launched fireworks at building. - story continues belowTed wheeler is watching this— Kitty Shackleford (@KittyLists)DHS is not the problem.— Kitty Shackleford (@KittyLists)TRENDING:Wheeler was personally watching the fires:Ted Wheeler by the fire...

July 23, 2020
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Seattle Councilperson Suggests Police Should Fire White Cops

Seattle Councilperson Suggests Police Should Fire White Cops

ManageLoginAdvertisementOn a recent Zoom based Seattle city council meeting, councilperson Lisa Herbold rambled on about who to fire in the police department if she gets her wish to cut the funding in half. Herbold made it a point that all police officers of color should be retained, and whitey should get the axe.Jason Rantz :Advertisement - story continues belowSeattle City Councilmember Lisa Herbold, a supporter of the radical defund movement, suggests the Seattle Police Department fire officers for being white. This wouldn’t just be racist, it would be illegal.The Seattle City Council is...

July 20, 2020
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"F*** THE PEACEFUL PROTESTS" Shouts Angry BLM Leader At Portland Rally (VIDEO)

"F*** THE PEACEFUL PROTESTS" Shouts Angry BLM Leader At Portland Rally (VIDEO)

ManageLoginAdvertisementThe emboldened terrorists are no longer hiding their true feelings. What used to be kept behind a PR friendly veil of “we don’t condone violence” is now out in the open. Not only are they openly saying , but they are now calling for violent protests, shouting “F*** THE PEACEFUL PROTESTS!”At the same rally where they called for abolishing the U.S.A., president of “non profit” , Tai Carpenter, took to the microphone to go on her own deranged rant, and repeatedly condemned peaceful protesting, essentially saying her protests need to be violent. She explains that calling...

July 18, 2020
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Liberty University Files $10 Million Defamation Lawsuit Against New York Times Over Covid Fearmongering Story

Liberty University Files $10 Million Defamation Lawsuit Against New York Times Over Covid Fearmongering Story

ManageLoginAdvertisementDrone photos are taken as students move in on Thursday August 15, 2019. (Photo by KJ Jugar)Gateway Pundit readers may recall the covfefe that ensued after as normal, in spite of Covid-19 fears. This of course sparked controversy throughout the leftist media, about the university and students that may or may not have gotten sick.Liberty University and its president, Jerry Falwell Jr., have now announced a $10 Million defamation suit against the formerly reputable newspaper. includes 171 points of argument and 9 exhibits, which consists largely of the NYT’s own...

July 16, 2020
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Portland: Antifa Terrorists Accuse Biracial Videographer of Being Proud Boy - Then Beat Him, Stomp Him and Steal His Phone (VIDEO)

Portland: Antifa Terrorists Accuse Biracial Videographer of Being Proud Boy - Then Beat Him, Stomp Him and Steal His Phone (VIDEO)

AdvertisementWhat happens when a bi-racial police accountability activist attends a Black Lives Matter rally in Portland?Well, the brave sentinels of racial equity pounce on him, tackling him to the ground, beat him to a pulp, and steal his camera gear.Advertisement - story continues belowWhy? Because they accuse him of being a Proud Boy because the Proud Boys don’t beat him up when he films their events. TRENDING:The victim, identified as Eli Richey, , and has filmed police encounters and protests for years, holding police accountable for their actions; THE VERY THING THAT THE...

October 16, 2020
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