Brigid Bergin
Brigid Bergin
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Working Families Party Chooses Top Three: Scott Stringer, Dianne Morales And Maya Wiley for Mayor

Working Families Party Chooses Top Three: Scott Stringer, Dianne Morales And Maya Wiley for Mayor

AdvertisementIn a nod to the city’s new ranked-choice voting system—and in a sign that progressives want to come together to stop the rise of more moderate candidates—the Working Families Party announced its ranked mayoral endorsements late Tuesday, giving the top spot to Scott Stringer, the New York City Comptroller, followed by former non-profit executive Dianne Morales as their second choice, and civil rights attorney Maya Wiley as their third.The top-ranking serves as a boost to Stringer who with early support from several of the city’s foremost progressive elected officials, but found...

April 14, 2021
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BOE Completes First Ranked-Choice Count, Selvena Brooks-Powers Declares Victory

BOE Completes First Ranked-Choice Count, Selvena Brooks-Powers Declares Victory

AdvertisementAfter just over , the New York City Board of Elections finished its first count of ballots on Thursday using the new ranked-choice voting system marking a major milestone in a new era for city elections.Selvena Brooks-Powers, who led the field based on the unofficial results after the February 23rd special election for City Council, grew her lead to winning threshold — more than 50% of the vote — and issued a statement declaring victory in the 31st Council District which covers portions of the Rockaway peninsula and the southeast Queens mainland."We are in the midst of a...

March 18, 2021
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District Council 37, Largest Union For City Workers, Prepares To Back Eric Adams For Mayor

District Council 37, Largest Union For City Workers, Prepares To Back Eric Adams For Mayor

AdvertisementLeaders of the largest union representing municipal workers plan to ask their members to officially endorse Eric Adams for mayor, according to an announcement from District Council 37 on Wednesday. It won’t be official until their delegates meet later this month, but the nomination serves as another shot in the arm for the current Brooklyn Borough President, who is among the top contenders in the race according to the latest polling in a crowded field of candidates.With their contract set to expire in May, and several mayoral candidates calling for belt-tightening to close the...

March 10, 2021
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Queens Special Election Becomes Ranked-Choice Voting “Testing Ground”

Queens Special Election Becomes Ranked-Choice Voting “Testing Ground”

AdvertisementRanked-choice voting makes its New York City debut this weekend in a special election to fill a City Council seat in eastern Queens. It’s the first of several elections this spring leading up to the democratic primary for mayor in June, that will introduce voters to an entirely new way of selecting their political leaders.While the ranking system of voting has been used in other municipalities, including San Francisco and Minneapolis, this special election will be the first time voters see how it plays out in New York, with skeptics ready to spotlight any perceived failings and...

January 22, 2021
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After Legitimizing Trump's Election Lies, NY's Congressional Objectors Face Skittish Donors

After Legitimizing Trump's Election Lies, NY's Congressional Objectors Face Skittish Donors

AdvertisementHours after violent insurrectionists were finally cleared from the Capitol on January 6th, 147 Republican members of Congress voted to object to the electoral college victory of President-elect Joe Biden, undeterred in their allegiance to President Donald Trump, who had incited the riots.For the four New York representatives who voted against certifying the election results -- Republicans Nicole Mallotakis, Lee Zeldin, Chris Jacobs, and Elise Stefanik -- their decision may come with financial costs, as some top donors have either backed away from their candidates, halted...

January 15, 2021
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