Brian Nam-Sonenstein
Brian Nam-Sonenstein
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Number Of People Incarcerated In U.S. Is Far Higher Than 2.5 Million

Number Of People Incarcerated In U.S. Is Far Higher Than 2.5 Million

The most popular statistic regarding the United States’ prison system is that there are 2.5 million people incarcerated. However, this figure significantly under-represents the number of people caged in this country each year.According to a released by the Prison Policy Initiative, at least 4.9 million people are arrested and jailed each year. Those individuals are disproportionately poor, Black, and lack access to education and health care.Researchers say the 4.9 million figure represents a minimum estimate, as data on arrests and incarceration in the U.S. are woefully inadequate at every...

August 28, 2019
Obama Deported Twice As Many People Under Same Program As Trump

Obama Deported Twice As Many People Under Same Program As Trump

CNN’s Jake Tapper asked Democratic Senator Diane Feinstein about a bill she introduced, which would prohibit the federal government from separating immigrant children from their families during arrests at ports of entry or within 100 miles of the border of the United States.As he asked his question, Tapper brought up a photo taken in 2014 of children sleeping on the floor of a cage at an immigrant detention center.“There were a lot of things done to undocumented immigrants that the immigrant community was very upset about during the Obama years, that Democrats didn’t seem that outspoken...

September 7, 2019
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Exposing The True Impact Of Trump's Muslim Ban

Exposing The True Impact Of Trump's Muslim Ban

Shadowproof journalist Roqayah Chamseddine is collecting the stories of those affected by President Trump’s executive order barring people from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States.These stories will cast light on this order’s impact and help dispel any notion that it will achieve its stated goal to “protect the American people from terrorist attacks by foreign nationals admitted to the United States.”Most importantly, these stories will make clear that Trump’s order is a cruel and senseless attack on countless innocent people trying to build a life away from...

September 19, 2019
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Former Cook County Youth Inmates Face Barriers To Health Care

Former Cook County Youth Inmates Face Barriers To Health Care

A significant number of former juvenile inmates in Chicago’s Cook County jail believe they don’t need mental health, alcohol or substance abuse treatment and most often believed their problems would go away on their own, according to research [] published this month by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention’s (OJJDP) “Northeastern Juvenile Project.”The project studied 1,892 youth between the ages of 10 and 18 who had been incarcerated at the Cook County Juvenile Temporary Detention Center between 1995 and 1998. Other bulletins in the...

September 20, 2019
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School Officers' Pepper Spray Policy Ruled Unconstitutional

School Officers' Pepper Spray Policy Ruled Unconstitutional

High school public safety officers employed by the Birmingham Police Department (BPD) in Alabama violated the constitutional rights of students by using pepper spray against them “unnecessarily” and then failing to adequately decontaminate the children, according to a decision by US District Court Judge Abdul K. Kallon.The ruling in the class action lawsuit brought by eight Birmingham City School students represented by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) did not find the use of pepper spray against students was a violation of law. It...

September 19, 2019
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On May 9th, Stand Up for Imprisoned Torture Whistleblower John Kiriakou in Washington, DC - Shadowproof

On May 9th, Stand Up for Imprisoned Torture Whistleblower John Kiriakou in Washington, DC - Shadowproof

On Friday, May 9th in Washington, DC, supporters of imprisoned torture whistleblower John Kiriakou will visit a select group of congressmen and senators to request that they contact the Bureau of Prisons to immediately move John to a halfway house near his family.If you can get to Capitol Hill on Friday, we urge you to attend this important event.The below information is also available as a .—Date: Friday, May 9th, 2014Time: 9:30 AM sharp!Meeting location: Capitol CafePlease be on time as we have a lot of offices to visit that day! John’s wonderful cousin Clifford will be waiting for you...

May 5, 2014
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Alabama Tries To Break Strike, Transfers Leader To 'Bully Unit'

Alabama Tries To Break Strike, Transfers Leader To 'Bully Unit'

One of the leading voices behind the national prison strike against slavery was transferred to Kilby Correctional Facility, known among Alabama prisoners to be a “bully unit,” where prisoners deemed disruptive are brutalized.Kinetik Justice-Amun, also known as Robert Earl Council, is a member of the Free Alabama Movement and was previously incarcerated at the Holman Correctional Facility. He used contraband cellphones to communicate with journalists and publish videos and audio recordings from his solitary cell at Holman. The videos showed how prisoners like him are treated.“That’s...

September 19, 2019
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More Reports Of 'Gladiator Fights' Surface In California Prisons

More Reports Of 'Gladiator Fights' Surface In California Prisons

Another fight between rival prisoner groups took place at the state prison in Corcoran, California on the morning of February 20.The fight happened during what the California Department of Correction and Rehabilitation (CDCR) calls “incremental release,” when small groups of prisoners are released onto the yard together for recreation.Prisoners, their families, and advocates argue officials are scheduling incrementals with members of racial groups they know are in conflict. For that reason, they call them “gladiator fights”—a nod to fights orchestrated by Corcoran corrections officers in...

September 20, 2019
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FDL Activists Calling Progressive Reps. Against the Individual Mandate - Shadowproof

FDL Activists Calling Progressive Reps. Against the Individual Mandate - Shadowproof

At the moment, we have a House bill with a public option and individual mandate, and a Senate bill without a public option but with an individual mandate to purchase health insurance.  As we move toward the conference process in which both bills are merged, the Senate has made clear its expectation that the House will not make any deviations from the Senate bill, and pass it largely as-is.Such an expectation should make certain Members of Congress – 65 of them to be exact – a little bit uncomfortable.  That’s because this summer, FDL captured evidence of 65 progressive...

December 30, 2009
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Another Inmate Dies at Santa Rita Jail, Prompting Protest

Another Inmate Dies at Santa Rita Jail, Prompting Protest

Just as Corizon Health Services and the Alameda County Sheriff’s office wrap up the , we have news of a demonstration this past Wednesday in response to the death of another inmate with unmet medical needs.The Contra Costa Times reports that around 150 protesters appeared outside the Alameda County Board of Supervisors to rally against the death of  Martinez had been in jail on attempted murder and drug-related charges when he was ordered by the court to see a physician to treat his nasal polyps, which made it difficult for him to breathe. He also suffered...

September 20, 2019
