Obama Deported Twice As Many People Under Same Program As Trump
September 7, 20196 min read1120 words
Published: September 7, 2019  |  6 min read1120 words
CNN’s Jake Tapper asked Democratic Senator Diane Feinstein about a bill she introduced, which would prohibit the federal government from separating immigrant children from their families during arrests at ports of entry or within 100 miles of the border of the United States.As he...
Obama Deported Twice As Many People Under Same Program As Trump Read more

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Well Sourced
September 9, 2019
A well-written and in depth look, in compare and contrast fashion, at the referenced policies of the current and immediately previous presidential administrations. Relevant to and contextually informative of the current debate over U.S. immigration policies at the Southern border. Good sourcing and quotations add to the readability quotient. Prospective readers will come away better informed about the issue at hand.
September 9, 2019
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Study Misinterpreted
September 8, 2019
As far as I can tell, the cited study only records until 2017, and has no data on 2018 or 2019? https://trac.syr.edu/immigration/reports/517/
September 8, 2019
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September 11, 2019
This article provides an investigative and well sourced comparison between the number of deported people between the Obama and the Trump administration under the same program. While the article shines a light on the numbers of the Obama era and highlights the discrepancy in reaction of the democrats between the two presidencies, the data provided stops a few months after the start of the Trump presidency. The study quoted to back up the decimated rates of the Trump era compared to Obama, also provides an online tool to examine the number of ICE detainers since 2017 (https://trac.syr.edu/phptools/immigration/detain/) and those numbers seem to tell a different story. While the article overall provides a good context, the author seems to hide some information from the text.
September 11, 2019
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Great Context
September 8, 2019
This is a great, very well sourced article that shines a spotlight on the Obama era immigration policies and how they relate to the Trump Administration's. A ton of great context here that set the appropriate perspective on the outrage towards Trump's policies. The author does well to conclude that the practices are harmful and unacceptable, but that they were equally unacceptable during Obama's presidency. It could be argued that this article is stacking the deck against Obama's immigration policy, but with the public conversation so clearly targeted at Trump, in a way this article serves to balance the debate.
September 8, 2019
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