Brian Fung
Brian Fung
Brian Fung is a technology reporter who covers the intersection of business and policy. A native of Washington, D.C., Brian spent almost six years at The Washington Post, where he wrote extensively about the media industry's struggle to adapt to the Internet; the battle over net neutrality; and the rise of novel innovations such as self-driving cars. Prior to The Post, Brian served numerous roles at Atlantic Media, where he was the technology correspondent at National Journal and an associate editor at The Atlantic.Source
Washington, D.C.
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The coronavirus has only made Big Tech more dominant

The coronavirus has only made Big Tech more dominant

(CNN Business)One day after the CEOs of Amazon, Facebook, Apple and Google were about whether their companies are too powerful, the businesses posted earnings results that showed they are only getting more dominant amid the pandemic. that it had more than 3 billion monthly active users in the June quarter across its apps, including Instagram and WhatsApp. The company said that number reflected "increased engagement as people around the world sheltered in place." of $88.9 billion, a 40% increase from the prior year and a staggering $8 billion more than analysts had expected as the online...

July 29, 2020
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Apple will let Parler back on the App Store

Apple will let Parler back on the App Store

Washington (CNN Business)Apple has approved Parler's return to the iOS app store following improvements the social media company made to better detect and moderate hate speech and incitement, according to a letter the iPhone maker sent to Congress on Monday. The decision clears the way for Parler, an app popular with conservatives including some members of the far right, to be downloaded once again on Apple devices. The letter — addressed to Sen. Mike Lee and Rep. Ken Buck and obtained by CNN — explained that since the app was removed from Apple's platform in January for violations of its...

February 16, 2021
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Six key takeaways from Biden's Russia sanctions announcement | CNN Politics

Six key takeaways from Biden's Russia sanctions announcement | CNN Politics

By , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — The Biden administration slapped on Russia Thursday over Moscow’s alleged interference in the 2020 election, the massive SolarWinds hack and the ongoing occupation of Crimea, signaling it is adopting a tougher posture toward the Kremlin and Russian President Vladimir Putin.The sanctions announcement also showed that the Biden administration is more willing to directly call out Russia’s meddling in US affairs after Trump administration officials had to dance around former President Donald Trump’s frequent unwillingness to criticize...

April 15, 2021
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Supreme Court hands Google a victory in a multibillion-dollar case against Oracle | CNN Business

Supreme Court hands Google a victory in a multibillion-dollar case against Oracle | CNN Business

MarketsFeaturedFear & Greed IndexLatestBy , CNN BusinessLink Copied!Ad Feedback — The Supreme Court has handed Google a win in a , holding that the technology giant did not commit copyright infringement against Oracle when it copied snippets of programming language to build its Android operating system.Google’s copying of so-called application programming interfaces from Oracle’s Java SE was an example of fair use, the court held in a 6-2 decision authored by Justice Stephen Breyer.In addition to resolving a multibillion-dollar dispute between the tech titans, the ruling helps...

November 17, 2018
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Facebook, Twitter and Google CEOs grilled by Congress on misinformation

Facebook, Twitter and Google CEOs grilled by Congress on misinformation

Washington (CNN Business)The chief executives of Facebook, Google and Twitter faced withering criticism from members of Congress on Thursday about their handling of misinformation and online extremism during their first appearance before lawmakers since the Jan. 6 Capitol riots and the rollout of the coronavirus vaccine. Members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee pressed Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Google CEO Sundar Pichai and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey about their platforms' efforts to stem baseless election fraud claims and vaccine skepticism. Opaque algorithms that prioritize user...

March 25, 2021
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White House warns of 'active threat' from Microsoft email hackers

White House warns of 'active threat' from Microsoft email hackers

Washington (CNN)The Biden administration is increasingly sounding the alarm over a series of that Microsoft said this week were linked to China. "This is an active threat," White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Friday. "Everyone running these servers -- government, private sector, academia -- needs to act now to patch them." Psaki's warnings followed a by national security adviser Jake Sullivan Thursday evening that underscored how concerned the Biden administration is. He urged IT administrators nationwide to install software fixes immediately. Sullivan said the US government is...

March 5, 2021
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Former SolarWinds CEO blames intern for 'solarwinds123' password leak

Former SolarWinds CEO blames intern for 'solarwinds123' password leak

Washington (CNN)Current and former top executives at are blaming a company intern for a critical lapse in password security that apparently went undiagnosed for years. The password in question, "solarwinds123," was discovered in 2019 on the public internet by an independent security researcher who warned the company that the leak had exposed a SolarWinds file server. Several US lawmakers ripped into SolarWinds for the password issue Friday, in a joint hearing by the House Oversight and Homeland Security committees."I've got a stronger password than 'solarwinds123' to stop my kids from...

February 25, 2021
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FCC approves $50 monthly internet subsidies for low-income households during pandemic

FCC approves $50 monthly internet subsidies for low-income households during pandemic

(CNN)The Federal Communications Commission on Thursday approved final rules for a new broadband subsidy program that could help struggling families pay for internet service during the pandemic.The agency's $3.2 billion Emergency Broadband Benefit Program provides eligible low-income households with up to a $50 per month credit on their internet bills through their provider until the end of the pandemic. In tribal areas, eligible households may receive up to $75 per month. The program also provides eligible households up to $100 off of one computer or tablet.The congressionally created...

February 10, 2021
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Parler comes back online one month after going dark

Parler comes back online one month after going dark

(CNN Business)Parler, the social network favored by conservatives, came back online Monday with a redesigned website one month after it was suspended by Amazon Web Services and effectively driven offline."Speak freely and express yourself openly, without fear of being 'deplatformed' for your views," Parler's homepage read. Content from before Parler vanished no longer seems to be available. In its first post on the platform Monday, Parler's own account welcomed users back and said: "We will not be canceled," followed by an emoji of a flexing bicep.The website's return marks the reopening of...

January 11, 2021
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Trump signs executive order targeting social media companies

Trump signs executive order targeting social media companies

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump signed targeting on Thursday, days after Twitter called two of his tweets "potentially misleading."Speaking from the Oval Office ahead of signing the order, Trump said the move was to "defend free speech from one of the gravest dangers it has faced in American history.""A small handful of social media monopolies controls a vast portion of all public and private communications in the United States," he claimed. "They've had unchecked power to censor, restrict, edit, shape, hide, alter, virtually any form of communication between private citizens and...

May 27, 2020

