Brian Doherty
Brian Doherty
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Libertarian Party Wins COVID-19-Related Lawsuit Over Ballot Access in Illinois

Libertarian Party Wins COVID-19-Related Lawsuit Over Ballot Access in Illinois

A judge in Illinois yesterday paved the way for the Libertarian Party (L.P.) to actually get on the ballot in her state after COVID-19 made traditional petitioning to gather signatures for ballot access impossible.Richard Winger in the indispensable Ballot Access News that Judge Rebecca R. Pallmeyer, in an as-yet-unwritten opinion in the case of Libertarian Party of Illinois v. Pritzker, decided that if a third party was on the ballot in 2016 or 2018 for an office, it can be on the ballot again this year with no petition signatures required. For the L.P., this includes the presidential and...

April 22, 2020
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Libertarian Party To Choose Its Presidential Ticket in Virtual Vote Over Memorial Day Weekend

Libertarian Party To Choose Its Presidential Ticket in Virtual Vote Over Memorial Day Weekend

The Libertarian Party's National Committee (LNC) decided by a 13–4 vote today, after a tortuous 8-hour Zoom meeting, to divide the party's convention business into two parts.The first will be an online meeting over the same Memorial Day weekend during which the scotched in-person convention was supposed to occur in Austin, Texas. At this online meeting, "nomination and balloting for party candidates for President and Vice-President" will occur.Then a follow-up physical convention will be held in Orlando, Florida, from July 8–12. While the LNC did not formally commit yet to a contracted...

May 10, 2020
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Libertarian Party Presidential Debate Offers Choice Between All Liberty Now or Moving the Ball of Liberty Down the Field

Libertarian Party Presidential Debate Offers Choice Between All Liberty Now or Moving the Ball of Liberty Down the Field

Five leading candidates for the Libertarian Party's presidential nomination , in an event moderated by John Stossel. The voting will begin tomorrow via an online meeting of party delegates.Two candidates, and , have been the party's vice presidential nominees in the past (Gray in 2012, Jorgensen in 1996). One, John Monds, earned more than 31 percent of the vote in a for the Public Service Commission in Georgia. Another, Jacob Hornberger, has run a libertarian educational institition called the since 1989. And the fifth, , is a political parodist, famous for wearing a boot on his head, who...

May 22, 2020
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We Watched the Libertarian Party Vice Presidential Debate So You Didn't Have To

We Watched the Libertarian Party Vice Presidential Debate So You Didn't Have To

Three leading contenders for the Libertarian Party (L.P.) vice presidential nomination , moderated by old party hand Jim Turney.Larry Sharpe was a for the V.P. nod in 2016, getting nearly 47 percent on the second ballot against winner William Weld, the former Republican governor of Massachusetts. Though the party's delegates choose president and vice president via separate votes, Sharpe has been linking himself with Judge James Gray, one of the presidential candidates. Sharpe stressed their ticket's focus on helping party growth and down-ticket candidates in his opening statements.Spike...

May 23, 2020
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Jo Jorgensen Wins Libertarian Party Presidential Nomination

Jo Jorgensen Wins Libertarian Party Presidential Nomination

In a day-long , after four ballots, the 1,035 delegates assembled for the Libertarian Party's online convention selected Jo Jorgensen as their presidential candidate.She won with slightly over 51 percent of the vote (not every delegate voted in every round) on that fourth ballot, with 524 votes. Jacob Hornberger came in second, with nearly 28 percent of the vote. Vermin Supreme came in third, with 20 percent of the final vote.Reason ran an , a lecturer in psychology at Clemson who was the party's vice presidential candidate on a ticket with Harry Browne in 1996, on Thursday.The party's...

May 24, 2020
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