Brandon Specktor
Brandon Specktor
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Famous alien-hunting telescope slashed to pieces in mysterious midnight accident

Famous alien-hunting telescope slashed to pieces in mysterious midnight accident

Live Science is supported by its audience. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. .The — a gargantuan telescope in Puerto Rico famous for scouring the cosmos for and alien life — went quiet this week, following a devastating accident that left the telescope's reflector dish in pieces.On Monday (Aug. 10) at approximately 2:45 a.m. local time, a metal cable at the facility snapped, slashing through the radar dish and tearing open a 100-foot-long (30 meters) hole, according to a from the University of Central Florida, which operates the National...

August 14, 2020
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Mysterious 'fast radio burst' detected closer to Earth than ever before

Mysterious 'fast radio burst' detected closer to Earth than ever before

Live Science is supported by its audience. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. .Thirty thousand years ago, a dead star on the other side of the Milky Way belched out a powerful mixture of radio and X-ray energy. On April 28, 2020, that belch swept over Earth, triggering alarms at observatories around the world.The signal was there and gone in half a second, but that's all scientists needed to confirm they had detected something remarkable: the first ever "" (FRB) to emanate from a known star within the Milky Way, according to a study published...

August 7, 2020
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Scientists unveil largest 3D map of the universe ever

Scientists unveil largest 3D map of the universe ever

Live Science is supported by its audience. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. .After five years of peering into the deepest reaches of space, researchers have released what they call the "largest three-dimensional map of the universe" ever. No, you cannot see your house.The mind-boggling map is the result of an ongoing project called the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) — an ambitious, international quest to map the expansion of the observable universe, and hopefully solve a few in the process. With this newest update, the project has mapped and...

July 21, 2020
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'It's not ours': Government denies knowledge of strange 'UFO' over Japanese city

'It's not ours': Government denies knowledge of strange 'UFO' over Japanese city

Live Science is supported by its audience. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. .It's not a bird. It's not a plane. And it's not an alien. (, from planet Krypton or otherwise.)Still, the origin of a strange, balloon-like UFO that appeared in the sky over the city of Sendai, Japan, yesterday (June 17) around 7 a.m. local time, remains a mystery a full day after its sudden arrival. The object looked like a large white, unmanned balloon attached to two crossed propellers, according to news reports. The UFO lingered in the sky, largely motionless,...

June 18, 2020
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Top-Secret UFO Files Could 'Gravely Damage' US National Security if Released, Navy Says

Top-Secret UFO Files Could 'Gravely Damage' US National Security if Released, Navy Says

Live Science is supported by its audience. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. .In November 2004, several U.S. Navy pilots stationed aboard the USS Nimitz encountered a darting and dashing over the Pacific Ocean in apparent defiance of the laws of physics. Navy officials dubbed the strange craft an "," but they have remained mum on what, exactly, that phenomenon could've been. Now, unsurprisingly to anyone who's ever considered making a hat out of tinfoil, the military has confirmed they know more than they're letting on.In response to a recent...

March 10, 2020
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Ozone hole three times the size of Greenland opens over the North Pole

Ozone hole three times the size of Greenland opens over the North Pole

Live Science is supported by its audience. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. .Scientists have detected what may be the largest hole in the ever recorded over the North Pole.The ozone hole covers an area roughly three times the size of , scientists from the European Space Agency (ESA) , and could expose people living at far northern latitudes to high levels of ultraviolet radiation if it grows much larger. Fortunately, the hole looks likely to close on its own in the next few weeks, the ESA researchers said.Holes form in the ozone layer — which...

April 11, 2020
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New satellite maps show dire state of ice melt in Antarctica and Greenland

New satellite maps show dire state of ice melt in Antarctica and Greenland

Live Science is supported by its audience. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. .Two new satellite images remind us that Earth's ice sheets are losing so much mass it's becoming obvious from space.In the vivid new maps published as part of an April 30 study in the journal, researchers illustrated 16 years of ice loss in and as seen by a laser-emitting NASA satellite. The images paint a picture of rapid melt around the coasts of both regions (shown in red and purple in the maps), far outweighing modest ice-mass gains (shown in light blue) farther...

May 5, 2020
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Moon's mysterious disappearance 900 years ago finally gets an explanation

Moon's mysterious disappearance 900 years ago finally gets an explanation

Live Science is supported by its audience. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. .There's no use sugar coating it: According to one scribe in medieval England, A.D. 1110  was a "disastrous year." Torrential rainfall damaged crops, famine stalked the land — and, as if that wasn't bad enough, on one fateful night in May, simply vanished from the sky."On the fifth night in the month of May appeared the moon shining bright in the evening, and afterwards by little and little its light diminished," the unnamed scribe wrote in the Anglo-Saxon...

May 15, 2020
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