Bonnie Berkowitz
Bonnie Berkowitz
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Running into trouble: Eager pandemic exercisers rack up injuries

Running into trouble: Eager pandemic exercisers rack up injuries

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareThe calls started in late March and early April, about two weeks after newly homebound Americans began diving into new workout waters.A Minnesota grandfather had pumped up the tires on his long-neglected bike and pedaled six miles with his granddaughter’s virtual gym class. His calves hurt so badly he couldn’t walk.A former NFL safety in Louisiana had taken up running miles instead of yards in shoes that had seen too many seasons. His feet and knees ached.A working mother in Virginia, suddenly home all day, had followed...

May 29, 2020
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How far would a million N95 masks go? It’s complicated, and this is why.

How far would a million N95 masks go? It’s complicated, and this is why.

On April 2, the New England Patriots’ team plane with mundane but suddenly precious cargo: 1.2 million N95 respirators, a critical type of mask that protects health-care workers treating patients who have infectious diseases.Was that a big stash?In normal, pre-covid-19 times, the answer would be yes. Most hospitals buy just a few thousand N95s per year, according to a company that negotiates purchasing contracts.In the frenzied weeks of March and April, when the trickle of covid-19 patients suddenly grew into a deluge, the answer was a hard no. Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary...

May 18, 2020
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What coronavirus fears are doing to people with anxiety disorders

What coronavirus fears are doing to people with anxiety disorders

This article was published more than 3 years agoCommentGift ShareA traumatized veteran’s combat dreams are more vivid than they have been in years.A little girl can’t concentrate at school, terrified that her grandparents will get infected with coronavirus and die.A person who had stopped obsessively washing his hands regresses amid a barrage of public-service messages ordering him to do exactly that.For some of the millions of Americans with post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder or other forms of debilitating anxiety, coronavirus is a growing mental health...

March 11, 2020
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U.S. coronavirus cases: Tracking deaths, confirmed cases by state

U.S. coronavirus cases: Tracking deaths, confirmed cases by state

In the past week in Loading dataThis article is free to access.Why?The Washington Post is providing this news free to all readers as a public service.Follow this story and more by No numbers can fully convey the state of the covid-19 pandemic in the United States, but several metrics taken together provide a clearer view of what is happening now and what may be coming soon.The data in these charts is gathered by The Washington Post from local and state government sites and from (cases and deaths), the (hospitalization and testing) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...

March 27, 2020
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Laws and customs guide presidential transitions — but some go off the rails anyway

Laws and customs guide presidential transitions — but some go off the rails anyway

President Trump’s attacks on the election of Joe Biden are unprecedented, but bitterness over losing is nearly as old as the presidency.Since George Washington handed the keys to John Adams, the transfer of power between presidents has been complicated, sometimes spiteful and occasionally harrowing, but it has ultimately always been peaceful.After weeks of falsely claiming that he had won the election and a day after he incited a mob of his supporters to storm the U.S. Capitol, Trump said in a Jan. 7 video that he would work to ensure that the 2021 transition would be peaceful as well.Sure,...

December 1, 2020
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Answers to your DIY face mask questions, including what material you should use

Answers to your DIY face mask questions, including what material you should use

Add to list On my list Are you a medical professional N95 surgical masks YES NO cloth mask Can you sew? YES cloth mask NO Are you a medical professional Can you sew? NO YES YES NO N95 surgical masks Sew a Cut a Are you a medical professional? Can you sew? NO NO YES YES N95 surgical masks cloth mask cloth mask Please Note The Washington Post is providing this important information about the coronavirus for free. On April 3, U.S. health officials recommended an arts-and-crafts project to U.S. residents: Make a cloth mask, then wear it when you go out in public. Covering your mouth and nose is...

April 8, 2020
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