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Soros-backed St. Louis prosecutor removed from McCloskey case

Soros-backed St. Louis prosecutor removed from McCloskey case

LOGINMANAGE||LOGINMANAGE|AdvertisementMark and Patricia McCloskey defending their St. Louis home June 28, 2020 (Video screenshot)The George Soros-backed prosecutor in St. Louis who prosecuted Mark and Patricia McCloskey for brandishing weapons while defending their home against trespassing protesters has been permanently removed from the case by the state Supreme Court after she launched fundraising emails based on the charges. Missouri's highest court affirmed a lower court decision that removed St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner from the case.Advertisement - story continues...

April 7, 2021
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'Odds are increasing' for Trump to become U.S. House speaker

'Odds are increasing' for Trump to become U.S. House speaker

LOGINMANAGE||LOGINMANAGE|AdvertisementPresident Donald J. Trump departs the White House and prepares to board Marine One Friday, Feb. 7, 2020, en route to Joint Base Andrews and ultimately heading to Charlotte, N.C. (Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian)Nearly every U.S. president has held political office before their Oval Office tenure.Many have been members of the Senate, and more than a dozen were governors. A few have held posts such as secretary of the Navy and CIA director. And one even was on the Supreme Court after his presidency.Advertisement - story continues belowBut...

April 7, 2021
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Cuccinelli accuses Biden of flooding border with 'Democratic voters'

Cuccinelli accuses Biden of flooding border with 'Democratic voters'

LOGINMANAGE||LOGINMANAGE|AdvertisementFormer Homeland Security Deputy Director Ken Cuccinelli says President Biden is allowing the flood of illegal aliens at the southern border to create future "Democratic voters."In an interview on "The Water Cooler" with David Brody, he said the crisis is intentional, .Advertisement - story continues below"They view [illegal immigrants] as future voters," said Cuccinelli, who served under President Trump."At the same time this is their border policy — to invite hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens into the country — they're also putting through two...

April 1, 2021
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Lara Trump ditches Facebook after censorship

Lara Trump ditches Facebook after censorship

LOGINMANAGE||LOGINMANAGE|AdvertisementLara Trump speaks at the Republican National Convention on Wednesday, Aug. 26, 2020 (RNC video screenshot)Facebook's censorship of her interview with her father-in-law, has prompted Lara Trump to move the platform for her popular online show to rival CloutHub."The View with Lara Trump" is now featured prominently on CloutHub’s channels page," .Advertisement - story continues belowThe site is already home to several right-leaning commentators, including Rudy Giuliani, Michael Flynn and Bernard Kerik, he noted.CloutHub describes itself a "media platform...

April 1, 2021
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Abortionist: Procedures discussed in undercover videos were illegal

Abortionist: Procedures discussed in undercover videos were illegal

LOGINMANAGE||LOGINMANAGE|AdvertisementA pro-abortion judge overseeing lawsuits by Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation against the undercover journalists who exposed the abortion industry's profiting from baby body parts is facing a dilemma.He's now been confronted with testimony from an experienced abortionist that conflicts with his rulings.Advertisement - story continues belowDistrict Judge William Orrick, a Barack Obama appointee who bundled donations for Obama, has been hearing the cases against David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress.David...

March 28, 2021
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War on Christian baker now in NINTH year as state puts him on trial

War on Christian baker now in NINTH year as state puts him on trial

LOGINMANAGE||LOGINMANAGE|Advertisement The state of Colorado, which was determined by the Supreme Court to have exhibited "hostility" to Christianity in its prosecution of a baker who declined to create messages that violated his faith, now has put him on trial for the same charge.Advertisement - story continues belowThe trial for Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Cakeshop began Monday on the charge that he refused to bake a cake celebrating the anniversary of a man's "transition" to a woman, .The Supreme Court ruled in a previous case in which the state prosecuted him for refusing to...

March 22, 2021
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'Democracy Pledge' to press every business to declare 2020 election was fair

'Democracy Pledge' to press every business to declare 2020 election was fair

LOGINMANAGE||LOGINMANAGE|AdvertisementA progressive activist is pressing American businesses to adopt his opinion and declare to the public that the 2020 election was legitimate.Glenn Kirschner, a former federal prosecutor who is now an analyst for NBC News and MSNBC, is promoting his "Democracy Pledge," .Advertisement - story continues belowThe pledge states, "The 2020 presidential election was free and fair, and produced accurate, reliable results."Kirschner warned that he will publicize the names of companies that decline to adopt his opinion or don't respond.TRENDING:Consumers then "can...

March 25, 2021
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Voters NOW believe Joe Biden is a 'puppet' of the far-left

Voters NOW believe Joe Biden is a 'puppet' of the far-left

LOGINMANAGE||LOGINMANAGE|AdvertisementFor much of the 2020 presidential election campaign, many critics of Joe Biden charged he was catering to the extremists in the Democratic Party.They warned that in his effort to attract votes he would advocate policies that were not in alignment with mainstream America.Advertisement - story continues belowThe Sun reported Biden was being described in the political world as a "puppet of Nancy Pelosi and 'far-left Democrats.'"In a recent Donald Trump Jr. said many Biden voters now "realize that they have been played," that he's "not the moderate nice guy...

February 19, 2021
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Cambridge panel claims Churchill was white supremacist

Cambridge panel claims Churchill was white supremacist

LOGINMANAGE||LOGINMANAGE|AdvertisementWinston ChurchillWinston Churchill is known as an iconic leader who helped save Western civilization, as well as a man of letters.But now an academic panel in the United Kingdom is reassessing history, framing him as a white supremacist who led an empire "worse than the Nazis."Advertisement - story continues belowCambridge's Churchill College, named after the British leader, set up a "discussion" on the prime minister who led his nation to victory over Nazi Germany.The panel itself already has a reputation. Last year, members concluded that "white lives...

February 12, 2021
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Franklin Graham: 'God's judgment is coming'

Franklin Graham: 'God's judgment is coming'

LOGINMANAGE||LOGINMANAGE|AdvertisementFranklin Graham"God's judgment is coming," warns Franklin Graham, the CEO of the worldwide Christian ministry Samaritan's Purse.He was on Thursday.Advertisement - story continues below"What's happened politically in our country is a disgrace, what took place in the last election. It's wrong but it's happened. But I just believe that the only hope for our nation is God," he said.Starnes, a nationally syndicated radio host, had asked Graham, who also is CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, how a divided nation can unite again.TRENDING:Graham...

April 16, 2021
