Bill Gertz
Bill Gertz
Bill Gertz is a national security correspondent for The Washington Times. He has been with The Times since 1985. He is the author of eight books, four of them national best-sellers. His latest book, "Deceiving the Sky: Inside Communist China's Drive for Global Supremacy," reveals details about the growing threat posed by the People's Republic of China. He is also the author of the ebook "How China's Communist Party Made the World Sick." Mr. Gertz also writes Inside the Ring, a weekly column that chronicles the U.S. national security bureaucracy.Source
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Australian researchers see virus design manipulation

Australian researchers see virus design manipulation

TRENDING:AdvertisementFollow UsAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementQuestion of the DayAdvertisementA forthcoming Australian scientific study concludes that the coronavirus causing the global pandemic contains unique properties suggesting it was manipulated in a Chinese laboratory and was not the result of a natural occurrence.Five scientists who conducted the study discovered an unusual ability of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, as the pathogen behind COVID-19 is called, to easily infect humans.The scientists said there is no sign so far that the virus can be found in other animals,...

May 21, 2020
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Richard Grenell-Robert O’Brien purge stifles anti-Trump resistance at White House, ODNI

Richard Grenell-Robert O’Brien purge stifles anti-Trump resistance at White House, ODNI

TRENDING:AdvertisementFollow UsAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementQuestion of the DayAdvertisementCuts of hundreds of staff members at the White House and at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence have curbed leaks and stifled anti-Trump activists within both agencies, according to senior administration officials.Acting DNI Richard Grenell, who stepped down Tuesday, streamlined ODNI in his four months in office by reducing staff and contractor positions by as much as 400.Mr. Grenell said other positive reforms during his brief stint included declassifying...

May 26, 2020
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U.S. rejects nearly all of Beijing’s South China Sea claims

U.S. rejects nearly all of Beijing’s South China Sea claims

TRENDING:AdvertisementMike Pompeo sees bullying in AsiaFollow UsAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementQuestion of the DayAdvertisementThe Chinese government’s expansive claims to own most of the South China Sea are illegal under international law, the Trump administration said Monday as it ramped up U.S. efforts to undermine Beijing’s increasingly militarized activities in the strategic waterway.Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Washington is committed to standing beside allies across Asia to counter China, which has triggered regional tensions for more than a decade with...

July 13, 2020
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Pompeo: China blocking access to lab suspected of coronavirus link

Pompeo: China blocking access to lab suspected of coronavirus link

TRENDING:AdvertisementFollow UsAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementQuestion of the DayAdvertisementSecretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Friday that China is blocking access to a virology laboratory in Wuhan that could be linked to the origins of the global coronavirus disease outbreak.Mr. Pompeo said in a television interview that the Chinese government and the World Health Organization failed to provide information about the virus in a timely manner “and the result of that is that we now have this global pandemic.”Earlier this week, he identified the Wuhan Institute of...

April 17, 2020
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U.S.-China standoff: Trump administration to order reduction in diplomats amid spy cases

U.S.-China standoff: Trump administration to order reduction in diplomats amid spy cases

TRENDING:Follow UsQuestion of the DayThe Trump administration is preparing to order to sharply reduce the number of diplomats posted in the United States to levels equal to the number of American diplomats stationed in , senior officials said.The action seeks in part to reduce the burden on counterintelligence agents, who in recent months have devoted 2,000 special agents to catching Chinese spies and their agents, the senior official said. Director Christopher A. Wray said recently that the bureau is opening a new Chinese-related case on average every 10 hours.“By Aug. 1, we want...

July 28, 2020
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Wuhan laboratory ‘most likely’ coronavirus source, U.S. government analysis finds

Wuhan laboratory ‘most likely’ coronavirus source, U.S. government analysis finds

TRENDING:AdvertisementFollow UsAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementQuestion of the DayAdvertisementA Wuhan laboratory is the “most likely” source of the COVID-19 outbreak now ravaging the globe, according to a U.S. government analysis that catalogs the evidence and concludes that other explanations for the origin of the coronavirus are less credible.The document, compiled from open sources and not a finished product, says there is no smoking gun to blame the virus on either the Wuhan Institute of Virology or the Wuhan branch of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and...

April 28, 2020
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China threatens electronic strikes on Navy

China threatens electronic strikes on Navy

TRENDING:AdvertisementFollow UsAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementQuestion of the DayAdvertisementNEWS AND ANALYSIS:China has called for using electromagnetic attacks on U.S. warships transiting the South China Sea, according to a state-run Chinese outlet.The Communist Party-affiliated organ Global Times, quoting a military expert, said the use of nonlethal electromagnetic and laser weapons should be used by the People’s Liberation Army to expel American warships from the disputed sea.The report followed China’s potentially dangerous use of a laser against a Navy P-8A...

March 18, 2020
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China nixed biowarfare meeting as coronavirus queries increased

China nixed biowarfare meeting as coronavirus queries increased

TRENDING:AdvertisementFollow UsAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementQuestion of the DayAdvertisementcanceled an online meeting with American officials last year to discuss mounting concerns regarding secret Chinese biological weapons work in possible violation of an international treaty, according to a new report.The meeting between arms control officials and their Chinese counterparts was planned as a video conference rather than in person because of COVID-19 travel curbs. Chinese officials, citing unspecified technical problems, failed to show for the session, according to...

April 25, 2021
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FBI investigating Antifa for violent attacks, Director Christopher Wray says

FBI investigating Antifa for violent attacks, Director Christopher Wray says

TRENDING:AdvertisementFollow UsAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementQuestion of the DayAdvertisementThe is investigating far-left radicals linked to violent attacks around the country, Director told Congress on Thursday.Mr. was asked his views on whether , a leftist radical group that has triggered violent attacks in several U.S. cities, is an organized group.“We consider to be more of a movement,” Mr. said during an appearance before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. “There are certainly local and regional nodes, individuals who self-identify with who...

April 15, 2021
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China’s ‘Guam killer’ missile force expands quickly

China’s ‘Guam killer’ missile force expands quickly

TRENDING:AdvertisementFollow UsAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementQuestion of the DayAdvertisementNEWS AND ANALYSIS:Deployment of ‘s new DF-26 intermediate-range missile, dubbed the “Guam killer” by , has rapidly expanded over the past year, according to a Pentagon intelligence report.The latest report by the and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC) on ballistic and cruise missile threats reveals the People’s () Rocket Force of arsenal of DF-26 missile launchers increased from 200 road-mobile launchers in 2019 to 350 launchers in less than seven months. The number of missiles...

April 14, 2021
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