Bhaswati Guha Majumder
Bhaswati Guha Majumder
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US Scientists Find Meteoric Evidence of a Potentially New Asteroid

US Scientists Find Meteoric Evidence of a Potentially New Asteroid

In 2008, a nine-ton asteroid entered Earth's atmosphere, exploding into some 600 meteorites over Sudan. After collecting the samples, researchers began their research. Now, as per a new study, one of those meteorites has suggested that the space rock may have broken off of a giant asteroid, one more or less the size of a dwarf planet like Ceres.A team of scientists led by the Southwest Research Institute said that the composition of a piece of the meteorite, Almahata Sitta (AhS), indicated that its parent body was an asteroid. AhS is made of a material which is known as the carbonaceous...

December 27, 2020
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Is Elon Musk's Mars Colonization Idea an 'Obscenity'? German Filmmaker Werner Herzog Thinks So

Is Elon Musk's Mars Colonization Idea an 'Obscenity'? German Filmmaker Werner Herzog Thinks So

SpaceX CEO Elon Musk wants to set up a human colony on the Martian surface and the company is currently focusing on developing a special rocket for a manned Mars mission. But a German film director believes that the idea to build a self-sustaining city on Mars by 2050 is a "mistake".SpaceX is currently working on the development of the Starship rocket, which is a stainless-steel ship designed to take humans to the Red Planet and beyond. In December, a prototype set a new flight record after it soared to a height of 41,000 feet but while landing it exploded.According to Werner Herzog, who...

December 20, 2020
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Scientists Won't be Able to Observe Changes in South and North Pole Ice for 2 to 5 Years

Scientists Won't be Able to Observe Changes in South and North Pole Ice for 2 to 5 Years

Scientists have been keeping an eye on ice caps of the South and North poles for several years as any changes in this part of the world could impact the entire earth. But now they said that there will be a gap of several years in their ability to measure the thickness of the ice, as the two satellites dedicated to observing the poles are about to die before sending the replacements.This could leave the scientists completely unaware of the changes occurring in both the poles as the climate warms up. The researchers expressed their concerns about the situation to the European Commission (EC)...

November 28, 2020
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Scientists Discover Billions of Gallons of Hidden Freshwater off Hawaii Coast

Scientists Discover Billions of Gallons of Hidden Freshwater off Hawaii Coast

The island communities like Hawaii, which are surrounded by Ocean water, have to rely on collecting freshwater stored in the ground for drinking, irrigation, and commercial industries. The American state located in the Pacific Ocean is at serious risk due to climate-driven droughts and less rainfall. But scientists found a new way to solve the problem.A team of researchers used a unique technique that relies on tracing electrical resistance and discovered the way Hawaii's volcanic soil collects and hides away freshwater under the ocean's salty surface. The access to the freshwater could...

November 26, 2020
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MOXIE: NASA's Experimental Device Designed to Generate Oxygen on Mars

MOXIE: NASA's Experimental Device Designed to Generate Oxygen on Mars

NASA and SpaceX are aiming for the biggest achievement in the history of space exploration programâthe Mars mission. This mission is tough but not impossible considering the technological developments. But the major problem will be setting up a human colony on Mars, which has a 100 times thinner atmosphere than the Earth, and only 0.16 percent Oxygen. But it looks like NASA has a solution.Mars has 95 percent CO2, 2.6 percent molecular nitrogen, 1.9 percent argon, 0.16 percent oxygen, and 0.06 percent carbon monoxide. So, it is clear that the Red Planet is highly dominated by greenhouse gas....

November 26, 2020
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Dimming the Sun to Save Earth: Scientists Considering New Approach to Combat Climate Change

Dimming the Sun to Save Earth: Scientists Considering New Approach to Combat Climate Change

The world is getting warmer, and the effects are quite visible. Siberia recorded the warmest temperature in 2020, Greenland lost a huge amount of ice caps and small pacific island countries are urging for immediate help to stop the sea level rise. Meanwhile, a group of researchers found a solution for the warming planet that may sound like a plot of a Sci-Fi movie but they are considering this option in reality.The scientists said that if Earth absorbs less sunlight, it may help the blue planet to cool down, which would offer a solution for global warming. In a recently released paper,...

November 25, 2020
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FDA Allows Regeneron Drug Given to Trump to Treat Coronavirus Infection in Emergency

FDA Allows Regeneron Drug Given to Trump to Treat Coronavirus Infection in Emergency

The Food and Drug Administration of the US on Saturday, November 21 agreed to allow emergency use of a second antibody drug to help the immune system fight the novel Coronavirus, an experimental medicine which was given to President Donald Trump when he tested positive for COVID-19 in October.The federal agency authorized the use of the Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc. drug to try to prevent the worsening conditions in Coronavirus patients with mild-to-moderate symptoms. The medication is given as a one-time treatment through an IV. The agency allowed its use in adults and children who are...

November 22, 2020
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Chinese Tombstones Dating Back to Qing Dynasty Discovered in Malaysia

Chinese Tombstones Dating Back to Qing Dynasty Discovered in Malaysia

Almost a dozen Chinese tombstones dating back to the Qing dynasty, the last imperial dynasty of China that lasted between 1644 and 1912, were discovered just outside the old house belonging to the eighth Pahang Menteri Besar (first Minister of Pahang) late Muhammad Jusoh in Malaysia's Pekan Lama.As reported, one of the recently discovered tombstones is over 200 years old, possibly belonging to one of the founders of a nearby Tua Pek Kong temple.All these tombstones, measuring 60cm x 30cm, were found by two gardeners when they were cutting the grass on Saturday, November 14. These were laid...

November 18, 2020
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Scientist Behind Pfizer Coronavirus Vaccine Expects Return to Normal Life by Next Winter

Scientist Behind Pfizer Coronavirus Vaccine Expects Return to Normal Life by Next Winter

Professor Ugur Sahin, co-founder of BioNTech and the scientist behind the 90 percent effective Coronavirus vaccine said in an interview that he believes the first significant impact of the jab will be felt in summer 2021, and by next winter people will get back to their normal lives.But the scientist behind the Pfizer jab also warned that the next few months will be quite tough, while the first wave of the COVID-19 vaccine is not likely to have a large impact on Coronavirus cases and deaths. Prof Sahin believes that the vaccine can reduce the transmission and stop the symptoms of the .He...

November 15, 2020
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Hackers Disrupt Atlanta Synagogue Livestream of Georgia Senator-elect Raphael Warnock's Sermon

Hackers Disrupt Atlanta Synagogue Livestream of Georgia Senator-elect Raphael Warnock's Sermon

Hackers disrupted US Senator-elect Raphael Warnock's sermon to honor Martin Luther King Jr at a virtual MLK Shabbat service hosted by an Atlanta synagogue on January 15. The disruption caused by the cyberattack blocked viewers from hearing the inspirational words of Georgia's first black senator-elect.Kent Alexander, president of The Temple, an Atlanta synagogue, said in a letter that according to the website's service provider "malicious user agents... continuously loaded the Temple website with the objective of shutting it down. In doing so, they blocked access not only to The Temple but...

January 17, 2021
