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GOP Congressman’s Bill Would Protect Marijuana Consumers’ 2nd Amendment Rights

GOP Congressman’s Bill Would Protect Marijuana Consumers’ 2nd Amendment Rights

A new bill in Congress would protect Second Amendment rights for cannabis consumers by exempting people in legalized states from a federal restriction that bars any “unlawful user” of a controlled substance from owning a firearm.H.R. 2830, the Gun Rights and Marijuana Act, filed on Thursday by Rep. Don Young (R-AK) and two GOP cosponsors, adds a short provision to existing federal law specifying that “the term ‘unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance’ shall not include a person by reason of unlawful use or addiction to marijuana.”The exemption would apply only to people who...

April 23, 2021
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Wisconsin Governor ‘Tired’ Of Marijuana Revenue Going To Illinois Next Door

Wisconsin Governor ‘Tired’ Of Marijuana Revenue Going To Illinois Next Door

Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers (D), whose proposed state budget , says he’s sick of seeing tax revenue from cannabis sales go to neighboring states that have already legalized.“Frankly I’m kind of tired of talking to the governor from Illinois,” he said in a video posted to Twitter on Wednesday. “Whenever I get with him, he thanks me for having Wisconsinites cross the border to buy marijuana.”Later in the day, Evers held a virtual town hall-style meeting where he and other members of the administration explained the legalization proposals and other elements of the budget plan, took public...

April 15, 2021
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Schumer Weighs In On New York Legal Marijuana Talks, Applauding Legislature And Snubbing Cuomo

Schumer Weighs In On New York Legal Marijuana Talks, Applauding Legislature And Snubbing Cuomo

Amid protracted negotiations between New York state lawmakers and Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) over how to legalize marijuana in the state, U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is siding with the legislature.In a statement posted to Twitter late Tuesday, Schumer thanked New York Assembly Majority Leader Crystal Peoples-Stokes (D) and Sen. Liz Krueger (D), the lawmakers behind the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act (MRTA), adding that he’s “hopeful a deal can be reached soon that will provide a boost to our recovering economy and end over-criminalization.”“As a deal comes close to...

March 17, 2021
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Delaware Lawmakers Approve Marijuana Legalization Bill In Committee Vote

Delaware Lawmakers Approve Marijuana Legalization Bill In Committee Vote

A much-anticipated bill to legalize marijuana in Delaware cleared its first committee hurdle on Wednesday after wide-ranging testimony about how and whether the state should enact the reform.The legislation, HB 150, , passed the House Health and Human Development Committee in a 10-5 vote despite vocal opposition from some Republican members of the panel.“This act allows adults over the age of 21 to legally possess and consume under one ounce of marijuana for personal use,” Osienski said, “and creates the legal framework to license and regulate a new industry that will create...

March 24, 2021
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2021 Sees Republican Lawmakers Take Lead On Marijuana Legalization In More U.S. States

2021 Sees Republican Lawmakers Take Lead On Marijuana Legalization In More U.S. States

Marijuana legalization has long been seen as a blue state issue, with Democratic lawmakers far more favorable toward the policy change than Republicans even as GOP voters have . But in legislatures across the country this year, there are signs that’s finally starting to change.In at least 10 states, Republican lawmakers have taken lead roles in crafting and sponsoring legislation to legalize cannabis in 2021 legislative sessions. In some, such as North Dakota, GOP-led bills are , while in other states like , Republicans have submitted legalization proposals alongside their Democratic...

March 10, 2021
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Virginia Conference Committee Faces Saturday Deadline To Finalize Marijuana Legalization Proposal

Virginia Conference Committee Faces Saturday Deadline To Finalize Marijuana Legalization Proposal

Virginia lawmakers are working to reconcile conflicting House and Senate marijuana legalization bills this week, scrambling to reach deals on matters such as business licensing and criminal penalties ahead of a legislative deadline on Saturday.Each chamber , building off a plan , who last year in the commonwealth. While the two measures—each spanning more than 500 pages—are substantially similar, key differences remain on a range of hotly debated topics.“This is one of the largest, most significant pieces of legislation debated in the commonwealth in decades, with years of preparation,...

February 24, 2021
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Washington Lawmakers Approve Drug Decriminalization Bill In Committee Vote

Washington Lawmakers Approve Drug Decriminalization Bill In Committee Vote

A landmark drug decriminalization and treatment bill in Washington State cleared its first legislative hurdle on Monday, with a panel of lawmakers voting to advance the measure just hours before a key deadline.The House Public Safety Committee voted 7–6 to approve the Pathways to Recovery Act, HB 1499, which would remove penalties for “personal use” amounts of illegal substances and expand outreach and recovery services. The vote is the first time a panel of lawmakers in any U.S. state has voted to remove criminal penalties for possession of all drugs.“This bill is an assertion that...

February 16, 2021
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Schumer Urges Marijuana Reform In Meeting With AG Pick Garland And Other DOJ Nominees

Schumer Urges Marijuana Reform In Meeting With AG Pick Garland And Other DOJ Nominees

On the heels of announcing that for the U.S. Senate in 2021, Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said on Tuesday that he urged attorney general nominee Merrick Garland to “respect the rights of states that have legalized marijuana” during a recent meeting.Cannabis was one of only four specific policies Schumer mentioned in a two-paragraph statement issued following what the majority leader called “a very productive and important conversation” with Garland and President Joe Biden’s nominees for other top Department of Justice (DOJ) posts.“We had a much-needed discussion that focused on...

February 3, 2021
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Virginia Marijuana Legalization Bills Sail Though Committees As Key Friday Deadline Nears

Virginia Marijuana Legalization Bills Sail Though Committees As Key Friday Deadline Nears

Proposals to legalize marijuana in Virginia cleared key committee votes in both chambers of the state legislature over the weekend and Monday morning as lawmakers raced to qualify the bills for full floor votes ahead of an upcoming mid-session deadline on Friday.Gov. Ralph Northam (D) and top lawmakers , on the first day of a short 2021 legislative session scheduled to end later this month. To survive into the next stage of the session, versions of the marijuana proposal must pass the Senate and House of Delegates by Friday, the state’s so-called crossover deadline.“This is a breakneck...

February 1, 2021
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States with medical marijuana laws saw 20 percent drop in some opioid prescriptions - The Boston Globe

States with medical marijuana laws saw 20 percent drop in some opioid prescriptions - The Boston Globe


May 29, 2020

