Barbara Boland
Barbara Boland
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Three Glaring Problems with the Russian Taliban 'Bounty' Story - The American Conservative

Three Glaring Problems with the Russian Taliban 'Bounty' Story - The American Conservative

A bombshell published by The New York Times Friday alleges that Russia paid dollar bounties to the Taliban in Afghanistan to kill U.S troops. Obscured by an extremely bungled White House press response, there are at least three serious flaws with the reporting.The article alleges that GRU, a top-secret unit of Russian military intelligence, offered the bounty in payment for every U.S. soldier killed in Afghanistan, and that at least one member of the U.S. military was alleged to have been killed in exchange for the bounties. According to the paper, U.S. intelligence concluded...

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House Using Shaky Russian Bounty Story To Keep U.S. Troops in Afghanistan - The American Conservative

House Using Shaky Russian Bounty Story To Keep U.S. Troops in Afghanistan - The American Conservative

The House Armed Services Committee voted Wednesday night to put roadblocks onbombshell published by The New York Times Friday that alleges Russia paid dollar bounties to the Taliban in Afghanistan to kill U.S troops., the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) amendment was approved 45-11.The Crow amendment would block funding if the U.S. draws down below 8,000 troops and again below 4,000 troops “unless the administration certifies that doing so would not compromise the U.S. counterterrorism mission in Afghanistan, not increase risk for U.S. personnel there, be done in...

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Was That Military Flyover Really Worth The Cost to Taxpayers? - The American Conservative

Was That Military Flyover Really Worth The Cost to Taxpayers? - The American Conservative

As the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds and the Navy’s Blue Angels flew over New York City and other parts of the tri-state region Tuesday in honor of first responders and other essential workers on the frontlines facing COVID-19, many pondered the cost of such demonstrations and if the money could have been better spent on shoring up the nation’s desperate shortage of medical supplies.The U.S. Navy and Air Force issued a joint that the flyovers incurred taxpayers “no additional cost” because “pilots must execute a minimum number of flight hours to maintain proficiency.” The cost of flyovers is...

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