B. David Zarley
B. David Zarley
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Researchers are fighting to clear brain fog

Researchers are fighting to clear brain fog

By Brain fog: It’s likely you’ve felt it, or someone you know has. I’ve certainly felt it — that kind of cobwebby cognition, like focusing through a broken camera lens, where memory feels like sand through your hands. Like you didn’t sleep a wink, even when you have; like allergy meds or a couple drinks, without the pills or libations.People call this amorphous set of not-quite-right feelings brain fog, and it has become one of the signature symptoms of . Long COVID: Long-term problems caused by infections are called sequelae, and they have been a known complication of viral...

August 31, 2022
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The genome of the immortal jellyfish has been sequenced

The genome of the immortal jellyfish has been sequenced

By The immortal jellyfish is, true to its name, biologically immortal, capable of to perpetually begin again. When the jellies’ adult forms — called medusa — are stressed, injured, or otherwise in an unideal situation, they revert back to an earlier stage of their life cycle, becoming a film of cells that looks for a place to anchor and develop into a polyp.From there, new medusae bud off of it, allowing the immortal jellyfish to reproduce asexually and be reborn. And unlike most other jellies that have reset abilities limited to before becoming sexually mature, the immortal jellyfish...

September 4, 2022
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Newly discovered antibody neutralizes all variants of the coronavirus

Newly discovered antibody neutralizes all variants of the coronavirus

By Researchers at Boston Children’s Hospital and the Duke University School of Medicine have identified a new COVID-19 antibody that is capable of neutralizing every known variant of the coronavirus.Key to its potential is that, although the new antibody attacks the virus’ notorious spike protein, it does so in a way different from other antibodies.“SP1-77 binds the spike protein at a site that so far has not been mutated in any variant, and it neutralizes these variants by a novel mechanism,” Boston Children’s Tomas Kirchhausen . “These properties may contribute to its broad and...

September 13, 2022
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New solar device can pull hydrogen straight from the air

New solar device can pull hydrogen straight from the air

Hydrogen fuel is an attractive candidate for a clean energy source, since it burns very clean. But on Earth, hydrogen is almost always bound up with other elements, and separating it requires a ton of energy. Almost all hydrogen today is created with .The main alternative to this process uses electricity, which is often generated via fossil fuels, thereby defeating the purpose, and clean water, also a precious resource.But researchers with the University of Melbourne and University of Manchester have developed a way to harness solar power and the very air around us to produce truly...

September 14, 2022
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Is anybody out there?

Is anybody out there?

Alright!Listen up, you Silicon Valley unicorn wranglers, you cobra-hearted capitalists, you old boarding school, blue-blooded, Mayflower-money types, because Scott Gaudi has a deal for you. The return on investment may take a few decades, granted, but it will be historical, your hagiography sealed amongst the stars: give the and exoplanet hunter a few billion dollars, and he’ll find you signs of extraterrestrial life.Across the world of exoplanet discovery and the search for ET, a consensus is building: finding a definitive sign of alien life is not a pipe dream. The technology has mostly...

February 11, 2020
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Diving deep into the brain to measure neurotransmitters

Diving deep into the brain to measure neurotransmitters

Some extra equipment is wheeled into the operating room, looking like something a roadie rolled in from the ACL festival. The roadies here are researchers Ken Kishida and Jason White, waiting to perform unprecedented work in the bleeding-edge field of computational psychiatry.The patient, suffering from Parkinson’s disease, has come to the Baylor College of Medicine to have deep brain stimulation — tiny electrodes placed inside their brain that help alleviate their symptoms. In the OR, the patient’s head is firmly gripped by a steel halo, like a Christmas tree holder.  A...

February 11, 2020
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Addict-turned-neuroscientist on addiction and the brain

Addict-turned-neuroscientist on addiction and the brain

The first great love of Judith Grisel’s life came to her in many forms: there were joints, spliffs, bowls, bongs — an entire emerald parade of ways to get high.Addiction and the brain are star-crossed bedfellows. Marijuana offered a glimmering sheen to life: a sparkling Snapchat filter for the ordinary. On an adolescent trip to the mall, dull retail shops became bazaars full of wonder, and the food court pizza she and her friend devoured was, bar none, the finest pizza she had eaten in her life.That same insatiable drive to use was turned to figuring out why Judith wanted to use. Could a...

March 10, 2020
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