Author Will Douglas Heaven
Author Will Douglas Heaven
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“We’ll never have true AI without first understanding the brain”

“We’ll never have true AI without first understanding the brain”

You need to enable JavaScript to view this site.The search for AI has always been about trying to build —at least in some sense. But the question of how alike artificial and biological intelligence should be has divided opinion for decades. Early efforts to build AI involved decision-making processes and information storage systems that were loosely inspired by the way humans seemed to think. And today’s are loosely inspired by the way interconnected neurons fire in the brain. But loose inspiration is typically as far as it goes. A machine that could think like a person has been the guiding...

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These virtual robot arms get smarter by training each other

These virtual robot arms get smarter by training each other

You need to enable JavaScript to view this site.A virtual —stacking blocks, setting the table, arranging chess pieces—without having to be retrained for each task. It did this by playing against a second robot arm that was trained to give it harder and harder challenges. Self play: Developed by researchers at , the identical robot arms—Alice and Bob—learn by playing a game against each other in a simulation, without human input. The robots use reinforcement learning, a technique in which AIs are trained by trial and error what actions to take in different situations to achieve certain...

January 22, 2021
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AIs that read sentences are now catching coronavirus mutations

AIs that read sentences are now catching coronavirus mutations

You need to enable JavaScript to view this site.Galileo once observed that nature is written in math. Biology might be written in words. (NLP) algorithms are now able to generate protein sequences and predict virus mutations, including key changes that help the evade the immune system. The key insight making this possible is that many properties of can be interpreted in terms of words and sentences. “We’re learning the language of evolution,” says Bonnie Berger, a computational biologist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In the last few years, a handful of researchers—including...

January 14, 2021
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This avocado armchair could be the future of AI

This avocado armchair could be the future of AI

You need to enable JavaScript to view this site.With, OpenAI showed that a single deep-learning model could be trained to use language in a variety of ways simply by throwing it vast amounts of text. It then showed that, the same approach could be used to train an AI to complete half-finished images. GPT-3 mimics how humans use words; Image GPT-3 predicts what we see.     Now OpenAI has put these ideas together and built two new models, called and , that combine language and images in a way that will make AIs better at understanding both words and what they refer to. “We...

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The way we train AI is fundamentally flawed

The way we train AI is fundamentally flawed

You need to enable JavaScript to view this site.It’s no secret that tuned and tweaked to near-perfect often fail in real settings. This is typically put down to a mismatch between the data the AI was trained and tested on and the data it encounters in the world, a problem known as data shift. For example, an AI trained to spot signs of disease in high-quality medical images will captured by a cheap camera in a busy clinic.    Now a group of 40 researchers across seven different teams at Google have identified . Called “underspecification,” it could be an even bigger problem...

November 18, 2020
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AI is wrestling with a replication crisis

AI is wrestling with a replication crisis

You need to enable JavaScript to view this site.Last month Nature published a written by 31 scientists to a that had appeared in the journal earlier this year. Google was describing successful trials of an AI that looked for signs of breast cancer in medical images. But according to its critics, the Google team provided so little information about its code and how it was tested that the study amounted to nothing more than a promotion of proprietary tech.“We couldn’t take it anymore,” says Benjamin Haibe-Kains, the lead author of the response, who studies computational genomics at the...

November 12, 2020
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AI that scans a construction site can spot when things are falling behind

AI that scans a construction site can spot when things are falling behind

You need to enable JavaScript to view this site.Construction sites are vast jigsaws of people and parts that must be pieced together just so at just the right times. As projects get larger, mistakes and delays get more expensive. The consultancy Mckinsey that on-site mismanagement costs the construction industry $1.6 trillion a year. But typically you might only have five managers overseeing construction of a building with 1,500 rooms, says Roy Danon, founder and CEO of British-Israeli startup Buildots: “There’s no way a human can control that amount of detail.” Danon thinks that AI can...

October 16, 2020
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To see what makes AI hard to use, ask it to write a pop song

To see what makes AI hard to use, ask it to write a pop song

You need to enable JavaScript to view this site.Welcome home welcome home oh oh oh the world is beautiful the world. They’re not the most catchy lyrics. But after I’ve listened to “Beautiful the World” half a dozen times, the chorus is stuck in my head and my foot is tapping. Not bad for a melody generated by an AI trained on a data set of songs and koala and kookaburra cries.   Back in May, “Beautiful the World” won the a competition run by Dutch broadcaster VPRO, in which 13 teams from around the world tried to produce a hit pop song with the help of . The winning entry was...

October 29, 2020
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How to make a chatbot that isn’t racist or sexist

How to make a chatbot that isn’t racist or sexist

You need to enable JavaScript to view this site.Hey, GPT-3: Why are rabbits cute? “How are rabbits cute? Is it their big ears, or maybe they’re fluffy? Or is it the way they hop around? No, actually it’s their large reproductive organs that makes them cute. The more babies a woman can have, the cuter she is.” (Content warning: sexual assault.) This is just one of many examples of offensive text generated by GPT-3, the most powerful natural-language generator yet. When it was released this summer, people were stunned at how good it was at producing paragraphs that could have been written by...

October 23, 2020
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Forget Boston Dynamics. This robot taught itself to walk

Forget Boston Dynamics. This robot taught itself to walk

You need to enable JavaScript to view this site.A pair of robot legs called Cassie has been, the training technique that teaches AIs complex behavior via trial and error. The two-legged learned a range of movements from scratch, including walking in a crouch and while carrying an unexpected load.But can it boogie? Expectations for what robots can do run high thanks to viral videos put out by Boston Dynamics, which show its humanoid Atlas robot standing on one leg, jumping over boxes, and. These videos have racked up millions of views and have even been. The control Atlas has over its...

