Ashe Schow
Ashe Schow
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Trump Issues Executive Order To Rebuild Non-Confederate Monuments That Have Been Torn Down By Protesters | The Daily Wire

Trump Issues Executive Order To Rebuild Non-Confederate Monuments That Have Been Torn Down By Protesters | The Daily Wire

LoginAhead of the Fourth of July weekend, President Donald Trump issued that would create a new national park to display statues and monuments dedicated to “American Heroes,” including those that have been torn down by protesters in the past month.The order lists specific criteria and examples of either names of potential persons to be honored or events from which historically significant persons may be honored, such as the “discovery of America” or the “abolition of slavery.” Neither the Confederacy nor the Civil War are mentioned in the order.In the past month, statues of George...

July 4, 2020
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A Man Tried To Attack North Carolina Churchgoers With A Knife. An Officer Took Him down. | The Daily Wire

A Man Tried To Attack North Carolina Churchgoers With A Knife. An Officer Took Him down. | The Daily Wire

LoginChurch attendees in North Carolina on Sunday were shocked when a man wielding a knife disrupted their outdoor services.Police were called to the scene and a sheriff’s deputy shot and wounded the man, the New York Post .More from the Post:Investigators were trying to determine why the man, whose injuries didn’t appear life-threatening, interrupted the service outside Oak Grove Baptist Church in Waxhaw, North Carolina, said Deputy Tony Underwood, a spokesman for the Union County Sheriff’s Office.Underwood said the man lives across the road from the church and, from a driveway about 200...

May 25, 2020
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Matthew McConaughey Has Been Driving Through Rural Texas Delivering Masks To Hospitals | The Daily Wire

Matthew McConaughey Has Been Driving Through Rural Texas Delivering Masks To Hospitals | The Daily Wire

LoginOscar-winning actor Matthew McConaughey has been doing more to help people during the coronavirus than most other celebrities.Instead of insulting or bullying Americans on Twitter or in coordinated videos, McConaughey, 50, has actually been helping people. The actor has been driving through rural parts of Texas in a pickup truck filled with boxes of face masks that he has been delivering to hospitals, The Blaze .McConaughey and his wife Camila Alves posted about their excursion on Facebook and included a photo of the couple in their large Lincoln truck with boxes of personal protective...

May 24, 2020
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Washington State Will Provide $40 Million In Coronavirus Relief For Illegal Immigrants | The Daily Wire

Washington State Will Provide $40 Million In Coronavirus Relief For Illegal Immigrants | The Daily Wire

LoginAfter months of pressure from activists, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee (D) has agreed to set aside $40 million in coronavirus relief for workers in the U.S. illegally.As The Daily Wire previously , Seattle’s city council sought $100 million in relief funds from the state for illegal immigrants who didn’t qualify for the federal government’s coronavirus stimulus. The city passed a resolution in May that called for the creation of a “Washington Worker Relief Fund” that would provide “economic assistance to undocumented Washingtonians during the COVID-19 pandemic.”At that time, the...

August 15, 2020
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Former Obama Adviser Valerie Jarrett Wants To Move On From Origins Of Trump-Russia Investigation: ‘It Was Four Years Ago’ | The Daily Wire

Former Obama Adviser Valerie Jarrett Wants To Move On From Origins Of Trump-Russia Investigation: ‘It Was Four Years Ago’ | The Daily Wire

LoginHillary Clinton famously tried to move past the Obama administration’s mistakes in Benghazi by claiming, “What difference, at this point, does it make?”Now another former Obama official wants to pretend nothing happened just because a few years have passed. Former Obama senior adviser Valerie Jarrett suggested Tuesday we all move on from how the previous administration used the FBI to spy on its opponent, then-candidate Donald Trump, in 2016.Appearing on Fox Business with host Maria Bartiromo, Jarrett tried to absolve the FBI investigators who looked into whether the Trump campaign...

July 28, 2020
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Mayor Of Seoul Found Dead Hours After Missing Persons Search Began | The Daily Wire

Mayor Of Seoul Found Dead Hours After Missing Persons Search Began | The Daily Wire

LoginThe mayor of Seoul was found dead just seven hours after police began searching for him.Mayor Park Won-soon was reported missing last Thursday hours after his daughter said he left their home. She said Park gave her a verbal message that sounded “will-like.”CNN Friday that Park’s body “was found on Bukak mountain in Seoul’s Seongbuk-gu neighborhood, just after midnight on Friday local time,” which was “very close to his official residence in Jongno-gu.”“Police did not reveal how the mayor died, in order to protect his privacy, but they have ruled out foul play,” the outlet reported....

July 11, 2020
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New Documents Show FBI Drove Trump-Russia Collusion Investigation Forward Despite Lack Of Evidence, Distrust In Steele Dossier | The Daily Wire

New Documents Show FBI Drove Trump-Russia Collusion Investigation Forward Despite Lack Of Evidence, Distrust In Steele Dossier | The Daily Wire

LoginThe Senate Judiciary Committee released new documents relating to the FBI’s probe into whether President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign colluded with Russia to steal the election. The new documents reveal that in early 2017, the FBI had “little, if any, evidence” of ties between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin and already had misgivings about the so-called Steele Dossier.Despite this lack of evidence, the FBI, spurred on by anti-Trump agent Peter Strzok, continued to look for something to pin on Trump and further the false narrative that Trump was an agent of Russia. The information...

July 18, 2020
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Companies Boycotting Facebook Over Alleged ‘Hate Speech’ Still Advertise On Russian Social Media That Bans Gay-Rights Groups | The Daily Wire

Companies Boycotting Facebook Over Alleged ‘Hate Speech’ Still Advertise On Russian Social Media That Bans Gay-Rights Groups | The Daily Wire

LoginCompanies that have publicly announced they would stop advertising on Facebook unless the social media platform restricts President Donald Trump continue to advertise on a Russian platform favored by white supremacists.The Washington Free Beacon’s Alana Goodman that some of the very companies publicly boycotting Facebook in “a public pressure campaign led by Joe Biden and other top Democrats” to restrict their opponent Trump’s postings are still advertising on VK, a Russian media website that has become a haven for “white supremacists and neo-Nazis who have been banned from Facebook.”...

July 6, 2020
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Portland Mayor Says DHS Officers Are To Blame For Violence, Not Rioters | The Daily Wire

Portland Mayor Says DHS Officers Are To Blame For Violence, Not Rioters | The Daily Wire

LoginPortland, Oregon, has had a tumultuous year between Antifa riots and the new wave of unrest following the police-involved death of Minneapolis resident George Floyd.As looters and rioters have cost Portland businesses a reported $23 million, Mayor Ted Wheeler said Tuesday that his “biggest immediate concern” was not the criminals destroying the city, but federal officials from the Department of Homeland Security and their alleged “violence” and “life-threatening tactics.”Wheeler said DHS Acting Secretary Chad Wolf reached out to him about the unrest in Portland and asked how the...

July 15, 2020
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Networks Covered Liberal SCOTUS Wins, Ignored GOP Wins | The Daily Wire

Networks Covered Liberal SCOTUS Wins, Ignored GOP Wins | The Daily Wire

LoginMajor broadcast networks devoted time to covering Supreme Court decisions that aligned with liberal values while ignoring wins that favored conservatives.A from the conservative NewsBusters found that the big networks – ABC, CBS, and NBC – spent nearly 25 minutes covering Supreme Court decisions that were considered wins for liberals and absolutely no time covering the decisions that were considered wins for conservatives. In the past two weeks, the Supreme Court issued six major rulings, three of which were considered positive for conservatives and three that were considered positive...

July 1, 2020
