Arya Hodjat
Arya Hodjat
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CPAC Yanks Speaker After Anti-Semitic, Pro-Pizzagate Posts Surface

CPAC Yanks Speaker After Anti-Semitic, Pro-Pizzagate Posts Surface

CHEAT SHEETTOP 10 RIGHT NOWCHEAT SHEETTOP 10 RIGHT NOWA planned featured guest at this week’s Conservative Political Action Conference with a history of making anti-Semitic and conspiratorial comments will no longer be speaking at the event, CPAC announced Monday. The speaker, who goes by Young Pharaoh, once tweeted out that “THERE IS NO #HISTORICAL OR #SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE PROVING THE EXISTENCE OF #JEWS OR #JUDAISM... ITS ALL A COMPLETE #LIE. … COMPLETELY MADE UP FOR #POLITICAL GAIN.” He also attacked fellow conservative commentator Ben Shapiro for his Judaism, according to Media Matters,...

February 22, 2021
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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Tears Into Robinhood CEO at GameStop Hearing

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Tears Into Robinhood CEO at GameStop Hearing

The man known as “,” the YouTube personality who helped spark last month’s , was buttoned down for Thursday’s congressional hearing into the unprecedented market rally.But behind him, 34-year-old Keith Gill had a motivational poster with a cat dangling by one arm and the words: “Hang in there.” A red headband that became a trademark of his YouTube videos also rested in the background.The Massachusetts ex-financial educator, who found himself at the center of the GameStop controversy because of his videos and Reddit posts cheerleading the video-game stock, told lawmakers he always believed...

February 18, 2021
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YouTuber at Center of GameStop Surge ‘Took on Fake Persona of an Amateur’: Lawsuit

YouTuber at Center of GameStop Surge ‘Took on Fake Persona of an Amateur’: Lawsuit

Keith Gill, the Massachusetts financial educator turned turned Reddit folk hero for his early investment in GameStop before —and subsequent drop—in the company’s stock, is being sued in a class-action suit.The , filed in federal court in Massachusetts, alleges that Gill “took on the fake persona of an amateur, everyday fellow, who simply was looking out for the little guy” in order to recruit investors to the short squeeze, thus constituting securities fraud.Gill—who has over 400,000 subscribers on his —was acting in his capacity as a securities broker for Massachusetts Mutual, according to...

February 17, 2021
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Texas Mayor Resigns After Telling Residents to ‘Get Up Off Your Ass’ During Deep Freeze, Power Outages

Texas Mayor Resigns After Telling Residents to ‘Get Up Off Your Ass’ During Deep Freeze, Power Outages

CHEAT SHEETTOP 10 RIGHT NOWCHEAT SHEETTOP 10 RIGHT NOWThe mayor of Colorado City, Texas has resigned after sparking outrage with a Facebook post where he told residents complaining of power outages during an unprecedented cold snap to “get off your ass and take care of your own family.” Tim Boyd, who announced his resignation Tuesday, also wrote that “if you don’t have electricity, you step up and come up with a game plan to keep your family warm and safe.” “No one owes you or your family anything; nor is it the local governments responsibility to support you during trying times like this!...

February 17, 2021
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Prosecutors Open Criminal Probe Into Trump’s Infamous Phone Call to Raffensperger

Prosecutors Open Criminal Probe Into Trump’s Infamous Phone Call to Raffensperger

CHEAT SHEETTOP 10 RIGHT NOWCHEAT SHEETTOP 10 RIGHT NOWProsecutors in Georgia have opened up a criminal investigation into former President Trump’s infamous January phone call in which he asked the state’s top elections official to “find” the voters to reverse his loss in the state. According to The New York Times, Fani Willis, the newly elected district attorney in Fulton County—which includes Atlanta, the state’s capital—have sent letters to state officials requesting that they preserve documents related to the call. Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, who was on the other end of the...

February 10, 2021
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Rep. Greene Admits She Was Deluded—but Blames Everyone Else

Rep. Greene Admits She Was Deluded—but Blames Everyone Else

CHEAT SHEETTOP 10 RIGHT NOWCHEAT SHEETTOP 10 RIGHT NOWRep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) wants you to know she’s sorry, but it’s not her fault she of Speaker Pelosi—it’s social media’s. In a speech on the House floor Thursday, she offered a half-hearted rebuke of her past support of conspiracy theories. “Throughout 2018, because I was upset about things and didn’t trust the government really... I was allowed to believe things that weren’t true,” Greene said. “School shootings are absolutely real... 9/11 absolutely happened.” She went on to describe the media as “just as guilty as QAnon as...

February 4, 2021
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Wisconsin Republicans Repeal Democratic Guv’s Mask Mandate, Guv Issues New One

Wisconsin Republicans Repeal Democratic Guv’s Mask Mandate, Guv Issues New One

CHEAT SHEETTOP 10 RIGHT NOWCHEAT SHEETTOP 10 RIGHT NOWRepublicans in Wisconsin’s legislature voted Thursday to repeal the state’s mask mandate, in what the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel noted was the body’s first bill passed to address the pandemic in 10 months. The resolution passed 52-42, with seven Republicans voting with every Democrat in to oppose the measure. Assembly Majority Leader Jim Steineke, a Republican, explained his vote as being against the “rule by fiat” of Gov. Tony Evers, a Democrat. “I know you want to make it about masks. It’s not. It’s about the rule of law,” Steinke...

February 4, 2021
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Schumer and McConnell Reach Deal, Officially Giving Dems Senate Control

Schumer and McConnell Reach Deal, Officially Giving Dems Senate Control

CHEAT SHEETTOP 10 RIGHT NOWCHEAT SHEETTOP 10 RIGHT NOWSenate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) have reached an agreement on governing the chamber, officially allowing Democrats to take control of committee chairmanship, after weeks of negotiation. As the body is split 50-50, it is up to the Vice President to split the tie on floor voters, giving Democrats the effective majority with Vice President Kamala Harris. However, the agreement was necessary in terms of operating Senate procedure. A similar agreement was passed in 2001, the last time the...

February 3, 2021
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Trump’s New Impeachment Team: Ex-DA Bruce Castor, Alabama Lawyer David Schoen

Trump’s New Impeachment Team: Ex-DA Bruce Castor, Alabama Lawyer David Schoen

Former President Donald Trump has finally found lawyers to represent him during his Senate impeachment trial: an ex-prosecutor who declined to charge Bill Cosby and an Alabama attorney with ties to Jeffrey Epstein.Bruce Castor and David Schoen will be replacing no fewer than five other lawyers who split with Trump over strategy days before his trial for inciting the mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.Trump reportedly wanted the previous lawyers to parrot his false claim that the 2020 election was stolen from him—the very accusation that led his supporters to carry out the deadly...

February 1, 2021
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‘Absolute Bullshit’: Texans Reeling From Storm Face Top-Down COVID Fiasco

‘Absolute Bullshit’: Texans Reeling From Storm Face Top-Down COVID Fiasco

DALLAS—First a , , food, or all of the above in what .Now authorities in Austin seem determined to add a slew of COVID-19 deaths to the tally.Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced Tuesday that he planned to end the state’s mask mandate and push all businesses to fully reopen, ignoring the pleas of local officials—and the state’s slow vaccination rollout.“It is now time to open Texas 100 percent,” Abbott said at a . “Every business that wants to be open should be open.” As the nation’s second-largest state, Texas may become the first domino in a series of reopenings that go against the advice of...

March 2, 2021
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