Arthur Allen
Arthur Allen
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The Case for Donating US Covid Vaccines Overseas

The Case for Donating US Covid Vaccines Overseas

A Senate committee grilled federal officials about the shortage of vaccines to protect Americans against a pandemic virus. Two months later, the U.S. public had lost interest in the virus, and millions of vaccines were sitting in warehouses — although poor countries still needed them.It can beThis happened during the 2009-10 swine flu pandemic. One official on the hot seat was , who was in charge of preparedness and response at the Department of Health and Human Services. Today, she’s a senior adviser at the , which is helping to vaccinate the world against covid. And she’s worried about...

March 19, 2021
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To Extract More Doses per Vial, Vaccinators Put Squeeze on FDA to Relax Vaccine Handling Advice

To Extract More Doses per Vial, Vaccinators Put Squeeze on FDA to Relax Vaccine Handling Advice

March 12, 2021President Joe Biden has promised enough covid vaccine to immunize every willing adult by June 1. But right now, the gap between supply and demand is so dramatic that vaccinators are discovering ways to suck the final drops out of each vaccine vial — if federal regulators will let them.Pharmacists involved in the covid vaccination drive say it’s common to have half a dose left in a Pfizer vial after five or even six doses have been administered — and to have half a dose left after 10 doses have been drawn out of a Moderna vial. Combining two half-doses could increase...

March 12, 2021
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‘Explained by KHN’: Consumer Concerns About the Covid Vaccines

‘Explained by KHN’: Consumer Concerns About the Covid Vaccines

March 12, 2021The twists and turns of the American health system can sometimes leave people lost, confused and looking for answers. We’ve created a new video series — “Explained by KHN” — in which our correspondents and editors answer common health care and health policy questions. As promising news about the development, efficacy and distribution of covid-19 vaccines spread across the United States, questions about the shots were even more viral. In this edition of “Explained by KHN” we will answer common consumer questions about the covid vaccines.Copy HTMLWe encourage organizations...

March 12, 2021
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After Billions of Dollars and Dozens of Wartime Declarations, Why Are Vaccines Still in Short Supply?

After Billions of Dollars and Dozens of Wartime Declarations, Why Are Vaccines Still in Short Supply?

This story also ran on . It can beThe U.S. government has invested billions of dollars in manufacturing, used a wartime act dozens of times to boost supplies and yet there’s still not enough covid vaccine on the way to meet demand — or even the government’s own goals for national immunization.President Joe Biden, in remarks at the National Institutes of Health this month, said the nation is “now on track to have enough supply for 300 million Americans by the end of July.” But at the current rate of production, Pfizer and Moderna will miss their targets of providing at least 100 million...

February 23, 2021
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Por qué ni siquiera la presión presidencial podría acelerar las vacunas contra covid

Por qué ni siquiera la presión presidencial podría acelerar las vacunas contra covid

Noticias en español es una sección de Kaiser Health News que contiene traducciones de artículos de gran interés para la comunidad hispanohablante, y contenido original enfocado en la población hispana que vive en los Estados Unidos.Este contenido puede usarse de manera gratuita ().Miles de estadounidenses están muriendo a causa de covid-19, pero los esfuerzos para aumentar la producción de vacunas que potencialmente salvan vidas están en un callejón sin salida.Moderna y Pfizer-BioNTech, los fabricantes de las dos vacunas disponibles hasta el momento, están operando al máximo, bajo una...

January 26, 2021
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Why Even Presidential Pressure Might Not Get More Vaccine to Market Faster

Why Even Presidential Pressure Might Not Get More Vaccine to Market Faster

This story also ran on . It can beAmericans are dying of covid-19 by the thousands, but efforts to ramp up production of potentially lifesaving vaccines are hitting a brick wall.Vaccine makers Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech are running their factories full tilt and are under enormous pressure to expand production or collaborate with other drug companies to set up additional assembly lines. That pressure is only growing as new viral variants of the virus threaten to launch the country into a deadlier phase of the pandemic.President Joe Biden has said he plans to invoke the Cold War-era...

January 26, 2021
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Eureka! Two Vaccines Work — But What About the Also-Rans in the Pharma Arms Race?

Eureka! Two Vaccines Work — But What About the Also-Rans in the Pharma Arms Race?

This story also ran on . It can beAs I prepared to get my shot in mid-December as part of a covid vaccine trial run by Janssen Pharmaceuticals, I considered the escape routes. Bailing out of the trial was a very real consideration since two other vaccines, made by Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech, had been deemed safe and effective for emergency approval.Leaving the trial would be a perfectly sane decision for me or anyone who had volunteered for an ongoing covid experiment. Why risk getting covid-19 if I was given a placebo, a shot with no vaccine in it? The way tests are designed, I might not...

January 5, 2021
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Pediatricians Want Kids to Be Part of COVID Vaccine Trials

Pediatricians Want Kids to Be Part of COVID Vaccine Trials

This story also ran on . It can beIf clinical trials for COVID-19 vaccines aren’t expanded soon to include children, it’s unlikely that even kids in their teens will be vaccinated in time for the next school year.The hurdle is that COVID vaccine makers are only in the early stages of testing their products on children. The Pfizer vaccine authorized for use by the Food and Drug Administration on Friday was greenlighted only for people ages 16 and up. Moderna just started trials for 12- to 17-year-olds for its vaccine, likely to be authorized later this month.It will take months to approve...

December 15, 2020
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Government-Funded Scientists Laid the Groundwork for Billion-Dollar Vaccines

Government-Funded Scientists Laid the Groundwork for Billion-Dollar Vaccines

This story also ran on .When he started researching a troublesome childhood infection nearly four decades ago, virologist Dr. , then at Vanderbilt University, had no inkling his federally funded work might be key to deliverance from a global pandemic.Yet nearly all the vaccines advancing toward possible FDA approval this fall or winter are based on a design developed by Graham and his colleagues, a concept that emerged from a scientific quest to understand a disastrous 1966 vaccine trial.Basic research conducted by Graham and others at the National Institutes of Health, Defense Department...

November 18, 2020
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Five Important Questions About Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine

Five Important Questions About Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine

November 11, 2020Pfizer’s that its COVID-19 shot appears to keep nine in 10 people from getting the disease sent its stock price rocketing. Many news reports described the vaccine as if it were our deliverance from the pandemic, even though few details were released.There was certainly something to crow about: Pfizer’s vaccine consists of genetic material called mRNA encased in tiny particles that shuttle it into our cells. From there, it stimulates the immune system to make antibodies that protect against the virus. A similar strategy is employed in other leading COVID-19 vaccine...

November 11, 2020
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