Ariane de Vogue
Ariane de Vogue
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Clarence Thomas breaks silence on bench during Supreme Court's first remote argument

Clarence Thomas breaks silence on bench during Supreme Court's first remote argument

Washington (CNN) broke a year-long silence on the bench during the Supreme Court's on Monday, posing under the court's new format.Thomas has long been the silent justice, letting years go by between any query to a lawyer at the Supreme Court lectern while his eight colleagues engaged in rapid-fire questions.But during when the nine justices were not in their usual grand courtroom and no one could see any of them, Thomas asked as many questions as the other justices -- perhaps because the format was the exact opposite of the usual speedy questions and interruptions.Monday's historic session...

May 4, 2020
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Trump signs order targeting undocumented immigrants in the US census | CNN Politics

Trump signs order targeting undocumented immigrants in the US census | CNN Politics

By , , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — President Donald Trump on Tuesday that would exclude undocumented immigrants from being counted in congressional districts when district lines are redrawn next year.The memorandum marks the Trump administration’s latest effort to change the way US populations are counted and advance the President’s immigration agenda. And like previous efforts, the issue will end up in court.“I have accordingly determined that respect for the law and protection of the integrity of the democratic process warrant the exclusion of illegal aliens from the...

July 21, 2020
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Supreme Court agrees to take up major Second Amendment case

Supreme Court agrees to take up major Second Amendment case

Washington (CNN)The announced Monday it will in a case concerning a New York law that restricts an individual from carrying a concealed handgun in public.It has been more than a decade since the justices have ruled on a significant case concerning the right to bear arms, and the court's decision to take the case comes in the wake of several mass shootings in the US and the Biden administration's push for enhanced gun regulations. The court's move also highlights on the newly solidified conservative court. Justice Clarence Thomas and others had been urging the justices to take up the issue,...

April 26, 2021
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Supreme Court tosses out another Republican 2020 election challenge | CNN Politics

Supreme Court tosses out another Republican 2020 election challenge | CNN Politics

By and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — Five months after the presidential election, the Supreme Court said on Monday that it won’t take up a case from several Republicans in the battleground state of Pennsylvania.The unsigned ruling sends yet another message that the court’s majority has no interest in relitigating the last election.Before Monday, the justices had already declined several requests to dive into one of the most litigious elections in history, denying petitions from then-President Donald Trump and other Republicans seeking to overturn election result in multiple...

April 19, 2021
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Justice Clarence Thomas suggests US should regulate Facebook, Google and Twitter | CNN Politics

Justice Clarence Thomas suggests US should regulate Facebook, Google and Twitter | CNN Politics

By , CNN Supreme Court Reporter, CNN Supreme Court ReporterLink Copied!Ad Feedback — Justice Clarence Thomas that Congress should consider whether laws should be updated to better regulate social media platforms that, he said, have come to have “unbridled control” over “unprecedented” amounts of speech.The provocative and controversial opinion comes as Twitter banned former President Donald Trump from its platform for violating its rules on incitement of violence and some conservatives have called on more regulations in the tech world to combat what they view as political bias on...

February 24, 2019
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Supreme Court to hear whether Republican attorney general can defend Kentucky abortion law

Supreme Court to hear whether Republican attorney general can defend Kentucky abortion law

Washington (CNN)Theon Monday to decide next term whether Kentucky's Republican attorney general can defend a controversial abortion-related law that had been struck down by a lower court, keeping the legal fight going.Attorney General Daniel Cameron sought to defend the law after the state's Democratic administration declined to continue doing so. The 6th US Circuit Court of Appeals had barred Cameron from filing the appeal.The Kentucky law restricted an abortion procedure known as dilation and evacuation, which abortion rights advocates say is a routine second trimester abortion method....

June 10, 2019
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Supreme Court says New Mexico woman can sue police over excessive force even though she escaped from officers

Supreme Court says New Mexico woman can sue police over excessive force even though she escaped from officers

Washington (CNN)The on Thursday revived a case of a woman in New Mexico who argued she should be able to bring a claim of excessive force against police officers who shot her, even if she was not immediately apprehended at the scene.In a written by Chief Justice John Roberts, wiped away a lower court opinion that went against the woman, Roxanne Torres, and asked the lower court to take another look at whether her claim can go forward under the Constitution's Fourth Amendment that bars unreasonable search and seizure.Roberts wrote that the "application of physical force with the intent to...

March 25, 2021
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Get ready for a raft of Biden court nominees

Get ready for a raft of Biden court nominees

Stay Updated on Developing StoriesView in AppBy Ariane de Vogue, CNN Supreme Court Reporter(CNN) The Biden administration has pledged a laser-like focus on the judiciary in the coming months, vowing to not only prioritize nominations but also cast a wide net in its search for potential appointees.It is a welcome development for progressives seeking to optimize the thin Democratic majority in the Senate and quickly regain ground lost after former President Donald Trump placed more than 200 appointees in the courts -- -- during his tenure. Democrats are flooding the White House with names,...

March 11, 2021
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Analysis: In one morning, the Supreme Court looked to rid itself of the Trump era

Analysis: In one morning, the Supreme Court looked to rid itself of the Trump era

(CNN)Donald Trump took a drubbing at the Supreme Court on Monday, as the justices in a flurry of orders dealt critical blows to his efforts to from a New York prosecutor and his that there was widespread voter fraud during the last election.It's as if the justices, in one day, sought to wipe their hands of lingering issues that had been heralded by the former President in a cascade of tweets, legal filings and statements during the last months of his administration. The focus on Monday was not Trump administration policies, but instead disputes deeply personal to Trump himself: election...

February 22, 2021
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Ruth Bader Ginsburg resting comfortably in New York City hospital after non-surgical procedure | CNN Politics

Ruth Bader Ginsburg resting comfortably in New York City hospital after non-surgical procedure | CNN Politics

By , and , CNNLink Copied!Ad Feedback — Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is resting comfortably in a New York City hospital after undergoing a medical procedure to replace a bile duct stent, according to the court.“Justice Ginsburg underwent a minimally invasive non-surgical procedure today at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City to revise a bile duct stent that was originally placed at Sloan Kettering in August 2019,” a statement from the court read Wednesday evening.“According to her doctors, stent revisions are common occurrences and the procedure,...

July 17, 2020

