Anna M. Phillips
Anna M. Phillips
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Battle between Trump and California over car pollution heads to court

Battle between Trump and California over car pollution heads to court

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement California and nearly two dozen other states on Wednesday filed suit against the Trump administration, arguing that its decision to for cars and trucks puts the public’s health at risk and is based on flawed science.The lawsuit is the latest step in an escalating battle between the administration and Democratic state attorneys general, who have used the courts to push back against the president’s agenda of diluting environmental regulations in order to bolster the economy.The outcome is likely to be decided by the Supreme Court and...

May 27, 2020
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Nevada to adopt California's stricter car pollution standards, rejecting Trump rollback

Nevada to adopt California's stricter car pollution standards, rejecting Trump rollback

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement Nevada’s governor on Monday announced that his state plans to adopt California’s car pollution rules, joining more than a dozen other states and pushing back against the Trump administration’s decision to weaken fuel efficiency standards.Democratic Gov. Steve Sisolak said Nevada will begin working on new regulations to increase the number of electric and zero-emission vehicles sold in the state, as well as rules to reduce air pollution and planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions from cars. The changes could be years away, according...

June 22, 2020
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Trump plan for coronavirus supplies yields payoff for favored companies

Trump plan for coronavirus supplies yields payoff for favored companies

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement A secretive Trump administration project that enlists private companies to bring masks and other medical equipment to the U.S. to fight the coronavirus outbreak has provided tens of millions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies to the nation’s largest medical-supply companies with little public accounting. Over the last three weeks, taxpayers have paid to fly the companies’ supplies to the U.S. from Asia on government-chartered cargo flights, while the firms have been free to sell the material to hospitals, clinics and others at prices...

April 16, 2020
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Grocery stores seeking masks for 'essential' workers confront shortages, federal interference

Grocery stores seeking masks for 'essential' workers confront shortages, federal interference

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement The day after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in early April advised everyone to cover their faces in public, the co-owner of a small network of grocery stores in Wisconsin logged into Facebook and began a post: “HELP!”She had been waiting on a shipment of face masks to protect her employees, but, like many grocers’ orders, it was delayed. Dedicated patrons sprang into action — within a matter of days they had outfitted all 400 workers with homemade face masks.Six weeks after COVID-19 was declared a pandemic by the...

April 26, 2020
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Trump administration backs off plans to open land near Utah national parks to drilling

Trump administration backs off plans to open land near Utah national parks to drilling

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement The Trump administration has canceled plans to open tens of thousands of acres for oil and gas drilling near three national parks in Utah next month, a victory for environmentalists and residents angered by its proposal.In all, the Bureau of Land Management’s plans had called for more than 114,000 acres of federal land across southern Utah to be auctioned off in September, one of many lease sales across the West planned for the end of this year. But from the outset, the proposal generated fierce debate because most of the land —...

August 12, 2020
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Biden aims to make the U.S. an EV powerhouse. Congress may not be plugged in

Biden aims to make the U.S. an EV powerhouse. Congress may not be plugged in

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement President Biden wants more than $170 billion to turn the nation from a laggard in the electric vehicle market into a leader. He’s challenging Congress to OK billions more in spending to persuade Americans to part with their gas-powered cars and take public transit, and even to electrify a chunk of the nation’s yellow school bus fleets. And he’s demanding the country get serious about removing some of the dirtiest diesel trucks from the road, a move aimed in part at improving air quality inFor the record:Biden’s $2.25-trillion...

March 31, 2021
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In what is hailed as a conservation success story, bald eagle numbers have soared

In what is hailed as a conservation success story, bald eagle numbers have soared

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement The number of bald eagles — a species that once came dangerously close to extinction in the United States — has more than quadrupled over the last dozen years despite massive declines in overall bird populations, government scientists announced Tuesday.A new survey by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service found that since 2009, when the last count was taken, the number of eagles had soared to an estimated 316,700 in the lower 48 states. At the species’ lowest point in the 1960s, there were fewer than 500 nesting pairs in those...

March 24, 2021
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Trump administration rushes sale of California oil leases despite certain legal battle

Trump administration rushes sale of California oil leases despite certain legal battle

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement The Trump administration on Thursday plans to hold the first oil lease sale in California in eight years, part of a last-minute rush to auction off as much federal land as possible before President-elect Joe Biden is sworn in.The Bureau of Land Management said the sale would encompass just over 4,100 acres of federal land and mineral estate in Kern County, where the majority of drilling in the state takes place. The agency estimates that as many as 10 new wells could be drilled on the land for sale.But even if the administration...

December 9, 2020
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