Warning: Telegram is not end-to-end encrypted by default
After tech behemoths like and thousands of other far-right accounts, for their encrypted messaging services. There's one rub, though: Telegram, unlike Signal, doesn't have end-to-end encryption by default. means that only the message sender and receiver can read the message. Even the server that hosts it, such as Signal or iMessage on Apple devices, can't decrypt and read what someone wrote. If those servers were ever hacked, hackers wouldn't be able to read the messages, either. It's safe to say, then, that end-to-end (e2e) encryption is an imperative element to secure messaging. As New...…After tech behemoths like and thousands of other far-right accounts, for their encrypted messaging services. There's one rub, though: Telegram, unlike Signal, doesn't have end-to-end encryption by default. means that only the message sender and receiver can read the message. Even the server that hosts it, such as Signal or iMessage on Apple devices, can't decrypt and read what someone wrote. If those servers were ever hacked, hackers wouldn't be able to read the messages, either. It's safe to say, then, that end-to-end (e2e) encryption is an imperative element to secure messaging. As New...WW…
Pornhub launches first-ever sex education video series
For many young adults, than anything they learn in school. In fact, , so it's not surprising that teens turn to porn to learn about sex.The problem is that mainstream porn isn't proper sex education — it's a fantasy factory with the sole purpose of profit. One site that promotes this fantasy factory, Pornhub, is attempting to bridge the gap between porn and actual sex ed with their . The series launched today via , where the tube site provides articles about sexual health, relationships, and of course sex itself. All of the series's first 11 videos are narrated by licensed sex therapists...…For many young adults, than anything they learn in school. In fact, , so it's not surprising that teens turn to porn to learn about sex.The problem is that mainstream porn isn't proper sex education — it's a fantasy factory with the sole purpose of profit. One site that promotes this fantasy factory, Pornhub, is attempting to bridge the gap between porn and actual sex ed with their . The series launched today via , where the tube site provides articles about sexual health, relationships, and of course sex itself. All of the series's first 11 videos are narrated by licensed sex therapists...WW…
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