Ann E. Marimow
Ann E. Marimow
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Amy Coney Barrett, a disciple of Justice Scalia, is poised to push the Supreme Court further right

Amy Coney Barrett, a disciple of Justice Scalia, is poised to push the Supreme Court further right

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareShortly after the U.S. Supreme Court in 2015 upheld tax subsidies in the health-care program known as Obamacare, Professor Amy Coney Barrett of the University of Notre Dame Law School was asked to discuss the 6-to-3 ruling on a national radio broadcast.The decision written by Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. ensured that millions of Americans would continue to have health insurance. Barrett, however, was not impressed.While acknowledging on the NPR program “On Point” that “it’s clearly a good result that these millions...

September 26, 2020
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South Carolina GOP asks Supreme Court to reinstate mail-in ballot witness requirement

South Carolina GOP asks Supreme Court to reinstate mail-in ballot witness requirement

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareSouth Carolina Republicans asked the Supreme Court on Thursday to reinstate the witness signature requirement for mail ballots ahead of the November election, extending the legal turmoil over the rule even as tens of thousands of ballots have been sent to voters across the state.The request to the high court comes after the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit on Wednesday left in place an order blocking the requirement because of the risks associated with in-person voting during the coronavirus pandemic.The legal...

October 1, 2020
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Roger Stone deserves 7 to 9 years prison for lying to Congress in Russia probe, U.S. says in sentencing recommendation for Trump confidant

Roger Stone deserves 7 to 9 years prison for lying to Congress in Russia probe, U.S. says in sentencing recommendation for Trump confidant

This article was published more than 3 years agoCommentGift ShareFederal prosecutors on Monday said longtime President Trump confidant Roger Stone deserves a sentence of seven to nine years in prison forand tampering with a witness related to his efforts to learn about hacked Democratic emails during the 2016 U.S. presidential election.The sentencing filing came after days of tense debate within the U.S. attorney’s office in Washington about the proper prison term for the sixth Trump associate convicted and last person indicted in former special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s...

February 11, 2020
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Justice Department says Roger Stone should report to prison Tuesday

Justice Department says Roger Stone should report to prison Tuesday

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareThe Justice Department said Thursday that Roger Stone should report to prison next week as ordered by his sentencing judge despite his concerns about the deadly .Stone, a longtime friend and confidant of President Trump, has asked a federal appeals court in the District to extend to Sept. 3 the date on which he must surrender to a federal prison in Jesup, Ga., to begin serving a for lying in a congressional investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C....

July 9, 2020
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Supreme Court stops House Democrats from seeing secret Mueller material for now

Supreme Court stops House Democrats from seeing secret Mueller material for now

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareThe Supreme Court on Wednesday stopped House Democrats for now from seeing secret grand jury material from Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election and whether President Trump obstructed the special counsel’s work.AdvertisementAdvertisementThe House went to court in July before the formal start of its impeachment proceedings involving the president’s alleged effort to pressure Ukraine to investigate former vice president Joe Biden, now the presumptive Democratic nominee to...

May 20, 2020
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Trump administration asks Supreme Court to stop release of Mueller material

Trump administration asks Supreme Court to stop release of Mueller material

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareThe Trump administration on Thursday asked the Supreme Court to temporarily block a ruling that requires the Justice Department to give Congress certain secret grand jury material from Robert S. Mueller III’s special counsel investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election.The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit in March cleared the way for Congress to access certain secret evidence from Mueller’s investigation in one of a set of separation-of-powers lawsuits between House Democrats and...

May 7, 2020
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Justice Breyer warns proponents of packing Supreme Court to ‘think long and hard’ about the risks

Justice Breyer warns proponents of packing Supreme Court to ‘think long and hard’ about the risks

This article was published more than 1 year agoCommentGift ShareJustice Stephen G. Breyer said this week that advocates of expanding the Supreme Court to dilute the power of its conservative majority should “think long and hard” about the risk of making justices appear more political and eroding public confidence in the court.Breyer, one of the court’s three liberals, defended its independence by pointing to a decision to resist President Donald Trump’s attempts to draw the court into lawsuits seeking to overturn Trump’s election defeat.In a on Tuesday, Breyer said that the court’s...

April 7, 2021
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How the Oklahoma City bombing case prepared Merrick Garland to take on domestic terrorism

How the Oklahoma City bombing case prepared Merrick Garland to take on domestic terrorism

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareThe truck bomb leveled a section of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City, killing 168 and injuring hundreds more in one of the deadliest domestic terrorist attacks on U.S. soil. But as Merrick Garland huddled with the lead prosecutor on the case, he urged caution in presenting the massive amount of evidence from the wreckage.“Do not bury the crime in the clutter,” he said.Garland, then a top Justice Department official, was encouraging prosecutors to speed the trial along and jettison...

February 19, 2021
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Trump lawyers hit impeachment trial as politically motivated ‘hatred’

Trump lawyers hit impeachment trial as politically motivated ‘hatred’

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareDonald Trump’s lawyers delivered a relatively brief defense of the former president’s conduct in his second impeachment trial Friday, accusing House Democrats of staging a politically motivated proceeding in a rebuttal that echoed Trump’s misleading claims about the 2020 presidential election.The centerpiece of the Trump attorneys’ case was a video that edited together one Democratic official after another using the word “fight.” While meant to argue that Democrats, too, used potentially violent rhetoric, many of the...

February 13, 2021
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It’s not a typical trial. Lawyers in the Trump impeachment case will argue big constitutional questions.

It’s not a typical trial. Lawyers in the Trump impeachment case will argue big constitutional questions.

This article was published more than 2 years agoCommentGift ShareThe arguments by opposing lawyers in the Senate impeachment trial of former president Donald Trump this week are expected to revolve largely around a pair of constitutional questions: A First Amendment defense of his fiery speech ahead of the violent Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol and a challenge to the legality of putting a former president on trial.Trump is the first president in U.S. history to be impeached twice, and the only one to be tried in the Senate after leaving office. While an impeachment proceeding is distinct...

February 8, 2021
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