Andrew Klavan
Andrew Klavan
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KLAVAN: Trump Is Our Only Hope, And That’s Just Sad | The Daily Wire

KLAVAN: Trump Is Our Only Hope, And That’s Just Sad | The Daily Wire

LoginFrom the moment the 2016 election became a choice between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, I began to remark that it was a tragic situation. It was only recently I realized that no one understood what I was saying.Americans don’t actually have the word tragic in their vocabulary or, that is, they only use it to mean “very sad.” The death of a young person is tragic, or an earthquake, or a crime.That isn’t what I meant. I was using the word in reference to tragic drama. It refers to the disaster inherent in certain interactions between human nature and events. When great civilizations...

June 27, 2020
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KLAVAN: Black Americans Are Being Used As Pawns By The Leftist Elite | The Daily Wire

KLAVAN: Black Americans Are Being Used As Pawns By The Leftist Elite | The Daily Wire

LoginOf course, America is not a racist country. It is the least racist country, the only country even to attempt such a high level of multi-ethnicity with such comity and compassion. And there is approximately zero percent systemic racism here, if by systemic racism you mean barriers to advancement of a particular race built into our systems. That people dislike and distrust one another on tribal grounds is a fact of human life. That hasn’t stopped Jews, Irish, Jamaicans, Nigerians or anyone else from doing well here.Why, then, is it a virtue to pretend? Why should I — an absolutely lovely...

June 6, 2020
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KLAVAN: Dean Baquet’s Invisible Corruption | The Daily Wire

KLAVAN: Dean Baquet’s Invisible Corruption | The Daily Wire

LoginWhen you work in a corrupt system, your own corruption becomes invisible to you. You know yourself to be an essentially good person. Your friends like you. You’re nice to your wife. You have professional accomplishments. And if you take a bribe now and then or lie or otherwise abuse the public trust, well, you’re a cop in 1960s New York, you’re a Soviet bureaucrat, you’re a Chicago Democrat – everyone around you is doing the same thing, and the only people who complain about it are the others, the non-cops, the counter-revolutionaries, the Republicans, the bad guys. You don’t have to...

April 18, 2020
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Journalists Cheer Commencement Speech By Former President Obamagate [Satire] | The Daily Wire

Journalists Cheer Commencement Speech By Former President Obamagate [Satire] | The Daily Wire

LoginThe following is satirical.The Mainstream Media is going into ecstasies about a virtual graduation speech given by Barack Havana, or O’Hara, or Osama — it’s hard to remember his name now that his political legacy has been atomized and blown to the four corners of the earth by the winds of history, leaving only a sad and pathetic half-memory of an overpraised incompetent who was forced to resort to exacerbating racial tensions to distract from his failures and then seems to have misused the intelligence and law enforcement communities to spy on Americans and poison the peaceful transfer...

May 18, 2020
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KLAVAN: There’s Another Chinese Virus Infecting The Minds Of Intellectuals | The Daily Wire

KLAVAN: There’s Another Chinese Virus Infecting The Minds Of Intellectuals | The Daily Wire

LoginThe most deadly form of the Chinese Flu may not be physical, but intellectual.An article published on the Atlantic website this week displayed a kind of oppressive and tyrannical Chinese-style thinking that seems to be spreading through our intellectual classes like the Wuhan Virus itself.The piece – co-authored by Harvard Law School professor Jack Goldsmith and University of Arizona Law College professor Andrew Keane Woods – was so repellent to any Western sense of morality, ethics, or indeed law, that I wondered if some philosophical mutation of the Kung Flu hadn’t erased the mystic...

May 2, 2020
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NYT Study: ‘Every Time A Rioter Vandalizes A Statue, An Underprivileged Child Gets An Education’ [Satire] | The Daily Wire

NYT Study: ‘Every Time A Rioter Vandalizes A Statue, An Underprivileged Child Gets An Education’ [Satire] | The Daily Wire

LoginThe following is satirical.Leftist rioters continue to make the world a better place.A new completely made-up study from the New York Times, a former newspaper, reveals that every time the mostly peaceful violent mobs tear down a statue, another underprivileged child gets an education.According to the study, the sheer moral purity of the mostly peaceful violence is transferred into the kinetic action of destroying monuments so that, when the monuments crash to the ground, a series of vibrations travels across town into the minds of minority children, imparting math and reading skills....

August 17, 2020
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Biden Says Women Are Treated Unfairly Despite Smelling So Great [Satire] | The Daily Wire

Biden Says Women Are Treated Unfairly Despite Smelling So Great [Satire] | The Daily Wire

LoginThe following is satirical.If the polls are correct, Joe Biden stands a good chance of soon becoming the former president of the United States.To solidify his hopes of announcing his resignation from the highest office in the land, Biden has unveiled “The Biden Agenda for Women.”In a statement written in drool and released to a particularly large cockroach in the corner of his basement, Biden said, “It’s a disgrace that this country treats women unfairly when they make the place look so attractive and just smell incredibly great.”“When you come up behind them and stick your nose deep...

July 28, 2020
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KLAVAN: Gaslight Nation | The Daily Wire

KLAVAN: Gaslight Nation | The Daily Wire

LoginFearing that Donald Trump may lose in November and the presidency may go to whoever Joe Biden chooses as a running mate, I’ve been brushing up on my left-wing reasoning so I can get through the next four years without being thrown off Twitter. Let me see if I have this right.Speech is violence. Silence is violence. Violence is mostly peaceful.Ninety percent of black Americans who are murdered are murdered by murderers who are also black, so we need to defund the police because white people.It is absolutely fatal to attend a Trump rally, but perfectly safe to go to a riot.It is...

August 1, 2020
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Protesters Liberate Seattle From Civilization [Satire] | The Daily Wire

Protesters Liberate Seattle From Civilization [Satire] | The Daily Wire

LoginThe following is satirical.Hundreds of far-left protesters stormed Seattle City Hall yesterday and demanded that the mayor step down because she is refusing to defund the police who are preventing them from destroying western civilization.Protester Dirtbag Moron — not his real name — told reporters, “Sure, we can rampage violently through the halls of government, but as long as there are still police around, we can’t rape and kill with impunity. How is society supposed to have justice when there are still people with the privilege of not being terrorized?”The protesters immediately...

June 12, 2020
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Confused Democrats Call Justice A Miscarriage Of Justice [Satire] | The Daily Wire

Confused Democrats Call Justice A Miscarriage Of Justice [Satire] | The Daily Wire

LoginThe following is satirical. The left and journalists, which is to say the left, which is to say journalists, are outraged at the miscarriage of justice that has brought justice to Michael Flynn. Flynn, you’ll remember, is the retired Lieutenant General who confessed to lying to the FBI after agents held him off the edge of a building and said, “Confess to lying to the FBI.”New documents reveal that former President Barack Obama and former FBI Director James Comey conceived of this daring plan in hopes Flynn could be accused of violating the Logan Act, a law passed in 1799. Only...

May 11, 2020
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