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Pennsylvania asks court to allow ballots to be received three days after Election Day due to Postal Service delays; Update: 46 states

Pennsylvania asks court to allow ballots to be received three days after Election Day due to Postal Service delays; Update: 46 states

To be clear, the request here isn’t to let Pennsylvania voters mail ballots after polls close. They need to be postmarked before then. The request is to have the court extend the deadline for when ballots need to be received in order to be counted, which by law is 8 p.m. on Election Day. Right now, the Postal Service recommends that ballots be mailed a full week before Election Day, i.e. October 27, in order to ensure that they’re received on time. But Pennsylvania law allows voters to *apply* for a ballot up until October 27. That means many voters won’t even have ballots in hand until...

August 14, 2020
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"Be a patriot": It's time for a national mask mandate, says Biden

"Be a patriot": It's time for a national mask mandate, says Biden

I’m shocked. Shocked, that is, because he’s said this before but appears to have adjusted his position in the interim from a less constitutional to a more constitutional view.Since when do Democrats, or any politician, really, care about constitutional niceties?Back in June, he was asked if he’d use his executive authority to somehow require mask-wearing. , he replied:“I would go back to making sure that everybody had masks, that you had PPE lined up, making sure we stockpile all the things that we need and we don’t have now. The one thing we do know, these masks make a gigantic difference....

August 13, 2020
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Harris: Trump inherited a long economic expansion and drove it into the ground

Harris: Trump inherited a long economic expansion and drove it into the ground

A leftover from yesterday’s official campaign debut. I realize she and Biden need to make some sort of economic attack on Trump, as that’s his strongest credential for reelection, but do they really have nothing better on the shelf than this embarrassing talking point? Harris was so proud of it that she repeated it , where it was predictably greeted with all manner of “yasss kweeen” replies by liberal zombies.Sen. Kamala Harris on Trump and the economy: “Like everything else he inherited, he ran it straight into the ground.”— The Recount (@therecount)Trump didn’t drive the economy into the...

August 13, 2020
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Ben Sasse: Trump's stimulus executive orders are "unconstitutional slop"

Ben Sasse: Trump's stimulus executive orders are "unconstitutional slop"

Posted at 2:01 pm on August 9, 2020Share on FacebookShare on TwitterIf Sasse wanted to send a message about “pen and phone” governance, he had a fine opportunity to do so last year when the president declared a national emergency at the border and ordered Pentagon funding redirected towards construction of the wall. The House passed a resolution to undo that emergency declaration. It got 59 votes in the Senate. Sasse wasn’t one of them. He whiffed.The cynical read on that at the time, i.e. , was that he was worried about a primary challenge in Nebraska. He didn’t support Trump in 2016 and...

August 9, 2020
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Companies start to think remote work isn’t so great after all

Companies start to think remote work isn’t so great after all

Now, as the work-from-home experiment stretches on, some cracks are starting to emerge. Projects take longer. Training is tougher. Hiring and integrating new employees, more complicated. Some employers say their workers appear less connected and bosses fear that younger professionals aren’t developing at the same rate as they would in offices, sitting next to colleagues and absorbing how they do their jobs.Months into a pandemic that rapidly reshaped how companies operate, an increasing number of executives now say that remote work, while necessary for safety much of this year, is not their...

July 27, 2020
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Baltimore and Philly DAs: If Trump tries to pull a Portland in our cities, we'll arrest his federal agents

Baltimore and Philly DAs: If Trump tries to pull a Portland in our cities, we'll arrest his federal agents

In case you thought 2020 wasn’t insane enough, imagine Philly P.D. trying to take armed DHS agents kitted out like U.S. soldiers into custody as hordes of protesters and Antifa jeer both of them.That’s really all we need to round off our new dystopian reality. An occasional gun battle or two between the feds and state cops.Whether Philly DA Larry Krasner and Baltimore DA Marilyn Mosby really do have the power to charge federal agents acting in the course of their official duties is above my pay grade legally. Krasner pointed to corruption cases as precedent for doing so in an interview with...

July 24, 2020
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Report: Kasich expected to speak at Democratic convention

Report: Kasich expected to speak at Democratic convention

In the four months since Joe Biden effectively won the Democratic presidential nomination, he has focused on consolidating the party’s divergent and often warring factions. As the closing stretch of the campaign nears, that effort will expand to include Republicans disaffected with President Donald Trump.Former Ohio Gov. John Kasich, a Republican and frequent Trump critic, has been approached and is expected to speak at the Democratic National Convention on Biden’s behalf next month, according to a person with direct knowledge of the plans who insisted on anonymity to discuss strategy....

July 20, 2020
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Conservatives rally around Goya amid calls for boycott over CEO's pro-Trump remarks

Conservatives rally around Goya amid calls for boycott over CEO's pro-Trump remarks

While criticizing the boycott, “The View” co-host Meghan McCain warned that it might result in job loss during the difficult economic problems begot by the coronavirus pandemic.“It seems weird & callous to boycott a company who supplies food to the masses and employs 4,000 people during a pandemic,” she said in a post retweeted by conservative author Ben Shapiro. “No matter what your politics, who wants more people out of work? Almost every CEO, boss, & person I interact with and consume products from disagrees with me.”Conservative commentator Charlie Kirk also ripped the boycott,...

July 13, 2020
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Trump isn't secretly winking at QAnon. He's retweeting its followers.

Trump isn't secretly winking at QAnon. He's retweeting its followers.

All this has occurred with barely any pushback from Trump or Republican leaders — or even much acknowledgment that the phenomenon exists. And the engagement has continued even as the FBI has labeled the amorphous online community a potential source of domestic terrorism after several people radicalized by QAnon have been charged with crimes, ranging from attempted kidnapping to murder, inspired by the conspiracy theory.To Trump’s critics, the reason is simple enough: QAnon followers are some of Trump’s biggest boosters. They show up at rallies. They promote the president’s narrative online,...

July 13, 2020
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Obama: Trump is trying to "actively kneecap" the Postal Service to discourage voting

Obama: Trump is trying to "actively kneecap" the Postal Service to discourage voting

Like I said , it’s not so much that he’s trying to break the agency’s knees as that its knees are already broken and he refuses to hand it a crutch.But yes, his motives for that are electoral.I’m curious to see the next round of polling. The story has exploded since Trump linked his opposition to universal mail-in voting to his opposition to more money for the USPS in the next round of stimulus relief. Every prominent Democrat in America is now focused on it, every major media outlet in the country to the left of Fox News is digging in on it. Maybe it won’t matter, as opinions of Trump are...

August 15, 2020
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