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Can China be sued in the U.S. and forced to pay for coronavirus losses? Legal experts say no

Can China be sued in the U.S. and forced to pay for coronavirus losses? Legal experts say no

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement Though President Trump and other conservatives blame China for the enormous damage inflicted here by the coronavirus, legal experts say the recent efforts to sue Beijing in U.S. courts for the trillions of dollars in losses are almost certain to fail.That’s because of the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act of 1976, which stands as a strong barrier to suing a foreign state, including a “political subdivision” or “instrumentality” of a foreign government. The law warns judges that a “foreign state shall be immune from the jurisdiction of...

May 15, 2020
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‘Put on a mask and shut up’: China’s new 'Wolf Warriors' spread hoaxes and attack a world of critics

‘Put on a mask and shut up’: China’s new 'Wolf Warriors' spread hoaxes and attack a world of critics

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement The newscast blares from a television set in a Beijing apartment, carrying through an open window and echoing across the compound. The refrain is the same every evening: praise for China’s handling of the coronavirus, dire scenes from foreign hospitals and condemnations of the United States.The tone is often withering. Last week, U.S. Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo was declared “the public enemy of humanity.” A few nights later, the anchor feigned sympathy for Americans, who she said were left to die while their government...

May 4, 2020
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China's new 'rule of law' in Hong Kong sets stage for new protests

China's new 'rule of law' in Hong Kong sets stage for new protests

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement The novel coronavirus ground the world to a halt, and restive Hong Kong was no exception. Protests dwindled, social distancing took hold, and the city’s tear-gassed streets and incendiary politics seemed to fade from the world’s attention.In mainland China, all energy turned to the city of Wuhan, where the outbreak began. Tens of thousands of doctors and nurses rushed to stem a flood of infections. They were followed by legions of propaganda workers dispatched to silence questions about why the virus spread was so bad, and to replace...

April 29, 2020
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Woman who flew from U.S. to China for coronavirus test faces criminal charges

Woman who flew from U.S. to China for coronavirus test faces criminal charges

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement A woman who flew last week from Massachusetts to Los Angeles — then to Beijing, where she for the new coronavirus — is under investigation on allegations of concealing her symptoms and putting fellow travelers at risk of infection.The woman took fever-reducing medication before boarding a plane and lied to flight attendants, according to Beijing’s disease control center and an Air China representative, who held a news conference on Monday. The woman, who was hospitalized and is receiving treatment, is under for the crime of “impeding...

March 19, 2020
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Doctors and nurses fighting coronavirus in China die of both infection and fatigue

Doctors and nurses fighting coronavirus in China die of both infection and fatigue

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement Sudden pain pierced through the anonymity of hazmat suits and protective masks as a woman in full medical gear chased a black funeral van, letting out a faceless howl.Her husband, Liu Zhiming, director of Wuhan’s Wuchang Hospital and a respected neurosurgeon who’d led the institution’s coronavirus response, was inside the vehicle. A of the anguished moment went viral, showing Liu’s wife, Cai Liping, a nurse who had been on the front lines with him, staggering forward, arms outstretched, watching as his corpse was driven away to be...

March 2, 2020
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'No blacks': Evicted, harassed and targeted in China for their race amid coronavirus

'No blacks': Evicted, harassed and targeted in China for their race amid coronavirus

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | Advertisement Elo started cooking as soon as he heard about the boys on the street. The Nigerian trader opened an informal restaurant in Foshan, a manufacturing city half an hour’s train ride from Guangzhou, where dozens of Africans became homeless last week. Evictions from homes and apartments started when Guangzhou authorities announced that five Nigerians had for COVID-19. Within days, a campaign was launched to test and track all Africans in the port city.The sudden and sweeping move was consistent with China’s response to the coronavirus. But...

April 16, 2020
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Threats of arrest, job loss and surveillance. China targets its ‘model minority’

Threats of arrest, job loss and surveillance. China targets its ‘model minority’

Copyright © 2022, Los Angeles Times | | | | The herder couldn’t speak for long. His phone was being monitored, he said, as were those of many other Mongols around him.“We have no way out. There’s nothing we can do,” said Gangbater, a herder in Xilingol League, a central part of China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, where mass protests broke out three weeks ago when the government implemented a new “” program to replace the Mongolian language with Chinese in half of Mongolian school classes.Demonstrations against the program appear to have been largely suppressed. More than 90% of...

September 23, 2020
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