Alexi McCammond
Alexi McCammond
Alexi is a political reporter at Axios. She covers the 2020 presidential election, focusing on the cultural concerns and trends that will help decide the next president.Source
Washington, DC
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Amy Acton, the "Dr. Fauci of Ohio," considered for Senate seat

Amy Acton, the "Dr. Fauci of Ohio," considered for Senate seat

Amy Acton. Photo: Public DomainSome Democrats are looking to a political outsider described as the "Dr. Fauci of Ohio" to replace Rob Portman in the U.S. Senate. Why it matters: Amy Acton, former director of the Ohio Department of Health, gained a grassroots following last year when she briefed Ohioans about the state of the coronavirus. Her celebrity could help in a Republican state, and against potential GOP rivals such as Rep. Jim Jordan.Driving the news: Portman, a Republican, Monday he will not run for a third term in 2022, citing "partisan gridlock."Background: Historically, open...

January 27, 2021
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Trump plans to address Joe Biden as “the big guy” in effort to dramatize Hunter Biden emails

Trump plans to address Joe Biden as “the big guy” in effort to dramatize Hunter Biden emails

Trump and Biden at the first debate. Morry Gash-Pool/Getty ImageWatch for President Trump to address Joe Biden as “the big guy” or “the chairman” at tonight's debate as a way of dramatizing the Hunter Biden emails. Hunter's former business partner Tony Bobulinski is expected to be a .The big picture: Trump's advisers universally view the first debate as a catastrophe — evidenced by a sharp plunge in Trump’s public and (more convincingly for them) private polling immediately following the debate.Former VP Joe Biden's team wants to keep up the pressure on Trump's handling of the coronavirus...

October 22, 2020
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Progressives embrace 'Settle for Biden' rallying cry, wait to fight him once elected

Progressives embrace 'Settle for Biden' rallying cry, wait to fight him once elected

Illustration: Sarah Grillo/AxiosProgressive Democrats want to beat President Trump so badly that they're tabling their apathy about Joe Biden — organizing hard to get him into office, only to fight him once elected.Why it matters: That's a big difference from 2016, when progressives’ displeasure with Hillary Clinton depressed turnout and helped deliver the White House to Trump.Progressives will be pushing Biden to move in their direction on a range of issues, including Medicare for All, adding justices to the Supreme Court, abolishing the Senate filibuster, cutting defense spending,...

September 28, 2020
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Trump's Supreme Court plans create major opportunity for Kamala Harris to go on offense

Trump's Supreme Court plans create major opportunity for Kamala Harris to go on offense

Sen. Kamala Harris during a campaign stop in Philadelphia. Photo: Michael Perez/APPresident Trump's Supreme Court plans have created a major opportunity for Sen. Kamala Harris to go on offense.Why it matters: A confirmation fight puts Harris back in the spotlight thanks to her role on the Senate Judiciary Committee.The big picture: In many ways, some Harris allies say she's more comfortable in the Senate Judiciary seat, grilling Trump nominees like Kavanaugh, Barr and former AG Jeff Sessions.Between the lines: Harris has been for reversing herself on big policies central to her career,...

September 21, 2020
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Biden: "I trust vaccines, I trust scientists, but I don’t trust Donald Trump"

Biden: "I trust vaccines, I trust scientists, but I don’t trust Donald Trump"

In remarks in Delaware on Wednesday, Joe Biden made clear that he trusts the scientists on a coronavirus vaccine but not President Trump, laying out a list of three criteria he wants the administration to meet to ensure the process is not politicized. Why it matters: Republicans have been criticizing Biden and other Democrats as being anti-vaccine in the wake of recent comments about whether they’d take a vaccine approved by the Trump administration on an expedited timetable. Earlier this month, the president called on his Democratic opponents to “immediately apologize for the reckless...

September 16, 2020
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Julian Castro warns of "potential slide of Latino support for Democrats"

Julian Castro warns of "potential slide of Latino support for Democrats"

Former 2020 presidential candidate Julián Castro told "Axios on HBO" that Democrats could win the presidency in November but lose support with Latino voters, which could "benefit the Republicans in the years to come."Driving the news: The Democratic National Convention, happening this week, has been by some for too few . Castro, the only Latino presidential candidate this cycle, was not asked to be one of the featured, solo speakers.Why it matters: in the 2020 election for the first time in history. Now, some — like Castro — are sounding the alarm on how the Democratic Party isn't investing...

August 18, 2020
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13 of Biden's former rivals to appear together at Democratic convention

13 of Biden's former rivals to appear together at Democratic convention

Democratic presidential candidates at the primary debate in Charleston, SC. Photo: Win McNamee/Getty ImagesIn a show of unity at the Democratic National Convention, 13 of Joe Biden's former 2020 challengers will appear via video to talk about the party's vision for the country and how they'll work with Biden to get it done.Why it matters: Coalescing around Biden and his eventual running mate will help Democrats head into the general election against President Trump with a united front — unlike what they did in 2016. Details: The 13 former presidential candidates include Sens. Amy Klobuchar,...

August 11, 2020
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AOC to speak at Dem convention

AOC to speak at Dem convention

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez during an April a press conference in Queens, New York City. Photo: Scott Heins/Getty Images)Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will speak at the Democratic convention next week ahead of Sen. Bernie Sanders' appearance on the Tuesday night, CNN first reported and Axios has confirmedWhy it matters: Her involvement is a strategic decision to energize young progressives without tying former Vice President Joe Biden too closely or directly with her agenda. The big picture: President Trump's re-election campaign is trying to brand Democrats as a party of leftist...

August 11, 2020
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Clinton and Warren speaking the same night at Dem convention

Clinton and Warren speaking the same night at Dem convention

(Photos: Abdulhamid Hosbas/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images, Sean Rayford/Getty Images)Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Hillary Clinton both are slated to speak on the Wednesday of the Democratic convention — Aug. 19 — four sources familiar with the planning told Axios.Why it matters: That's the same night Joe Biden's running mate (to be revealed next week) will address the nation. Clinton and Warren represent two of the most influential wise-women of Democratic politics with the potential to turn out millions of establishment and progressive voters in November.Don't forget: Warren made in...

August 8, 2020
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Puerto Rico governor: "Congress is morally obligated to respond" to island's statehood vote

Puerto Rico governor: "Congress is morally obligated to respond" to island's statehood vote

Puerto Rico Gov. Pedro Pierluisi told "Axios on HBO" that "Congress is morally obligated to respond" to the island's recent vote in support of statehood, and said he expects a bill to be introduced in the House by mid-March.Why it matters: Although statehood has been discussed for years, advocates say it is more likely now because Democrats control the House, Senate and White House — and because President Biden has publicly supported it.What he's saying: While the was a narrow one (52% support to 47% against), the governor told "Axios on HBO" it's the best way for Puerto Ricans to receive...

February 14, 2021
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