Alexandra Garrett
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Rashida Tlaib calls out GOP for taking "credit" after passage of stimulus plan

Rashida Tlaib calls out GOP for taking "credit" after passage of stimulus plan

ShareDemocratic Representative Rashida Tlaib of Michigan took aim at Republican lawmakers for taking "credit" for President 's $1.9 trillion stimulus plan on Sunday."You know how in a group project there is always a handful of students who didn't contribute, but they still take credit at the end," Tlaib tweeted. "That's the GOP after the passage of the American Rescue Plan."Attached to the Michigan Representative's tweet was a story from The Hill, which stated that the Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) have started the process of sending out the $1,400 direct...

March 14, 2021
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Ron DeSantis Says Florida penalized by Biden's stimulus package: "It stinks to high heaven"

Ron DeSantis Says Florida penalized by Biden's stimulus package: "It stinks to high heaven"

ShareFlorida Governor said his state is being penalized in President 's $1.9 trillion coronavirus stimulus plan, during a Saturday appearance on ' Justice with Judge Jeanine."What this bill does is it says if you locked down, if you destroyed your state, if you destroyed your economy, and you failed to stop COVID as well, you're going to get a windfall," DeSantis told host Jeanine Pirro."Some of these lockdown states are getting an extra billion, $2 billion, $3 billion," DeSantis added. "So, it's effectively a transfer of money from states like Florida and Georgia to states like New York,...

March 14, 2021
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Ted Cruz's approval rating sees double-digit decline following Cancun fiasco: Poll

Ted Cruz's approval rating sees double-digit decline following Cancun fiasco: Poll

ShareTexas Senator 's approval rating saw a significant decline following his Cancun trip fiasco in February, according to a Monday Morning Consult poll released Monday.The poll, conducted February 19-28, found that of Cruz's job performance, while 48 percent disapprove.Cruz's net approval rating saw a double-digit drop from plus 6 to minus 5, according to Morning Consult.The poll surveyed over 2,000 Texas voters and has a 2 point margin of error.The senator's approval rating decline came after his decision to leave Texas for Cancun, Mexico, while millions of Texans were without power and...

March 1, 2021
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Ahead of Trump CPAC speech GOP Senator Rick Scott says Biden won election fair and square

Ahead of Trump CPAC speech GOP Senator Rick Scott says Biden won election fair and square

ShareRepublican Senator Rick Scott of Florida said President won the 2020 election fair and square ahead of former President 's appearance at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Sunday.During an appearance on Fox News Sunday, host Chris Wallace asked Scott, "Did Joe Biden win this election fair and square?" Scott replied, "Absolutely.""Absolutely Joe Biden is the president," Scott said. "We went through the constitutional process. Joe Biden won the election."Scott, who is the chair of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, then implied that unsubstantiated...

February 28, 2021
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Ted Cruz's approval rating among Republicans drops more than 20 percent after Cancun fiasco

Ted Cruz's approval rating among Republicans drops more than 20 percent after Cancun fiasco

ShareTexas Senator 's approval rating took a major hit following last week's Cancun trip fiasco, according to a Yahoo/YouGov poll. The poll, released Wednesday, found that 24 percent of voters approve of the Republican senator's job performance, while 49 percent disapprove.The poll was conducted from February 20 to 22 following the severe winter weather conditions that left many Texas residents without power or water. The poll, which surveyed over 1,500 adults across the U.S., has a 2.9 point margin of error.Among , Cruz's approval rating sits at 53 percent, a 23-point decrease from his...

February 24, 2021
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Dr. Fauci says U.S. has done "worse than most" as COVID deaths approach half a million

Dr. Fauci says U.S. has done "worse than most" as COVID deaths approach half a million

ShareDr. , the nation's leading infectious diseases expert, said the U.S. has done "worse than most" other countries on Monday as the nation approaches half a million COVID-19 deaths."I believe that if you look back historically, we've done worse than most any other country," Fauci said during a Monday appearance on News' Good Morning America. "And we're a highly developed, rich country."The U.S. has reported since the beginning of the pandemic almost a year ago in March.According to data from John Hopkins University more than 498,900 people have died of COVID-19 as of Monday morning....

February 22, 2021
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Lara Trump on Donald Trump's upcoming CPAC appearance: "He is the head of the Republican Party"

Lara Trump on Donald Trump's upcoming CPAC appearance: "He is the head of the Republican Party"

ShareLara Trump, the daughter-in-law and former senior advisor to , called the former president the "head of the Republican Party" while discussing his upcoming appearance at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).During a Saturday night appearance on 's Justice with Judge Jeanine, Lara Trump said: "Look, he is the head of the Republican Party," referring to the former president. "He is really the person that everyone will continue to turn to in order to help them get across the line.""Whether we're talking about 2022 or beyond, I think this man has changed politics and he has...

February 21, 2021
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Lindsey Graham warns Mitch McConnell's "dereliction of duty" attack on Trump will hurt GOP

Lindsey Graham warns Mitch McConnell's "dereliction of duty" attack on Trump will hurt GOP

ShareRepublican Senator of South Carolina warned that Minority Leader 's of former President following the impeachment trial acquittal will hurt the GOP."I think Senator McConnell's speech, he got a load off his chest, obviously, but unfortunately he put a load on the backs of ," Graham said during an appearance on Fox News Sunday. "That speech you will see in 2022 campaigns."Graham said that Republican candidates running in states that could be key in GOP efforts to win back the Senate will be asked about McConnell's speech."I would imagine if you're a Republican running in Georgia,...

February 14, 2021
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56% of Americans say Trump should be convicted, never hold office again ahead of Senate impeachment trial: poll

56% of Americans say Trump should be convicted, never hold office again ahead of Senate impeachment trial: poll

ShareOver half of Americans believe that former President should be convicted in his upcoming impeachment trial and never hold federal office again, according to a Sunday News/Ipsos .Of the 508 Americans surveyed from February 5 to February 6, about 56 percent agreed Trump should be convicted, while 43 percent responded he should not be. The poll's results have a margin of error of 4.8 points.Public support for Trump's conviction by the Senate is in early 2020. According to an ABC News/Washington Post poll published in January of that year, 47 percent of those surveyed said the Senate...

February 7, 2021
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Vladimir Putin approved operations to damage Biden's campaign, help Trump, report says

Vladimir Putin approved operations to damage Biden's campaign, help Trump, report says

ShareRussian President approved operations that harmed President 's candidacy, while aiding then-incumbent during the 2020 presidential election, according to a Tuesday report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.According to the report, Putin authorized "influence operations aimed at denigrating President Biden's candidacy and the , supporting former President Trump, undermining public confidence in the electoral process, and exacerbating socio-political divisions in the U.S."The 15-page report into election interference found that although Putin authorized these...

March 16, 2021
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