Alexandra Alper
Alexandra Alper
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Exclusive: Winning bidder for Grindr has ties to Chinese owner

Exclusive: Winning bidder for Grindr has ties to Chinese owner

By , , Kunlun said on Friday that the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) had cleared the sale of Grindr to San Vicente Acquisition LLC for more than $600 million, but did not give details about the investor group.A Reuters review of confidential fundraising documents and interviews with two sources familiar with the deal show that a close business associate of Kunlun’s founder tried to raise money for a fund to buy Grindr. Two of the partners in that fund eventually became part of San Vicente.Kunlun also offered financing support to San Vicente that it didn’t...

June 2, 2020
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Trump gives U.S. agencies power to fast-track big infrastructure projects

Trump gives U.S. agencies power to fast-track big infrastructure projects

By , WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday signed an executive order that gives federal agencies emergency powers to fast-track major energy and other infrastructure projects by overriding environmental permitting requirements.The White House said the order was a way to help the economy rebound from the impact of the coronavirus pandemic and improve infrastructure.It calls for public works and highway projects as well as energy projects like pipelines and terminals to be expedited. It instructs the Interior, Agriculture and Defense Departments to accelerate projects...

June 5, 2020
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Trump preps bans on WeChat, TikTok, stoking tension with Beijing

Trump preps bans on WeChat, TikTok, stoking tension with Beijing

By , WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has unveiled sweeping bans on U.S. transactions with the Chinese owners of messaging app WeChat and video-sharing app TikTok, escalating a high-stakes confrontation with Beijing over the future of the global tech industry.China said on Friday the companies comply with U.S. laws and regulations and warned that the United States would have to “bear the consequences” of its action.“The U.S. is using national security as an excuse and using state power to oppress non-American businesses. That’s just a hegemonic practice,” foreign ministry...

August 7, 2020
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Trump signs orders to lower prescription drug prices

Trump signs orders to lower prescription drug prices

By , , WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday signed four executive orders aimed at lowering the prices Americans pay for prescription drugs, as he faces an uphill re-election battle and criticism over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic.Trump has previously proposed most of the changes made by the executive orders he signed on Friday, but this is the first time they have made it into signed executive orders.One order would allow for the legal importation of cheaper prescription drugs from countries like Canada, while another would require discounts from drug...

July 24, 2020
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China says it will hit back against new U.S. sanctions over Uighur rights

China says it will hit back against new U.S. sanctions over Uighur rights

By , , WASHINGTON (Reuters) - China said on Friday it would take “reciprocal measures” against the United States after Washington imposed sanctions on senior Chinese officials over alleged human rights abuses against the Uighur Muslim minority.Beijing described the new U.S. sanctions as “deeply detrimental” to mutual relations, already strained by differences over China’s handling of the novel coronavirus outbreak and its tightening grip on Hong Kong.Washington imposed sanctions on the autonomous region of Xinjiang’s Communist Party Secretary Chen Quanguo, a member of China’s powerful...

July 10, 2020
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China says it will hit back against new U.S. sanctions over Uighur rights

China says it will hit back against new U.S. sanctions over Uighur rights

By , , WASHINGTON (Reuters) - China said on Friday it would take “reciprocal measures” against the United States after Washington imposed sanctions on senior Chinese officials over alleged human rights abuses against the Uighur Muslim minority.Beijing described the new U.S. sanctions as “deeply detrimental” to mutual relations, already strained by differences over China’s handling of the novel coronavirus outbreak and its tightening grip on Hong Kong.Washington imposed sanctions on the autonomous region of Xinjiang’s Communist Party Secretary Chen Quanguo, a member of China’s powerful...

July 10, 2020
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U.S. moves to cut Huawei off from global chip suppliers as China eyes retaliation

U.S. moves to cut Huawei off from global chip suppliers as China eyes retaliation

By , , WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration on Friday moved to block global chip supplies to blacklisted telecoms equipment giant Huawei Technologies, spurring fears of Chinese retaliation and hammering shares of U.S. producers of chipmaking equipment.A new rule, unveiled by the Commerce Department and first reported by Reuters, expands U.S. authority to require licenses for sales to Huawei of semiconductors made abroad with U.S. technology, vastly expanding its reach to halt exports to the world’s No. 2 smartphone maker.“This action puts America first, American companies first,...

May 15, 2020
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U.S. mulls paying companies, tax breaks to pull supply chains from China

U.S. mulls paying companies, tax breaks to pull supply chains from China

By , , WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers and officials are crafting proposals to push American companies to move operations or key suppliers out of China that include tax breaks, new rules, and carefully structured subsidies.Interviews with a dozen current and former government officials, industry executives and members of Congress show widespread discussions underway - including the idea of a “reshoring fund” originally stocked with $25 billion - to encourage U.S. companies to drastically revamp their relationship with China.President Donald Trump has long pledged to bring...

May 18, 2020
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Harvard says to keep stimulus grant after Trump vows it will be returned

Harvard says to keep stimulus grant after Trump vows it will be returned

By , WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Harvard University said it plans to keep an $8.6 million grant it received as part of a stimulus package to blunt the economic impact of the coronavirus lockdown, contradicting U.S. President Donald Trump who pledged the university would return it.Speaking at a press briefing on Tuesday, Trump pointed to the institution’s ample endowment - worth nearly $41 billion - as the reason why it should hand over the money.“Harvard is going to pay back the money and they shouldn’t be taking it,” Trump said, adding that Harvard has one of the largest endowments “in the...

April 22, 2020
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Trump administration proposes rolling back protections for big tech

Trump administration proposes rolling back protections for big tech

By , WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department proposed on Wednesday that Congress take up legislation to curb protections big tech platforms like Alphabet’s Google and Facebook have had for decades, a senior official said, following through on President Donald Trump’s bid to crack down on tech giants.Slideshow The goal of the proposal, which is being finalized, is to push tech companies to address criminal content on their platforms such as child exploitation, terrorism or cyber stalking, and boost transparency for users when the outlets take down lawful material, the Justice...

June 18, 2020

